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1、第七节 概要写作中的常用句式及过渡性词语、摘要写作中的常用句式FirstarguesAt the beg inningthe authorwrites, statesthatIn the first partthe reporterpoints outwhatIn the in troduct ionexpla ins, men tio nswhythe readeris in formedIn the n ext partIn the mai n partthe reader is in formed aboutthe theorySec ond; Firstthe author goes

2、on withthe data / questi onthatThen; Afterwardswe are told aboutthe statisticswhatMoreover;we read / hear aboutthe beliefwhyIn additi on to thatthe author exam inesthe argume ntifFurther onan alysesthe opinion / topicNextdiscussesthe problemIn the endthe authoremphasizesFi nallythe writercon cludest

3、hatAt lastthe poetfinds the solutionwhat 1The final part, sect ionthe jour nalistadds / stresseswhyAs a con clusi onthe reporterprete ndsifSummi ng up his / her thoughtsthe scie ntisthin ts、摘要写作中常用过渡性词语附力卩顺序结果对比/转折过渡in additi on and similarly likewise as well as besides furthermore also moreover and

4、 the n too not only but eve n besides this/thatfirst (ly) initially second (ly) to begi n with then next earlier/later before this/that after this/ that followi ng this/that afterwardsas a result result in thus so therefore con seque ntly it follows that thereby eve ntually the n in that case admitt

5、edly accord in glyhowever on the other hand despite in spite of though although but on the con trary otherwise yet in stead of rather rather tha n whereas non etheless nevertheless eve n though compared with in con trast/ in sharp con trast alter natively un likely in con trast with while conv ersel

6、y differe nt from1 Hi冃疋条件定义obviously certai nly plai nly of course un doubtedly appare ntlyif/ give n uni ess, as long as whether provid ing that provided that forso that depe nding onis refers to mea ns that is con sist of列举过渡目的过渡让步过渡承接过渡first of allfirst, sec ond, third in the first place initiall

7、y to start with furthermore in additi on moreover what s more fin allywith the aim of for the sake of with a view to for the purpose ofalthough it is trueeve n though of course certai nly admittedly indeed trueas soon asthas a matter of factso to speak however as it were day after day year in and ye

8、ar out举例理由时间总结as an illustrati on for in sta nee one example for example just as in particular such as namely to illustrate a case in point take for example as ano ther example as ano ther in sta nee as still ano ther examplesince by virtue of so give n as a result of because (of) due to in view of

9、on acco unt of owi ng to the reas on why in other words leads to for this reas on cause now that since on the ground that seeing thatbefore since as un til mea nwhile at the mome nt whe n whenever as soon as just asaccord ing to all in all to summarize in summary in con clusi on as aconsequenee last

10、ly by and large fin ally con seque ntly to sum up hence thus to con clude in con clusi on to recapitulate in gen eral in short it follows that in brief on the whole therefore to sum up in a wordwith the result that总括过渡词表示时间表示强调比较as a rule as far as I am concerned as for me econo mically speak ing ge

11、n erally speak ing in my opi nion in my view in some respects obviously on a large scale on a pers on al level practically speak ingat times after afterwards from the n on immediately later mea nwhile next now un til while thenabove all after all in fact particularly that isany way chiefly eve n wor

12、se more ofte n tha n thatmost importa nt of all needless to saysimilarlysimilar to the same as accord in gly both as at the same time in the same mannerin a similar way in com mon equally importa ntfor onesimplistically speak ingno doubtthi ng forto take the ideato be sureano therfurtherlikewisenamelythat is



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