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1、淘金高阶英语四级100条长难句.txt-两个人同时犯了错,站出来承担的那一方叫宽容,另一方欠下的债,早晚都要还。-不爱就不爱,别他妈的说我们合不来。www.TopwayE www.TopwayE第一章定语从句第一节常见考点突破一、定语从句的概念定语从句就是修饰主句里的名词或代词的从句袁本质上相当于野形容词冶遥二、定语从句的类型定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句遥大多数定语从句都对所修饰的名词或代词加以限制袁去掉该从句后先行词将意义不全或失去意义遥而非限制性定语从句的作用在于补充袁翻译时常常另起一个句子袁与主句构成并列句遥例如院That蒺s the same man that aske

2、d for help the day before yesterday.Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not bealtogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.三、定语从句与同位语从句的区别1. 同位语从句的形式与定语从句相似袁它们之前都有先行词袁但与先行词的关系有所不同院同位语从句与先行词同位或等同袁定语从句与先行词则是修饰关系遥2. 在定语从句中袁关系词要代替先行词在从句中作适当的句子成分曰而同位语从句的引导词则只起引导作用袁没有代替前面名词在

3、从句中作句子成分的作用遥试比较以下两个句子院The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.渊同位语从句冤The fact that you are talking about is important. 渊定语从句冤第二节阅读真题难句荟萃1. Most designers with existing labels are finding there aren蒺t comparable fabricsthat can just replace what you蒺re doing and what your customers

4、 are used to.(09.6 Passage 1)分析主干院Most designers are finding.finding 后是省略连接词that 的宾语从句遥该从句是there be 句型袁其主语comparable fabrics 后有一个that 引导的限制性定语从句直到句末遥该定语从句的谓语动词replace 带了两个由and 连接的并列的宾语从句袁都用what 引导遥译文大多数现有品牌设计师都发现袁找不到满意的有机布料来取代现在使用的尧顾客已经习惯了的布料遥2. Todd Park, a local detective, said the method has help

5、ed him learn moreabout an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.(09.6 Passage 2)分析主干院Todd Park, a local detective, said.淤said 之后的内容是个省略引导词that的宾语从句遥于whose skeleton.是个定语从句袁修饰an. woman遥译文当地的一名侦探Todd Park 说袁这个方法帮他了解到有关一位身份不明的女性死者的更多信息袁其尸骨是在大盐湖附近被发现的遥3. Two months ago Gullotta

6、 saw a 50鄄year鄄old man who had delayed doinganything about his smoker蒺s cough for a year. (08.12 Passage 1)分析主干院Gullotta saw a man.淤who 引导的定语从句修饰a. man遥于本句是肯定陈述句袁却用了doinganything 而不是doing something袁语义上有所强调遥译文两个月以前格洛塔为一位50 岁的男士看病袁这名男士吸烟咳嗽已有一年袁但期间他没有采取任何措施袁以致于延误了治疗遥4. The digital bread crumbs (碎屑) you

7、 leave everywhere make it easy for strangers toreconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. (08.6 Passage 2)分析主干院The crumbs make it easy to reconstruct.you leave everywhere 是定语从句袁省略了关系代词that袁修饰crumbs曰make iteasy for. to do.结构中袁it 是形式宾语袁真正的宾语是不定式to reconstruct.是宾语补语袁for 引导出不定式的逻辑主语strang

8、ers遥句末由who, where 和what 引导的三个名词性从句都是reconstruct 的宾语遥译文你处处留下的野数字面包碎屑冶很容易让陌生人推想出你是谁袁你在哪里袁你对什么感兴趣遥5. Privacy econom ist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that revealpeople will surrender personal information like Social Security numbers just toget their hands on a pitiful 50鄄cents鄄off coupo

9、n (优惠券). (08.6 Passage 2)分析主干院Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests.Privacy economist 和Alessandro Acquisti 是同位语遥tests 后的that 从句作tests 的定语袁该从句的谓语动词reveal 带有一个宾语从句people will surrender.遥译文隐私经济学家Alessandro Acquisti 进行了一系列的测试袁这些测试表明人们会透露像社保卡号这样的个人信息袁就只是为了能拿到微不足道的便宜50 美分的优惠券遥6. There was a time i

10、n my life when people asked constantly for stories aboutwhat it蒺s like to work in a field dominated by men. (07.6 Passage 1)分析主干院There was a time.本句是个存在句袁主语a time 由when 引导的定语从句修饰遥野about + what冶引导的宾语从句构成介词短语袁作stories 的后置定语遥在该宾语从句中袁it 是形式主语袁后面的不定式短语to work.是真正的主语遥dominated.作a field 的后置定语遥译文我生活中有那么一段时间

11、人们老是问我袁供职于一个男性占主导地位的领域感觉如何遥7. The practice that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to editas you write is what Elbow calls 野free writing.冶(07.6 Passage 2)分析主干院The practice. is what.定语从句that can.修饰主语the practice袁从句中的介词的短语past your. habits作宾语you 的补语袁as you write 引导的时间状语从句修饰trying to e

12、dit遥what 引导的表语从句中用了野call+宾语+补语冶的结构袁what 是宾语袁free writing 是补语遥译文这种可以帮助你克服在写作的同时就试图编辑的坏习惯的做法便是Elbow 所称作的野自由式写作冶遥8. As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shiftingfrom curing disease to preventing disease要especially in terms of changing ourmany unhealthy behaviors, such as p

13、oor eating habits, smoking, and failure toexercise. (06.12 Passage 2)分析主干院the focus has been shifting淤句首As 引导非限制性定语从句袁As 指代主句所说的内容袁在从句中作seen 的宾语遥于主句中破折号后的内容是短语介词in terms of 引导的介词短语作状语袁表示1 2www.TopwayE www.TopwayE野从噎方面来说冶袁changing 与前面的shifting 构成语义再现遥译文正如我们所看到的一样袁我们社会医疗的重心正在从治疗疾病转到预防疾病上来要要特别是要改变我们许多不

14、健康的行为袁比如说不良的饮食习惯尧抽烟尧忽视锻炼遥9. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat verynutritious (有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, whogoes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a fewbeers at home most nights but does not drive while drun

15、k, and who has nochest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired.(06.12 Passage 2)分析主干院Imagine a person.主干部分很简短袁关键是a person 后面有5 个who 引导的定语从句袁使句式变得复杂了遥这5 个who 引导的从句都有相似的结构院含两个由but 连接的谓语袁前后的描述形成鲜明的对比遥这样的排比句式袁加强了语气袁给读者留下深刻印象遥译文想象这么一个人院他体重适中袁但是并没有吃到非常有营养的食物曰他自我感觉还行袁但只是偶尔锻炼一下曰他每天都去上班袁但却不是一个优秀员工曰他大多数晚上在家里喝一点啤酒袁但却并不醉酒驾车曰他没有胸痛的感觉袁血液指数也正常袁但却嗜睡袁并且经常感到疲倦遥10. The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someonewho is merely 野not ill冶and someone who is in excellent health and paysatt



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