8B Uint5-6模拟月考

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《8B Uint5-6模拟月考》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《8B Uint5-6模拟月考(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 8 nit5-6模拟月考一单项选择( )1 Theens nParis and now they Chin。 Thy ike China。 A. usd to liv; are sedto ivi B。 a ue toliing; used to live Ct iv; sedto le D. usd iving; usd olivin( )2 Do yo ae o say? A。 oethng oheB。 thersmething C。aying lse D else anythi( )3。 T for your 。 Youre so t m。 ki, iny Bkinless, nfl

2、C. kindns, kd D。 indul, indness( )4 Since e ied th swimngtea. Hehas to wm acrostwide river。 。 able B。coud . ca 。been ab( )5. UNCEF clan wae, fodd ecation poor chilreni many ounries A。 provide, to B。 provdes,o C. rovs, t D。prvds, wih( )6. k excitd ecount wods A。 that,spa some B baue, say Ctat, sa any

3、 D. d, ay om( )7. Teworkmust n halfan hur. A bfiie .finis C nish D fished( )8 dek s made woo, and paper is mde wo, to. A。 from, rom 。 , of C。 o, fom D.fo, of() 9。 ehoud help h pr i_ prt ofAsia. A aother B. otrsC therD. he others( )10。I jst_abot ou to get t ejingby a A。coB paysC spendsD。 take ( ) 11。

4、 Which doyou thni eaier,waling _ curyark or swimig_ th rivr? A.aross,ao 。 hu,throug C。 rough, across D. across, trough()2. Tmy was very careless He_mae may mistaes But nw he imore carul A. issed oB ws usdoC。sed toD didn use o ( ) 1. _ _ nessrthatyohandinyo omwork on e ever day. 。 Ts 。Its .oue D。 Thi

5、s ( ) 14。 ts inerestn _ anypacs of intet fom ll ove th word。 Aviing .ovist .vst visted( ) 15。ts_ for u _gtto sho on time.A。ineestn,to coeB.ipta, to.god, toDnecessar,to be() 16 Dt_ thedsabledprsns We shulhelp thm. A looklow B。 loo down 。ook down n D。 lookdown at( )17。 Althg you hve lots ofdffculti, o

6、u ut_yor wr。carry outwith arr on ith Carry away n D。cay r( )18. Thsa ittle time lft。Yu mut fiish the work_five minues。 .frBfter。untiD。within ( )9。-D ouhave euhtudents o cary he boxes?No.I thnk wnee sudnts.A.anohe B.twoothers C to moe D. oe to( )20。The cathear nyting. We ca sa sh is . Aea B。bind Cdsa

7、bd D.rich二完式填空Las wee,I red nrticl a hry show ina maeinehe ai o eshwa to oney fo the por cldri Wst Chna were ome childrenlea theirscoolsbecause teir paens ay for thei ecainA lot of famos pop as joined thecharity show, th didnt 3 ny pay。 ey did it orfre! Th wee aot of 4 ,chasiningnd dacing。 e 5 wa so

8、 exced tha they claed therans r timeto im。Of coure, t howwas 6 .Tomy surprise,all theardoat hei me ohe shoAlthe eole followe he sar _7_ Bot heticket moy and t dnaed moneyer son sent to heoorareas ad me f the oor chldre angk _now 。Now a arity shows e eld in ourcoury,ot ol o 9 ucatn in por aeasbut o o

9、 lp peole in roue Today whil soeoneii rble,al the ohes llcme t lp him。I 1 thole orld will becomebettr ifevry n f us ve charitytoother.( )1.A。pay。riseCsend D.cot( )2。eednt B。woultC。cant。mstnt( )3.A.hav B。g Cak or D.snd( )4A.performacs Bmaches .comeios 。aras( )5.A.student B。arns 。teahr Dauden( )6.A.sucesfu Bborn C。frienng D。noisy( )7。ord Bule Cexamle D。acios( )8。A.work B scoo C.thacy D。 he farm( ).tech 。think C. Dsport( )1.Alike belev C.wih Dwa三阅读理解 ( A ) carty wlk nhin Mun Resrvir(城门


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