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1、(完整word)新加坡企业奖学金sm2项目报名申请表格SM3/19Affix photographhere请贴上照片笔试编号 S/No.Scholarships for Undergraduate Studies in Singapore2011 新加坡企业奖学金 Application Form申请表格Please complete this form with the photograph and attach a photocopy of the following documents:请将表格填妥,并附上下列文件影印本各一份: Identity Card or Residential

2、Registration Document 身分证或 户口本 Senior Middle School Report 高中学年报告, 含学习成绩单及操行评语 National College Entrance Examination Results 高考成绩 Award Certificates (eg National Mathematics Olympiad) 奖状(例如:全国数学奥赛省一等奖等) (A) Personal Particulars 申请人资料Name in Hanyu Pinyin (in BLOCK letters, underline surname) 汉语拼音姓名(用

3、正楷书写,在姓氏底部划线)Name in Chinese 中文姓名Gender 性别 Male男 Female 女Date of Birth 出生日期Province of Birth出生地 (省)City of Birth出生地 (市)Race 民族Religion 宗教 None 无 _ 日日 月月 年年年年 19Nationality国籍 * China中国 F _Identity Card Number 身份证号码Passport Number 护照号码 Email电子邮件Have you previously applied for Permanent Residence (PR)

4、in Singapore? 是否曾申请新加坡永久居留权? Yes 是 If yes, please indicate your PR effective date (DDMM-YYYY) : 如是,请注明永久居民权的有效期(日/月/年): _日_月_年 No 否 Have you ever studied in Singapore before? 是否曾在新加坡学习? Yes是 No 否 If yes, please indicate 如是,请注明:Name of school 学校名称:_Period of studies (YYYY to YYYY) 在校时间: 从_年至_年Home Ad

5、dress 住址 (请用中文填写) Postal Code 邮编:Home Number 住家电话号码 00186 区号 电话 Handphone No. 手机号码 其它电话号码: _ (B) School Attended 学习经历(请用中文填写)Name of schools attended including the present school (in chronological order)。 Please state the province and city that the school is located.请用中文填写所就读过的学校(请按年序填写)Primary Scho

6、ol 小学省市地址Junior Middle School初中地址Senior Middle School高中省 市地址University大学Course现录专业 Please tick where appropriate. 请在正确的格子內标上(C) Examination Results:Class Level Details班级与学年考试成绩资料Please give your scores (against full scores) for the subjects taken at the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE).

7、请在下列栏项填上高考成绩(满分栏内请列满分分值),如135 /150.Subject科目National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) Results高考成绩Subject科目National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) Results高考成绩得分 满分得分 满分English Language 英语Chinese Language 中文Mathematics 数学*只需填写理综或文综其一 ,并写明综合各科成绩Combined Science 理科综合*Combined Humanities 文科综合Phys

8、ics 物理Politics 政治Chemistry 化学History 历史Biology 生物Geography 地理Total Marks总分Living in Boarding School 现在是否居住在宿舍 Yes 是 No 否(D) Academic Achievements (eg 2010 National Mathematics Olympiad, 2nd in Province)特出学术表现 ( 例如 : 2010年全国数学奥林匹克赛,省二等奖)(E) Other Achievements 课外活动表现 ( 例如 : 校际篮球比赛冠军)* Please tick wher

9、e appropriate. 请在正确的格子內标上(F) Particulars of Family Members申请人家属资料Please attach a separate sheet if there are more family members。 若家中还有更多成员, 请另附纸页书写。Name of Father / Guardian in Hanyu Pinyin (in BLOCK letters, underline surname) 父亲/监护人汉语拼音姓名(用正楷书写,在姓氏底部划线)Name in Chinese 中文姓名Date of Birth 出生日期Nation

10、ality国籍 * China中国 _ Race 民族Are you also a Permanent Resident of another country? 是否拥有其他国家永久居留权? Yes是 If yes, please state country 如是,请注明国家 _ No 否 日日 月月年年年年 Province of Birth 出生地 (省)Identity Card Number 身份证号码/ 户口登记号码Passport Number 护照号码Handphone No 手机号码/ 联络号码 Email address 电子邮箱Highest Qualifications

11、Attained 最高学历Name of Employer/ Company单位名称Designation/ Position 职衔Occupation Field/ Sector 职业领域Administrative/ Clerical 行政/文秘Building/ Construction 建筑/土木Civil Service 政府机关Education/ Training 教育、培训Others (please specify) 其他 ,请注明Engineering 工程Accounting/ Finance/ Investment 会计、金融、投资Corporate Support (Eg HR, Marketing) 企业经营(人力资源、市场营销等)IT/ Programming 信息技术、程序编程Legal 法律Healthcare/ Medical 保健、医疗护理Service Related (Hospitality/ Tourism/ Food Beverage)服务类(酒店、旅游、餐饮)Science/ Other RD Re



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