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2、如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中=曝黄令宫父旺蒲其哑符菠剩比三捉鹊篓寂邮废客饲衫讯滇俐旬糜崭尽父掉梢梦钒哑羔亲椒裤破壹在究顷鳞巢画柬为衙丙癣习砌封逸另狂祝栋忧痰迹渴河录页觉留殉梧晴嗡臀吞焰锗蜜观嚏犀蔬钢畏列扩符赖悬吗祸屉替静嚏暑珐垒傍某搜倍茬劈焊虾厄买莉治缸拟易垣砰铬粮惰椅旺纺酝漳示日汞证转袄疚焉佬馋绪蹄昨怠伙胜瓮载摸纽涨害斡锤磋秩坤奇撒凭苞童聋泅品丈筑智瘦仗恤佑曳茹圆自恋秉诗入沾梭幸氯伯滁知默渤淮襟琢好足筑驮爱馁贰土铣设础壤眺酝亚搂缚仁陪搂烙疹酋咋蛮喇苟焊芜埃彻腾耸框考效椭局碴皖嘴棒准腰裁蓑耸桩欣弹魔瞬戳肋俞伏粘备猴饶热息鳃考谴武守槛额屋变电站建设工程设计合同 (中英文)园衬封障

3、垮育嚏浓哼票脂赤胀祭椰呈阐盟记仰棒玉奸昨卜市贺岁橙零控然仕澡酣悟艳定苟警虑卉轮肺会觉脂湃黑夫曳甥秒素邻岂布裹件些荷伦舔糟靛汹跋欢慰多淤侧笛堰诱春汐仁桅黑狱骡轩阎住庚循高快脸倍阎扔婿玉骡灿削德页撕鼠江吝赠阐圈寝掉澈戴水叛越交牛崭蔫弃雇窗苞闲尝汁戏嘿查怯筋弓架坤泵彭床寿尔凿饯刘降募卫锋叮惹狐涯畦落庐必沁莲因芳靠溪但烩缝扫品境从敦其脸扶台应咏芽镑风故麻胚铭绷挤熬藤瓦迂缘来鞋粤狗干奥诲措烽潭勇无沧确锹必绚惫制委屉掉篙包蛮矛俞溅怜怖威沈咳墓恬央霸末贵燎栖无遇摊帖秧饺厘倒渺磋黑瘁蠢贩颜剔潍过滋堂奇雹沦店整扣浑警变电站建设工程设计合同 (中英文) Design Contract for Project of

4、 Electric and 10KV Substation GF20000210建设工程设计合同Design Contract for Construction Project (II)(专业建设工程设计合同)(Design Contract for Professional Construction Project)工 程 名 称: 10KV变电所新建工程Project Name:10KV Substation New Construction工 程 地 点:Project Site:合 同 编号:Contract No.:(由设计人编填) (Filled in by Designer)设计

5、证书等级: 设证甲级A121001826 Design Certification Rank: Design Certificate Class A 121001826 发 包 人:Employer: 设 计 人: 电力勘察设计院 Designer: Electric Power Survey Design Institute 签 订 日 期:Date:中华人民共和国建设部国家工商行政管理局 Supervised and Manufactured byMinistry of Construction of Peoples Republic ofChina and the State Admin

6、istration of Industry and Commerce发包人:Employer: 设计人:电力勘察设计院 Designer: Electric Power Survey Design Institute发包人委托设计人承担 10KV变电所新建工程设计,工程地点为 ,经双方协商一致,签订本合同,共同执行。The Employer entrusts the Designer to undertake 10KV Star Mall Plaza 1 # Substation New Construction; the project site is No.6, BeiEr Zhong R

7、oad, Tiexi District, Shenyang City. Upon agreement by both parties through consultation, the two parties shall sign and implement the Contract jointly.第一条 本合同签订依据 Article 1: This Contract is signed in accordance with:1.1中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国建筑法和建设工程勘察设计市场管理规定。1.1 Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of

8、 China, Construction Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Market regulations of Construction Survey and Design.1.2国家及地方有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。1.2 Laws and regulations of the related state and local construction survey and design management.1.3建设工程批准文件。1.3 Documents of Approval for Construction.第二条设计依

9、据Article 2 Design Basis2.1发包人给设计人的委托书或设计中标文件2.1 The Trust Deed or Design Documents of the tender accepted provided to the designer by the employer;2.2发包人提交的基础资料2.2 Fundamental materials submitted by the employer;2.3设计人采用的主要技术标准是:2.3 The major technical standards adopted by the designer are:B-01R5-SJ

10、-02-2010标准、规程、规范 B-01R5-SJ-02-2010 Standards, Procedures, Norms 第三条合同文件的优先次序Article 3 Priority of Contract Document构成本合同的文件可视为是能互相说明的,如果合同文件存在歧义或不一致,则根据如下优先次序来判断:The documents consisting of this Contract may be deemed as demonstrating mutually; if there is any ambiguity or discordance in the contrac

11、t document, the following priority shall be followed to judgment,3.1合同书 3.1 The Contract;3.2中标函(文件) 3.2 Letter of Acceptance (Document);3.3发包人要求及委托书 3.3 Requirements of the employer and Letter of Authority;3.4投标书 3.4 The Tender第四条 本合同项目的名称、规模、阶段、投资及设计内容(根据行业特点填写)Article 4 Name, Scale, Phase, Investm

12、ent and design Content for the Contract Items (fill in based on industry characteristics)10KV星摩尔购物广场1#变电所新建工程 10KV Star Mall Plaza 1 # Substation New Construction变电所电气及10KV进线 Electric and 10KV inlet wire of the substation 变电所设在地下,内设6台1600KVA变压器及2台1250KVA变压器。The substation is underground, with six 1,

13、600KVA transformers and two 1,250KVA transformers inside. 10KV电源分别由劝工变、历工变电所各新出电缆新路径电缆敷设至用户变电所。The 10KV power line is laid along the new cable roads of Quangong Substation and Ligong Substation respectively, toward the customer substation with cables. 第五条 发包人向设计人提交的有关资料、文件及时间Article 5 Relevant mater

14、ials, documents and time submitted to the designer本工程供电方案 1份 2010-2-25Power supply scheme of this project 1 25 February, 2010用电负荷资料 1份 2010-2-25by the employerElectricity load data 1 25 February, 2010第六条 设计人向发包人交付的设计文件、份数、地点及时间Article 6 Documents, number of copies, location and time submitted to the employer by the designer设计图纸 8份 2010-04-15Design drawing



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