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1、八年级上册短语Module 1 重点短语1. 尽力做某事, 尝试做某事 try to do sth2. 尝试不做某事,尽量不做某事 try not to do sth3. 写下;记下write sth down/ write down sth(代词放中间) 4. 在课堂上 in class5. 在旁边/隔壁 next to6. 请求, 要求某物 ask (sb.) for sth7. 喜欢干某事 enjoy doing sth/ like doing sth/like to do sth 8. 谈论 talk about9. 玩得高兴;过得愉快 enloy oneself/have a g o

2、od time/play happily10. 深呼吸 take a deep breath11. 一直;始终;总是 all the time12. 成组的 in groups13. 记得/忘记做过某事 remember/forget doing sth14. 记住/忘记要干某事remember/ forget to do sth15. 把某物遗留在家里 leave sth at home16. 带领某人参观 show/take sb. around 17. 互相帮助 help each other18. 考虑 think about 19. 交朋友 make a friend/make fr

3、iends20. 建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth21. 给某人一些建议 give sb some advice22. 提高英语的一些建议some advice for/about improving English 23. 在某方面帮助某人help sb. with sth. 24. 对说speak to 25. 犯错误make a mistake/make mistakes26. 练习讲纯正的英语practise speaking real English 27. 每天every day 28. 每日英语everyday English29. 看报纸read a n

4、ewspaper / read newspapersModule 2 重点短语1. 周游世界 travel around the world 2. 一天, 某一天 one day / some day(只用于将来时) 3.(飞机)起飞 take off 降落 land4. 脱下我的帽子take off my cap/hat 5. 在报纸里in newspapers 6. 在笔记本上in notebooks 7. 在电视上on television8.看今天的报纸look at todays newspaper9.全中国all over China / around China10.乘飞机旅行t

5、ravel by plane 11.的价钱the price of 12.卖完;脱售sell out13.最后;终于in the end/finally/at last14.实现;成为现实come true15.那个兴奋的女孩the excited girl 16.这个激动人心的时刻the exciting moment17.邀请某人干某事invite sb. to do sth.18.一次奇妙的经历a fantastic experience19.最刺激的体验the most exciting experience 20.经验丰富have much experience21.照相take p

6、hotos 22.观看京剧watch the Beijing Opera23.爬长城climb the Great Wall24.参观故宫visit the Palace Museum25.轮流/按次序干某事take turns to do sth26.喜爱弹钢琴enjoy playing the piano27.世界各地around the world28.超过;多于more than / over29.赢得一等奖/比赛win the first prize/the match 赢了小明/一班beat Xiaoming/Class One30.参加竞赛enter a competition3

7、1.开演唱会give a concert / give concerts32.为某人煮饭cook for sb. Module 3 重点短语1. 从商,出差,公干on business2. 最新的消息the latest news3. 数个月several months 4. 在收音机里on the radio 5. 在新闻里on the news6. 在太空in space7. 在宇宙中in the universe8. 在科学方面in science 9. 听说hear of / hear about 10. 收到某人来信hear from sb/receive a letter from

8、 sb11. 在地球上on Earth / on the earth12. 在火星上on Mars13. 到达学校(三种)reach school /arrive at school / get to school14. 到达北京(三种)reach Beijing/ arrive in Beijing / get to Beijing15. 到达这里/那里(三种)reach here/there arrive here/there get here/there16. 把一架宇宙飞船发送到火星send a spacecraft to Mars 17. 把宇宙空间站的模型展示给他们show the

9、m a model of space station18. 从事work on19. 数百/千/百万/十亿年hundreds/thousands/millions of years20. 围绕go around 21. 一个有空气的环境an environment with air22. 去过美国have/has been to America 去了美国have/has gone to America 23. 他们中的一个one of them+单数 他们中的一些some of them+复数 他们中没有任何人none of them +单/复数 他们中所有人 all of them+复数24

10、. 在太阳系之外beyond the solar system 25. 在其他的行星上on other planets 26. 例如for example(举一个例子说明) /such as(列举相同的几个事物做例子) Module 4 重点短语1. 与某人相处(好/不好) get on (well/badly) with sb. 2. 同一个班级 the same class 一些相同的事物 the same things 3. 事实上in fact (actually) 4. 听起来有趣 sound interesting5. 一些,一点(+不可数n.) a little=a bit of

11、 几乎没有 little 一些钱 a llitle money 几乎没钱 (have) little money一些,几个(+可数n.复数) a few=several 几乎没有 few一些学生 a few students 几乎没人 few people6. 某人觉得做某事很困难 sb find it difficult to do sth 7. 为希望工程筹集资金 raise money for Project Hope 8. 退学 drop out of school 毕业,退学leave school9. 参加派对 take part in / join in the party 参加

12、活动等take part in the school sports meeting 参加人/组织 join the army/join us10. 一个十八岁的学生an eighteen-year-old student11. 在农场工作work on the farm 12. 不得不,必须得做 have/has to do sth13. 照顾婴儿(三种)look after=take care of = care for the baby14. 在老师的帮助下with the teachers help= with the help of the teacher15. 受到良好的教育 get

13、 a good education 16. 在过去的15年里 in the last fifteen years 17. 数千个学生 thousands of students18. 一个没电的房间 a room without electricity = a room with no electricity19. 付钱 pay for 20. 因为大雨 because of the heavy rain 21. 戴眼镜wear glasses / wear a pair of glasses (a man) with glasses22. 将近十年nearly ten years 23. 提

14、高医疗条件 improve health care24. 好/坏运气good/bad luck 幸运儿 a lucky dog 幸运地 luckily25. A与B不同 A be different from B A与B的不同之处 differences between A and BModule 5 重点短语1. 由鲁迅所写的be written by Lu Xun2. 我肯定。Im sure./ I bet.3. 德国首都 the capital of Germany 几个德国人/罗马人 several Germans/Romans4. 以而出名be famous for 作为而出名 be famous as5. 奥地利的中心 the centre of Austria6. 数百个奥地利人hundreds of Austrians 7. 一个叫爱丽斯的女孩a girl called/named Alice 8


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