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1、研究生英语面试常有22问题我来自于位于山东省南部的一个叫做滕州的县级市。滕州是个漂亮的城市,因“红河湿地”而有名。2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?Tengzhou is a beautiful city, is famous for honghe wetlands. There is a lot ofbeautiful lotus in the lake in summer. In addition, the scenery of Lotus Mountain is also very beautiful, there is

2、a ski resort in it.滕州是个漂亮的城市,因“红河湿地”而有名。在夏季,湖里会有好多漂亮的荷花。此外,莲青山的风景也很漂亮,在那边有个滑雪场。3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?During the Spring Festival, I usually visit relatives and friends, and have dinner with my family, go shopping or have a good rest at home.在春节,我往常会走亲探友,和家人一同吃团聚饭,逛街或好幸亏家歇息一下。4.

3、 Tell me something about the customs of your hometown .In my hometown, when winter solstice comes, people will eat mutton to withstandcold and to enhance physicalfitness. One more funny thing, inthe firstor thefifteenth day of each month, married daughter cant go to their mums home. 在我的家乡, 每逢冬至的时候会吃

4、羊肉来抵抗寒冷, 加强抵挡力。 还有一件存心思的事,每个月的初一或十五,出嫁的女儿不可以回娘家。5. Could you tell me something about your family?Well ,there are four members in my family: my father, mother, sister and I. Myfather is a university teacher, his strict education makes me learn to be amanwith sense of responsibility and the desire to

5、do better. Mumis warm-hearted , she often teaches me to help other people in trouble. And my sister is a civilservant, she always studies hard. Rome was not built in a day, which I learned from a word, I love them.我家里有四个成员:爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和我。我爸爸是一名大学老师,他严格的教育使我学会做一个有责任心和长进心的人。 妈妈是一个很热情的人, 她经常教育我要帮助有困难的人。姐姐是

6、一名公事员,她很着重学习。从她身上我学会了要想成功就要坚持。I come from a county-level city in the south of Shandong Province called Tengzhou is a beautiful city, is famous for honghe wetlands.Tengzhou.1. Where do you come from?常有问题 / 作准备为建设社会of socialist我爱我温馨的家。6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?As a po

7、st-graduate, I will study hard so that I can become a qualified legalpractitioner, and get ready to make contribution to the construction country under the rule of law.为一名研究生, 我要经过好勤学习使自己成为一名合格的法律从业者,主义法治社会贡献自己一份力。7. Which kind of professor do you like best?I like the professors who are rich sense o

8、f responsibility, enthusiasm and commitmentting to academic research best.我最喜爱富裕责任心,热忱和致力于学术研究的教授。8. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?Friendship means to meis a person who can share the happiness with you and share the sorrow. When you have a piece of

9、good news, he will be as happy as you. Whenyou have difficulties,he willhelp you withouthesitation.I liketo makefriendswith outgoing and sincere one.友情对我来说是一个能同你分享快乐和分担忧虑的人。当你有好信息时候,他和你同样高兴,当你有困难时候,他会绝不踌躇去帮助你。我喜爱外向和真挚的朋友。9. What is your major? How do you like your major?My major is Business Administ

10、ration. Yes. In an era of commercialization,grasping a management skill is very important. In the past four years, I studied the management, basic accounting marketing and so on, these are veryhelpful for future based on society.我的专业是工商管理。在商业化时代,掌握一项管理技术十分重要。在过去四年里,我学习了管理学 基础会计 市场营销学等,这些关于此后立足社会都很有帮

11、助。10. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?Sorry ,I have not graduated yet. I am in Linyi University and I have pass the College English Test-6 and National Computer Rank Examination.对不起,我还没毕业。当前就读于临沂大学,已经经过大学英语6级和国家计算机考试。11. What impressed you most when you were at

12、 university?The thing which impressed me most when I were at university is that our own concert, a lot of people were listening to our songs and cheering for us. They spoke highly of us. Thats so exciting !when we held大学里给我印象最深的一件事是我们举办自己的演唱会,们喝彩,他们夸赞我们唱的很好。真是件激动的事情!台下好多人听我们唱歌,为我12. What is the best

13、 university in your opinion?It s my feeling that the first-class university should have a good style of study, first-class faculty, and a well-stocked library. It not onlycan providea good learning environment for students, but also can make students learning life.我以为一流的大学应当拥有优秀的学风,一流的师资,还有藏书丰富的图书室。

14、它不单能为学生供给一个优秀的学习环境,并且能使学生学会做人的道理。13. What are your spare time interests?I like to listen to music in my spare time, sometimes I play the guitar alone and enjoy the quiet feeling. Sometimes I will go shopping, I think shopping is a good way to relax.在安闲时间,我喜爱听音乐,有时我会自己一个人弹吉他,享受静静的感觉。有时则会去逛街,我以为逛街是种很好

15、的放松方式。have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most?I have been traveling to Xuzhou, Rizhao and Beijing. I d just like to say that I think the Great Wall is the place that interested me most. The reason is that the Great Wall is so spectacular, which is called the eighth wonder of the world, as a symbol of China, on behalf of the Chinese long history.我以前到过徐州、日照和北京旅游。最使我感兴趣的是长城,原由是长城特别壮观,被称作“世界第八大奇观“,是中国的象征



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