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1、班级: 姓名:1他年轻吗? 不,他不年轻。_ he young? No, he _. 2她什么样? 她很和蔼。 Whats she _? Shes _. 3星期四你有什么课?我有数学、英语和音乐课。 _ do you have _ _? I have _, _ and music.4你经常在这个公园里看书吗? 不, 我不经常在这里看书._ you often _ books in this park? No, I _.。5你想吃什么?请给我一个三明治。 What _ you _ to eat? A _, please. 6你想喝什么?我想喝点水。What _ you like _ drink?

2、 _ like some water .7你最喜欢吃什么食物?面条,面条很好吃。 Whats your _food? Noodles. _ delicious.8孩子们,你们能为联欢会做什么? 我会唱英文歌。 What _ you do _ the party, _? I can _ English _. 9约翰,你会武术吗?是的, 我会武术。 Can you _ _ kung fu, John? _, I can.10 (这里)有张大床。 _ is _ big bed. 11这里有这么多幅画。There _ so _ _ here. 12怀特小姐,森林里有河吗? 不,森林里没有河。 _ _

3、a river in the _, Miss White? No, _ _. 13自然公园里有高楼吗? 不,自然公园里没有高楼。_ there _ tall buildings in the _ park? No, there _.14、你们上午的课到几点结束?我们一点钟结束上午的课。_ do you _ class in the morning? We _ class _ 1 oclock. 班级: 姓名:15你周末做什么? 我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。What _ you _ _ the weekend? I _ watch TV and _ ping-pong _ my fa

4、ther.16迈克, 你最喜欢哪个季节?冬天。 Which _ do you like _, Mike? _. 17为什么?因为我喜欢暑假!_? _ I like summer _! 18聚会什么时候举行?在4月。_ _ the party? Its _ _. 19今年的(秋)游在什么时候?在10月。我们将去长城。 When is the _ _ year? Its _ October. _ go to the _ _. 20愚人节是哪天?它在4月1日。 When is _ _ _? Its _ April _.21你的生日是哪天? 我的生日是4月4日。 When _ your _? My _

5、 is _ April 4th. 22那幅黄颜色的画是我的。_ yellow picture is _. 23这些都有是我们的画吗? Are _ all _? 24这是谁的?是张鹏的。_ is it? Its _. 25它在喝水吗?不是。它在吃东西。 _ he _ water? No, he _. Hes _. 26它们在于什么?它们在吃午饭! What _ they _? _ _ lunch! 27那只小猴子在干什么?它在和妈妈玩耍! _ the little monkey _? Its _with _ mother!28嘘,小声讲话。 Shh. Talk _. 29保持桌面整洁。_ you

6、r desk _. 30.博物馆的商店在哪儿?在大门附近_ is the _ shop? Its _ the door. 。31.我们怎么到那儿? _ can we _ _? 班级: 姓名:32、到书店左转。 _ left _ the _. 33.你怎么来学校的?通常我走路来。 _ do you _ _ school? _, I _ _ foot. 34.在美国骑自行车的人必须戴_ the USA people _ bikes _ wear _.35.别闯红灯! _go _ the red light! 36.我必须注意交通信号灯!I _ _ _ to the traffic _! 37.你明

7、天打算做什么?我要上美术课。 What _ you _ _ do tomorrow? Im _ _ have _ art lesson.38.我们要到人民公园去画画。 Were going _ _ some pictures in _ _. 39.你们打算去哪儿?我们打算去电影院。 _ _ you _? Were _ to _ cinema. 40、你们什么时候去? _ are you _? 41.彼得有什么爱好?他喜欢读故事。 What _ Peters _? He _ _ stories.42.他住在悉尼吗?不,他没有。 _ he live _ _? No, he _. 43.他喜欢猜字谜

8、和远足吗?是的, 他喜欢。 _ he like _ word _ and _ hiking? Yes, he _. 44、他是做什么的?他是商人。 What _ he_? Hes a _. 45、他在哪儿工作?他在海上工作。 Where _ he _? He _ _ sea. 46、他怎么上班?他骑自行车上班。 _ does he go to _? He _to work _ bike.47、它们害怕它Theyre _ _ _. 。班级: 姓名:48、这只猫很生它们的气。The cat is _ _ _.49、怎么了? Whats _?50、你爸爸病了。 Your father is _. 5

9、1、他今天早上应该去看病。He _ _ a doctor _ morning. 52、别伤心。 _ _ sad.53.那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。 Thats _ _ dinosaur in this hall.54它比我俩加起来还高。Its _ than _ _ us together. 55.你多高?我身高1.65米。 How _ are you? Im 1.65_.56.你穿多大号的鞋?我穿36码的鞋。_ _ _your shoes? My shoes _ _ 36. 57.你的脚比我的大。Your _ _ bigger than _. 58.你多重?我48千克。 How _ are you

10、? Im 48 _. 59. How _ your weekend? _ _ good, thank you. 60. What did you _? I _ at home with your grandma. We _ tea in the afternoon and _ TV.61. _ you do anything else? Yes, I cleaned my room and _ my clothes. 62. I want _ buy the new film magazine. 63. What did you _ _ weekend?64.Did you _a film?

11、No, I _ a cold. I _ at home all weekend and _.65. 怎么了?What _?66.你还好吧?我现在没事了。 Are you _ _? Im _ now. 67. 你去哪了?Where _ you _? 班级: 姓名:68. 它看起来像头骡子。It _ _ a mule. 69. _ you go to Turpan? _, we did.70._ did you go there? We _ there by plane. 71. 听起来不错!_ great! 72. 我以前的学校没有图书馆。There _ _ library in my _ school. 73. 请给我讲讲你的学校吧。Tell _ _your school, please. 74. 你怎么知道的?_ do you _ that? 75.我那时没有电脑也没有网络。There _ no computers _ _ in my time. 76. Before, I _ quiet. Now, _ very active _ class. 77.



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