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1、最新 【初中英语】 中考英语完形填空练习题 人教版一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Run for Class President Two months ago, when our class election (选举) started, I decided to run for class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I

2、 was 1 that people would feel bad for me if I lost. I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasnt to make promises to do things I couldnt 2 but to show my class why I wanted to be president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech,

3、 saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. Since I was 3 prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong. However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, the response (反应) wasnt what I had 4 . Few people actually listened. When it was my opponents (对手的) turn,

4、everyone was screaming his name. His speech was short, but all to the point. By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer. It was obvious who would 5 . For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through. My 6 was right: I didn

5、t win. The next day, people were still talking about the election. I just pretended (假装) not to hear. But later, things got better. People 7 about the election and talked to me just as they did before. I dont regret putting time and energy into the election because Ive learned that things arent alwa

6、ys going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build 8 since then Ive learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.1. A. boredB. afraidC. excitedD. hopeful2. A. compareB. rememberC. manageD. repeat3. A. fullyB. quicklyC. freshlyD. physically4. A. fearedB. facedC. mentionedD. pictur

7、ed5. A. insistB. returnC. waitD. win6. A. suggestionB. predictionC. directionD. introduction7. A. forgotB. wroteC. caredD. discussed8. A. trustB. prideC. characterD. support【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)D;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C; 【解析】【分析】大意:作者竞选班长职位,但是结果不是自己期望的那样子,通过这次竞选,使作者学会了面对令人失望的事情,变得更加强大成熟。 (1)句意:但是我害怕如果

8、我落选,人们会对我感觉不好。A.无聊的,感到厌倦的;B.害怕的;C.激动的;兴奋的;D.充满希望的。根据 I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win.but,可知,虽然作者自己很自信,和同学们相处的很好,喜欢在众人面前讲话,但是也害怕落下后没面子,大家对自己感觉不好,此处用afraid,害怕, 故选B。 (2)句意:我的计划不是承诺做我不能完成事而是向同学们展示我想成为班长的原因。A.比较;B.记住;C.完成(困难的事),勉励完成;D.重复。根据 but to sho

9、w my class why I wanted to be president.可知作者回避做自己难完成的事,用manage,完成, 故选C。 (3)句意:因为我充分准备,所以我觉得我赢的机会很大。A.完全地,全部地,充分地;B.迅速地;C.刚刚,新近;D.身体上,肉体上,根本上。根据 I felt that my chances of winning were strong.因为他觉得自己赢的机会很大,所以他应该是进行了充分准备,用fully,充分地,故选A。 (4)句意:然而,当我选举那天进行演讲的时候,反应不是我设想的那个样子。A.害怕;B.面对;C.提及到;D.想象,设想,描述。根据

10、However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, 可知没演讲前作者觉得自己赢的机会很大,但是自己的真实演讲却没有自己演讲前设想的那么好,用pictured,设想,故选D。 (5)句意:很显然,谁将会获胜。A.坚持;B.归还;C.等待;D.赢。根据 When it was my opponents (对手的) turn, everyone was screaming his name.可知对手进行演讲时,大家对高喊他的名字,因此谁将成为班长是很明显的事,用win,赢, 故选D。 (6)句意:我的预言是对的:我没有赢。A.建议;B.预测;预言;C.指导

11、,命令;D.介绍。根据 But I was 1that people would feel bad for me if I lost. 作者猜到自己可能会落下,因此用prediction,预言,故选B。 (7)句意:人们忘记选举这件事,他们像选举前一样和我说话。A.忘记;B.写;C.关心;D.讨论。根据常识可知,学生们选谁当班长其实不是很关心,不久就会忘记它,一切都会恢复到没选举前一样,因此用forgot,忘记,故选A。 (8)句意:像这样失败的时刻塑造人物。A.相信;B.自豪;C.角色,人物;D.支持。根据 since then Ive learned to face disappointm

12、ent and grown stronger. 可知这样一次演讲比赛,让作者敢于面对令人扫兴的事,变得成熟,因此用character,人物,故选C。 【点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。2阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。 John suddenly jumped off the swing without even slowing down. He called out nervously, Mom, wheres Char

13、lie? He had just 1 he hadnt seen his new puppy for over an hour. John looked around the garden, behind the bushes, and under the picnic table. No dog! His mother heard 2 in his voice as he called her a second time. Mom, I cant find Charlie! She came outside 3 . Lets look around the garden first. Don

14、t worry. Im sure hes close by. Both son and mother were 4 now, but still no Charlie. Their calls were not completely wasted, though. Joe, the next-door neighbor, and his two daughters Tania and Julie, immediately agreed to help them 5 the lost dog. But even with five people now searching the towns s

15、treets, they had no luck. Charlie was still 6 . Tania suggested they make posters with Charlies 7 . She had done this when her own cat was lost a year earlier, she told John, and the cat was found the next day. John agreed. When they got home, he made a poster with a photo of Charlie. Then John heard a 8 and opened his bedroom door. It was Charlie. John was greeted



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