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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、My book _ here in two days through the EMS.Aare sent Bis sent Cwill be sent Dwill send2、The Gruf

2、falo is a(n) book. It has sold over 18 million copies up to now.ApopularBnormalCdifferent3、I didnt see you at the party yesterday. Why? Because I _ for an important person at that time.Awas waiting Bis waiting Cwill wait4、 Do you know who invented _ telephone?_ American scientist called Alexander Gr

3、aham Bell.Aa; AnBthe; AnCthe; A5、Sandy is used to looking for a while at in the mirror before going out.Ashe Bher Chers Dherself6、 Hello, Sally! Can I see Mr. Brown? _. Ill tell him you are here.AWhat a pityBJust a minuteCCongratulationsDNever mind7、_ dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!AWha

4、t BWhat a CHow DHow a8、Mike visited his teacher with his classmates_.Alast SundayBon SundayCevery SundayDnext Sunday9、My brother always goes to the library Saturday morning.Aon Bin Cat Dto10、When the plane hit the World Trade Center, _ people _ in it.Athousands of; workedBthousand of; were workingCt

5、housands of; were workingDthousand of; worked. 完形填空11、 Do you feel like you worry too much about every little thing? Are you 1 that you dont live a happy life? The 2 people take things one day at a time. They teach themselves 3 to stop worrying. They also teach themselves to keep calm and 4 in the f

6、ace of lifes little ups and downs. How can you stop worrying? You should make a(an) 5 today. If you always 6 problems that happened in the past, you will feel down. You should decide to forgive and 7 anybody who has hurt you in any way. Think about the 8 and where you are going. Life is too short an

7、d you need to love yourself. How do you really live one day at a time? Forget the things in the past that you cannot 9 . Dont worry about what might 10 in the future. 99%of the things that you worry about will never happen.1AluckyBworriedCgladDproud2ArichestBpoorestChappiestDworst3AhowBwhoCwhereDwhe

8、n4AbusyBamazedCrelaxedDbored5AwayBideaCplanDdecision6Arun afterBthink ofClook afterDlook up7AforgetBthankCvisitDteach8AmonthBdayCfutureDworld9AgiveBchangeCfindDsee10AhaveBturnCbecomeDhappen. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式。Money can make you happy only if you spend it in a clever way .To start

9、 with ,1(buy) a new car makes you happy.However,youll “lose”this happy feeling when the car2(get)old.But if you are made to spend a week traveling,its more possible that youll have the great experiences and the good feeling for a long time .A new study has3(find)that spending money on experiences ra

10、ther than material things makes people happier. For material things ,its possible that you dont leave 4any little thing .If you buy a nice pen ,and someone else buys one with less money ,its possible that you may be unhappy that you spend so much money .It lets you down a lot.Oppositely, when it com

11、es to experiences like5(go)on a trip ,you wont think like that .If the trip can be nice ,youll happily pay for it even though 6(it) price may be very high. And the more ofen you go on trips,the7(happy)youll be.Material things can be compared more easily.If you buy an Ipad and then see a more suitabl

12、e one. you may regret buying the first one.And 8 will drive you mad as well ,9,if you just have a dinner at a good restaurant and then learn about a better one ,youll not regret the first meal.Its normal that material things can cause jealousy(嫉妒).For example ,you buy a new toy and find that your fr

13、iend has a better one ,it may make you feel 10(comfortable).Instead, if you just travel to a beautiful place ,no matter where your friends have gone,it wont make the memory of your trip less pleasant. 阅读理解A13、Mona Island is an amazing place to take a vacation. Some of the animals living there cant b

14、e found anywhere else in the world. There are beautiful beaches and caves to explore. The sea around the island has colorful fishes. Why is Mona Island unusual? Mona Island is very small. The government of Puerto Rico takes care of the island and has made it a natural reserve. That means the islands

15、 animals and plants are protected from being harmed by people. Mona Island is different from most places because people are not allowed to live there. Only a few park rangers(公园管理员)are able to stay. The park rangers job is to keep Mona Island safe and beautiful. They insist that rules are followed. One rule is that only 100 pe



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