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1、专八新闻闻听力词词汇总结结第333讲 breaak tthe deaadloock 打破僵局局A coomprromiise mayy brreakk thhe ddeaddlocck bbetwweenn thhe uunioon aand mannageemennt. 妥协也许许能打破破劳资双双方所处处的僵局局。a sccienntiffic breeaktthrooughh 科学突破破The ASRR iss a monnumeentaal sscieentiificc brreakkthrrouggh tthatt coouldd baanissh fforeeverr thhe tt

2、hreeat of somme fformms oof bblinndneess. 人造硅视视网膜是是一项里里程碑式式的科学学突破,有有可能永永远消除除一些失失明病的的威胁。an uunexxpecctedd ouutcoome 出乎意料料的结果果signn/raatiffy aan aaccoord/deaal/ttreaaty/pacct/aagreeemeent 签署协议议dipllomaaticcallly iisollateed ccounntryy 在外交上上被孤立立的国家家|可可论坛坛 | | | | | | 能力: 综合: 翻译 地盘: 背单词 考试: 在线背词词|每日翻翻译

3、VOA听听写|BBBC听写写 美文听写写|对话听听写 歌词听写写|美剧听听写 名著听写写|演讲听听写 资讯听写写|新概念念听写 四级听写写|听力教教室 英文歌曲曲|影视交交流 口语教室室|词汇语语法 |窗体顶端端窗体底端端您现在在的位置置:可可可英语语专业业八级专八翻翻译专专八翻译译系列讲讲座正正文专八翻译译系列讲讲座第11期:理理解和表表达(PPartt1)理解和表表达是翻翻译过程程中两个个紧密联联系的阶阶段,理理解是表表达的前前提,没没有正确确的理解解就不可可能有正正确的表表达。具具体到八八级考试试翻译测测试中,考考生应正正确理解解原文中中的词法法和句法法结构,修辞手手法,以以及原文文中涉

4、及及的文化化背景知知识等。请请看下面面的例子子:我的导师师是亚裔裔人,嗜嗜烟好酒酒,脾气气暴躁.误译: Myy addvissor, ann Assiann, wwas adddictted to alccohools andd ciigarretttes.改译: Myy addvissor, ann Assiann Ammeriicann, wwas adddictted to alccohools andd ciigarretttes.这是119977年八级级考试汉汉译英试试题中的的一句,很很多考生生将亚亚裔人理解为为亚洲洲人,而译成成Asiian,这显然然是不对对的.根根据原文文的语境境

5、,这里里的亚亚裔人指的是是已经取取得美国国国籍的的亚洲人人,应翻翻译成AAsiaan AAmerricaan.Amonng pprommineent summmerr deeathhs, onee reecallls thoose of Marrilyyn MMonrroe andd Jaamess Deean, whhosee liivess seeemeed eequaallyy brrieff annd ccompplette.误误译: 在著名名的夏天天的逝世世者中,我们会会想起玛玛丽莲梦梦露和詹詹姆斯迪迪恩,他他们的生生命都是是既短促促又圆满满的.改改译: 在著名名的英年年早逝者者中,

6、我我们会想想起玛丽丽莲梦露露和詹姆姆斯迪恩恩,他们们的生命命都是既既短促又又圆满的的。这是是20000年八八级考试试英译汉汉试题中中的一句句,居中中summmerr deeathhs 短短语中的的summmerr不是夏天的意思思,而是是壮年年,全盛期期的意意思。如如此错误误的理解解导致译译文在意意思上和和原文相相去甚远远. 专八写作作范文第第24篇篇 时间:220099-8-7 117:116:005 来源:可可英英语 作者:memmeyyyr 5天天5夜突突破英语语听说 | 测测测英语语水平如如何 Somee peeoplle tthinnk tthatt thhey cann leearn

7、n beetteer bby tthemmsellvess thhan witth aa teeachher. Ottherrs tthinnk tthatt itt iss allwayys bbettter to havve aa teeachher. Whhichh doo yoou ppreffer? Usse sspeccifiic rreassonss too deevellop youur eessaay.Mostt off uss caan llearrn hhow to do sommethhingg siimplle oon oour ownn wiith jusst aa

8、 seet oof iinsttrucctioons. Hoowevver, too leearnn abboutt soometthinng mmoree coompllex, itts alwwayss beest to havve aa teeachher.Teaccherrs bbrinng wwithh thhem varriedd annd uusefful bacckgrrounnds. Thheyve beeen ttraiinedd too teeachh inndivviduualss inn diiffeerennt wwayss deepenndinng oon tth

9、eiir sstylle. Forr innstaancee, oomenn sttudeentss leearnn beetteer bby ddisccusssingg a toppic. Ottherrs llearrn mmoree byy wrritiing aboout it. Teeachherss caan hhelpp sttudeentss leearnn inn thhe wway thaatss beest of eacch sstuddentt. AA teextbbookk orr a mannuall caan oonlyy giive youu onne wwa

10、y of leaarniing sommethhingg. PPluss thheyre onlly aas hhelppfull ass yoour abiilitty tto uundeersttandd thhem. A goood tteaccherr caan aadappt hher teaachiing to youur nneedds.Teaccherrs hhelpp yoou ffocuus oon wwhatt yoourre llearrninng. If youuree leearnningg soometthinng bby yyourrsellf, its eea

11、syy too beecomme ddisttracctedd, aand go on to othher acttiviitiees. Teaacheers keeep yyourr atttenntioon oon tthe subbjecct. Theey aalsoo appprooachh a subbjecct llogiicallly, taakinng iit oone steep aat aa tiime. Onn yoour ownn, iitss teempttingg too skkip parrts of thee leearnningg prroceess youu

12、 thhinkk yoou ddont nneedd. TThatt caan bbindder youur aabillityy too reeallly uundeersttandd thhe ssubjjectt.Learrninng aa suubjeect on youur oown is a vveryy naarroow wway of leaarniing. Yoou ccan onlly uuse thee innforrmattionn yoou gget froom tthe texxtboook. Wiith a tteaccherr, yyou gett thhe i

13、infoormaatioon iin tthe wriitteen mmateeriaals as welll aas tthe teaacheerss owwn kknowwleddge of thee toopicc. TTeaccherrs ccan alsso pprovvidee exxtraa maaterrialls tto bbroaadenn thhe sscoppe oof wwhatt yoourre llearrninng.Therress noothiing wroong witth sstuddyinng oon yyourr owwn, andd a leaarneer ccan alwwayss beeneffit froom ssomee quuiett sttudyy. FFor thee beest posssibble leaarniing, thhouggh, a goood tteaccherr iss thhe bbigggestt heelp youu caan hhavee.: hhttpp:/m/teem8/20009088/8006188.shhtmll



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