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1、高2010高考班英语模拟考试题(三)姓名: 学号: (满分120分)第一节 单项选择题( 每小题1分,满分 15 分) 从4个答案中选择出最佳答案,填在题前的括号里。( ) 21, I will never forget the years ( ) I spent in the football team .A, B, when C, in which D, in that( ) 22, Shanghai is the city where I ( ) when I was a child.A, used to live B, am living C, was used to live D,

2、use to living( )23, To my disappointment, the computer I had( ) was out of order again.A, it repaired B, repaired it C, had repaired D, had it repaired( ) 24, I wonder if he ( )us, but if he ( ), we will be able to finish the job in time.A, will help, does B, help, will C, helps, does D, will help,

3、help( ) 25, The teacher as well as 5 students of his( ) seen ( ) on the bus.A, are, to get B, is, to get C, are, get D, is, get( ) 26, The child was ( ) frightened that he couldnt help ( )A, so, to cry B, such, crying C, so , crying D, such, to cry( ) 27, ( ) the man is, he is not happy.A, Rich B, T

4、hough C, As D, Rich as ( )28, It was ( ) who wanted to do it.A, he and I B, I and he C, him and me D, me and him( ) 29, Do you prefer( ) rather than join the journey?Yes, I prefer( ) to leaving for the journey.A, stay, to stay B, to stay, stay C, to stay, staying D, staying , stay( ) 30, She is so a

5、ngry at all ( ) he was doing ( )she walked out and closed the door.A, that, that B, what, that C, what, as D, that, which( )31,Some of the ( ) students in our class want to be ( ) doctors in the future.A, girl, woman B, girl, women C, girls, woman D, girls, women( ) 32, ( ) of them is in good health

6、, but ( ) of them work very hard.A, Both, either B, None, both C, Either, either D, Neither, both( ) 33, He drives ( ) than we had expected.A, more careful B, much more careful C, much carefully D, much more carefully( ) 34, They ( ) for a picnic if it ( ) tomorrow.A, will go out, wont rain B, will

7、go out, will rainC, will go out, doesnt rain D, go out, wont rain( ) 35, ( ) cleans the classroom can go home first.A, Anyone B, Those who C, Someone D, The one who第二节 完型填空(每小题1分,共20分)Mary is a mother of two boys, aged 3 and 6. Her husbands job forces him out of (36) for about 3 weeks out of 4, and

8、(37) she takes responsibilities for the housework as well as having a (38) job. She gets up at 6:30, gets the children up and dresses them, and (39) breakfast. While they eat, she picks their lunch, finds their coats, and (40) the kitchen. At 7:45 they are on their way to the kindergarten, where she

9、 drops the 3-year-old boy. By 8:00, the (41)boy has joined the other children waiting for the (42) to open, and at 8:30 Mary is in her desk in the downtown (43).At 11:00, a day-care worker (44) to say that Denny is ill. He wonders if(45) can pick him up. She arranges to take her(46) an hour early. T

10、hen she takes Denny home and finds a neighbor who can stay with him (47) she gets home from work. She is (48) by 5, has the children in bed by 8, p.m, does an hours washing and mending and then has two (49) to herself before Denny wakes up, sick to his stomach. She (50) up with him twice during the(

11、51) before the alarm goes off at (52) and she starts another(53). Mary is a typical one of the (54) who feel caught (55) between their traditional responsibilities as wives and mothers and the responsibilities of their own economic and emotional independence.( )36, A, home B, town C, work D, family(

12、 )37, A, yet B, since C, so D, family( )38, A, real B, busy C, day-time D, full time( )39, A, feels B, makes C, eats D, offers( )40, A, tidies B, leaves C, washes D, cleans( )41, A, older B, little C, younger D, next( )42, A, day B, school C, class D, position( )43 A, work B, area C, department D, o

13、ffice( )44 A, waits B, calls C, wants D, agrees( )45, A, someone B, doctors C, Mary D, he( )46, A, lunch B, home C, office D, work( )47 A, after B, when C, until D, as( )48,A away B, working C, returning D, home( )49, A, boys B, hours C, jobs D, roles( )50, A, wakes B, puts C, helps D, gets ( )51, A

14、, day B, time C, sheep D, night( )52, A, 6:30 B, 7:45 C, 8:00 D, 8:30( )53, A, responsibilities B, job C, day D, action ( )54 A, mothers B, women C, wives D, workers( )55, A, greatly B, latest C, newly D, lately第三部分 阅读理解(每小题2分,20题, 共40分) (一) Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. Of course the paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees, and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruit are plants, too, and we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper?Scientists say: “ All food comes in some way from plants


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