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1、 GMAT真题:2022年12月逻辑(至12.14)(四)46 染料V1专家都知道19世纪某地的古画用的是A染料,后来发觉一副19世纪的画里检测出来B染料,B染料是10世纪才消失的,所以专家说画是假画。问支持专家结论的选项:其他地方是否也发觉了此类画;A染料不会随着时间变成B染料-我选这个;.考古 未确认说是一个地图,被考证说是14XX年的,但是上面的墨水含有某种物质,特别稀有。人们能够生产这种物质是19XX以后的事,所以这个地图是14XX年的,但是上面的图案是19XX年以后的人写上去的。问ASSUMPTION我选的是 这个墨迹的退色不会产生这种物质。older考古:V1 说有幅画被认为是古代

2、某时代的作品。但是最近用技术测定发觉该画的墨水里含有某物质,而该物质直道1920年才被创造时用。所以科学家认为此画是近年来仿制的赝品。求前提假设。我选该画使用的墨水不会随着年月的变迁而自己生成某物质。V2说有幅画被认为是古代某时代的作品。但是最近用技术测定发觉该画的墨水里含有某物质,而该物质直道1920年才被创造时用。所以科学家认为此画是近年来仿制的赝品。求前提假设。(我蒙的)47 好莱坞餐馆变体V1有个什么竞赛场,生意是当地的,老板在后排加了高凳子想着看得更好,生意应当增加,结果没增加。问那个下面能解释这种差异选项:顾客已经接近饱和-我选;其他场子也加了凳子;.考古 prep 变体!17.

3、(26864-!-item-!-188;#058&003368)At present the Hollywood Restaurant has only standard-height tables. However, many customers come to watch the celebrities who frequent the Hollywood, and they would prefer tall tables with stools because such seating would afford a better view of the celebrities. Mor

4、eover, diners seated on stools typically do not stay as long as diners seated at standard-height tables. Therefore, if the Hollywood replaced some of its seating with high tables and stools, its profits would increase.The argument is vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it gives reason to bel

5、ieve that it is likely that(A) some celebrities come to the Hollywood to be seen, and so might choose to sit at the tall tables if they were available(B) the price of meals ordered by celebrities dining at the Hollywood compensates for the longer time, if any, they spend lingering over their meals(C

6、) a customer of the Hollywood who would choose to sit at a tall table would be an exception to the generalization about lingering(D) a restaurant”s customers who spend less time at their meals typically order less expensive meals than those who remain at their meals longer(E) with enough tall tables

7、 to accommodate all the Hollywood”s customers interested in such seating, there would be no view except of other tall tables48已合并49 蛇的毒液V1说是幼年的蛇比成年的蛇的毒液更简单致死,说明幼年的蛇毒液浓度高,问weaken貌似 LZ似乎选的是成年的蛇能掌握毒液的排放。考古有一种毒蛇A,它的毒液对于大型动物一般而言很少致命,但是这种蛇在尚未成熟时,有较高的致死率,故科学家推想这种蛇未成熟时,他的毒液浓度比起成熟时较高。问weaken?我选这种蛇未成熟时比拟不能掌握毒液的注射量,所以导致较高致死率50进口和制造业V1有一道说currency devalue的,X国家从Y国进口,但是Y国进口价格廉价,会影响到X国的manufacturer,问X国会支持哪一种方式应对。就是给你个经济模型,要你找一个应对的方法。我觉得应当选E,当时选了B,relocate another country,V2我的题目是x国的是overvalue的,这样出口到y国就吃亏啊,反正就是说overvalue对x过的manufacture不利问怎么办还是什么的,记不太清晰了但是我本科专业是经济学,我凭直觉选的是这样x国可以进口货币devalue国家的原材料


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