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1、双语文章13452Does An iPhone Really Burn More Coal Than A Refrigerator? iPhone鑳借楃湡鐨勬瘮鍐扮楂樺悧锛? Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator, was Carmel Lobellos headline in The Week. The Week鏉傚織涓婏紝鍗灏斺礇璐濈綏缁欏嚭鐨勫鐗堟爣棰樻槸鈥渋Phone姣斿啺绠辫兘鑰楁洿楂樷濄? The majority of the energy is used for cloud services, not charging

2、 the iPhone, wrote Ryan Gorman on The Mail Online, adding that the majority of the energy used to power the cloud comes from coal. 鑰屽湪The Mail Online涓婏紝鐟炲畨鈥垐灏旀浖鍒欏啓閬擄細鈥滃閮垎鑳介噺琚敤浜庝簯鏈嶅姟锛岃屼笉鏄痠Phone鍏呯數鈥濄?鎴堝皵鏇艰鍏呰锛氣滀簯鏈嶅姟娑堣楃殑鑳介噺涓昏鏉嚜浜庣叅鐐濄? Sounds pretty ominous, especially when you observe, as Bryan Walsh did

3、 in Time, that the digital economy uses a tenth of the worlds electricity - and that share will only increase, with serious consequences for the economy and the environment. 鍚捣鏉緢涓嶅锛屽挨鍏舵槸濡傛灉澶娉剰鍒板竷璧栨仼鈥矁灏斾粈鍦婃椂浠嬫潅蹇楋紙Time锛変腑鎸囧嚭鐨勭幇璞細鈥滄暟瀛楃粡娴庤楄垂浜嗗叏鐞冨崄鍒嗕箣涓鐨勭數鍔涳紝鑰屼笖杩欎唤棰濊偗瀹氫細澧炲姞锛屼粠鑰屽缁忔祹鍜岀幆澧冮犳垚涓噸鍚庢灉銆傗? Where is

4、 all this bad news coming from? From a study called The Cloud Begins with Coal by Mark Mills, a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute who writes the Energy Intelligencecolumn for Forbes. 涓婇潰杩欎簺鍧忔秷鎭粠浣曡屾潵锛熷畠浠兘婧愯嚜鐢遍鍏嬧背灏旀柉杩涜鐨勪竴椤瑰悕涓衡滀簯濮嬩簬鐓濈殑鐮旂锛岀背灏旀柉鏄浖鍝堥】鐮旂鎵锛坱he Manhattan Institute锛夐珮绾爺绌跺憳锛屼篃鏄婄甯冩柉銆嬶紙

5、Forbes锛夆滆兘婧愭儏鎶濅笓鏍忕殑浣滆呫? Before you toss your iPhone in the recycling bin, a few points: 涓嶈繃锛屽湪澶鎶奿Phone鎵旇繘鍨冨溇绠卞墠锛屾垜鎯宠鍑犵偣锛? 鈥?Whatever the cost of powering the Internet economy, iPhones are not the culprit. They are, in fact, unusually energy efficient. According to a 2012 study by Electric Power Rese

6、arch Institute, the cost of keeping an iPhone 5 charged is 41 cents a year. 鈥?涓轰簰鑱旂綉缁忔祹鎻愪緵鍔姏鐨勬垚鏈笉璁哄楂橈紝iPhone閮戒笉鏄棶棰樼殑鍘熷洜鎵鍦俰Phone瀹為檯涓婄浉褰撹妭鑳姐傜編鍥界數鍔涚爺绌堕櫌锛圗lectric Power Research Institute锛?012骞村紑灞曠殑涓椤圭爺绌惰鏄庯紝iPhone 5姣忓勾鍏呯數鎵鑰楃數璐逛粎41缇庡垎銆? 鈥?Coal may be the worlds No. 1 fuel for generating electricity, but

7、it is not Apples (AAPL). According to the companys most recent environmental report, its data centers are 100% powered by renewable energy, including a solar farm in Maiden, NC, that is supposed to be the largest end user-owned, onsite solar photovoltaic array in the U.S. 鈥?鐓偔涔熻鏄叏鐞冧娇鐢渶骞挎硾鐨勫彂鐢靛師鏂欙紝浣嗚

8、繖涓庤嫻鏋滐紙Apple锛夋棤鍏炽傛牴鎹嫻鏋滄渶鏂板彂甯冪殑鐜鎶憡锛屽畠鐨勬暟鎹腑蹇冨畬鍏敱鍙啀鐢熻兘婧愪緵鐢碉紝鍏朵腑鍖呮嫭浣嶄簬鍖楀崱缃楁潵绾冲窞楹櫥甯傜殑澶槼鑳藉彂鐢电珯銆傚悗鑰呰璁负鏄叏缇庢渶澶殑姝湪杩愯惀涓殑澶槼鑳藉彂鐢电郴缁熴? 鈥?As Times Wash points out in a well-researched update, Mark Mills, the author of the study everybody was citing, tends to exaggerate the Internets power consumption because he be

9、lieves burning all that coal is a good thing. He has founded several power-industry funded non-profit organizations and 2006 he co-authored The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, The Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy. 鈥?銆婃椂浠嬫潅蹇楃殑娌冧粈缁忚繃浠旂粏璋冩煡锛屾洿鏂颁簡鑷繁鏂囩珷锛屾寚鍑哄箍娉涘紩鐢殑閭鐮旂鐨勪綔鑰呴鍏嬧

10、背灏旀柉鍊惧悜浜庡澶簰鑱旂綉鐨勮兘婧愭秷鑰楋紝鍥犱负浠栫浉淇儳鐓儳寰楀鏄欢濂戒簨銆傜背灏旀柉鍒涘姙浜嗗鍑犲鐢卞彂鐢典紒涓氳祫鍔殑闈炵泩鍒粍缁囥?006骞达紝浠栬繕鍚堜綔鍑虹増浜嗐婃棤搴曟礊锛氱噧鏂欑殑娌惤銆佹氮璐圭殑濂藉銆佷负浣曟垜浠殑鑳芥簮灏嗗彇涔嬩笉灏界敤涔嬩笉绔嬩竴涔? 鍏枃闃呰 refrigerator rifrid蕭蓹reit蓹, ri:- video n. 鍐扮锛屽喎钘忓簱 ominous 蓴min蓹s video adj. 棰勫厗鐨勶紱涓嶅悏鍒殑 digital did蕭it蓹l video adj. 鏁板瓧鐨勶紱鎵嬫寚鐨刵. 鏁板瓧锛涢敭 toss t蓴s, t蓴:s video n. 鎶曟幏锛涙憞鑽紱鎶曟幏鐨勮窛绂伙紱鎺峰竵璧岃儨璐焩t. 鎶曟幏锛涗娇鈥笉瀹夛紱绐佺劧鎶捣锛涗娇鈥笂涓嬫憞鍔紱涓庘幏甯佹墦璧寁i. 杈楄浆锛涜涔辨墧锛涢绨革紱鎺烽挶甯佸喅瀹氭煇浜?culprit k蕦lprit video n. 鐘汉锛岀姜鐘紱琚帶鐘姜鐨勪汉 photovoltaic ,f蓹ut蓹uv蓴lteiik video adj. 鐢靛瓙 鍏夌數浼忔墦鐨勶紝鍏夌數鐨?exaggerate i伞z忙d蕭蓹reit video vt. 浣挎墿澶紱浣垮澶i. 澶稿锛涘寮?co-author k蓹u蓴:胃蓹 video n. 鍚堣憲鑰


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