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1、表示方法、比较、比例的科技英语241. The change in pressure can be recorded by means of a pen arm on a rotating drum.气压变化可以借助在转动的钟筒上移动的笔记录下来。242. Heat may be measured in terms of any unit that can be used to measure energy, such as the joule or the kilowatt-hour.热可以采用任何可以测定能量的单位,例如焦耳或千瓦小时。243. Only in terms of the s

2、cheme have these results been obtained.正是采用了这些方法才取得这些成果。244. In some countries air temperature is given in degrees of Fahrenheit.在某些国家气温以华氏温标给出。245. Relative humidity is expressed as percentage.相对湿度采用百分数表示。246. Tides can be resolved mathematically into several components and each treated separately.

3、潮可以用数学方法分解成几个分量,而每一分量均可单独处理。247. Attempt is made to solve the problem (in) another way.尝试用另一种方法来解决这道题。248. The features are only marginally significant at 95% level on a statistical basis.这些特征在95%水平时刚好在统计上是显著的。249. Water enters air via evaporation.水通过蒸发进入空气。250. Topographically, we may consider the

4、coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf.从地形角度讲我们可以把沿岸平原看成是大陆架在陆上的类似构造。251. On the technical side, telegraph lines are hard to maintain.从技术角度来说电报线路难以维修。252. In a sense the atmosphere bears resemblance to an ocean.在某种意义上说大气和海洋相似。253. Thereby higher latitude are prevented from

5、 becoming increasingly colder and low latitudes from becoming increasingly hotter.通过这种途径,使高纬地区不能变得越来越冷,而低纬地区不能变得越来越热。254. Not only must the absolute value of the parameter in question be considered, but also the method of test whereby this value is to be established.不但必须考虑所讨论的参数的绝对值,而且还要考虑检验方法,通过它以确

6、定此值是否成立。255. In the subsequent experiments precision instruments were employed whereby good results were acquired.在后来的几次实验中使用了精密的仪器,通过使用它们而取得了良好的结果。256. So far, there is no evidence that the experiment could be conducted any otherwise than is described here.到目前为止,尚无证据可说明除这里给出的方法外还有别的任何方法可以完成这一实验。257

7、. A single satellite can view a large part of the earths surface at least once daily, and hence observations can be made of areas that are otherwise inaccessible.一颗卫星可至少每天一次扫视地球很大的一部分,因此可对其它方法无法观测到的地区进行观测。258. Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist areas.在气候潮湿地区,水汽按体积占(空气体积)左右。259. The

8、 hard rain lasted roughly half an hour without break.那场暴雨持续约半小时而未有间歇。260. The data are employed in combination with cloud maps.这些资料与云图结合一起使用。261. In a high, the usually gentle winds circulate clockwise around the center of the Northern Hemisphere.在北半球高压中,常见的和风围绕中心顺时针地吹。262. Such waves occur most fre

9、quently at stormy latitudes, where the storms tend to come in groups traveling in the same direction, with only short periods separating them.这样的波浪在风暴生成的纬度带出现极为频繁。在那里风暴常常是成群出现的,它们沿着同一方向运动,彼此间相隔时间很短暂。263. The tube is placed open end in a cistern partially filled with mercury.管子以开口一端插入部分装有水银的槽内。264. T

10、he results of the six cases will be presented in chronological order.上述六种场合的结果将按时间顺序给出。265. Data are collected on a continuous and long-term basis.资料是持续地长期收集的。266. These facilities can have weather maps analyzed in place of a forecaster.这些设备可代替预报员把天气图分析出来。267. These new facilities will take the plac

11、e of the old ones.这些新设备将代替那些旧的。268. The scheme was designed after the manner of Smith (1976).此方案是仿照Smith()的思路设计的。269. Materials are classified as magnetic or nonmagnetic on the basis of whether or not a force on the substance owing to the presence of a magnetic field.根据由于磁场存在时是否有一个力对物体发生作用而把材料划分为磁性材

12、料和非磁性材料。270. Next, we shall introduce the parameter B, following Kuo (1974), such that R and M may be expressed by the relations.其次按照Kuo(1974)的方法我们引入参数b,以便和能用以下关系来表示。271By international agreement pressure is now expressed in hPas.根据国际协议,气压现在用百帕为单位表示。272. In other words, the frequencies of those wave

13、s should be constant in time and space a priori.换句话说,那些波的频率根据推断在时空上是常定的。273. Materials are partitioned into magnetic and nonmagnetic substance accordingly as they are likely to be affected by a force present in a magnetic field.274. The vertical velocity changes as a function of time and height abov

14、e ground for the deep warm cloud.在深厚暖云中,垂直速度随时间和高度而变化。275. The measurements were collected the way you did.这些观测资料是按你曾进行的方式收集的。276. We shall follow the procedure for experiments as the book instructs.我们将像此书所示,遵照规定步骤进行实验。277. But if the disturbance affects a large area, as a great earthquake can, the

15、resulting seismic sea waves nay behave as if they had been generated along a line rather than at a point.但是,如果扰动影响的地区很大,像强烈地震所能做到的,那末所产生的地震海浪运动好像沿直线产生而不是在一点产生。278. If the disturbance, such as an explosion, affects only a small area, the waves will move away from that point, much as the waves move aw

16、ay from our pebble.如果某种扰动(如爆炸)只影响一个小的地区,则波浪离开该点(扰动源)非常像水波离开石子入水处。279. Just as linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so the angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity.正如线性动量是质量和速度乘积一样,物体角动量也定义为其惯性矩和角速度的乘积。280. Just as water will run downhill, so heat, if left



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