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1、珍惜友谊英语演讲稿演讲稿一:珍惜友谊英语演讲稿A life withut a friend is a life withut a sun. Friendship is ne f the mst imprtant things in everynes life.Friends are wh changes yur life just by being a part f it, wh makes yu believe that there really is gd in the wrld, wh cnvinces yu that there really is an unlck dr just w

2、aiting fr yu t pen it.When yure dwn, friends lift yu up. When yu lse yur way, friends guide yu and cheherish yur friend,D nt save yur lving speeches, fr yur friends till they are dead.D nt write them n their tmbstnes, speak them rather nw instead.演讲稿二:珍惜友谊英语演讲稿What is friendship? It is t relate with

3、 smebdy withut need fr mney r bjective. It is t need emtin and ver wealth is friendship , n matter what their backgrund , age , r persnality.Friendship can be pure. We hear , nwdays, hwever, hw ne can be cheated by friends. Many peple get alng with smene because they have a lt f mney. It is dultful

4、that is real friendship.Having friends, ne can be find happiness. If yu are in truble yur friends will help yu thrugh r at least cmfrt yu. When yu are happy , they share it with yu. They are als there fr yu t chat with at any time.It is a wnderful feeling, as the prverb says t lve each ther is easy

5、but t make frieds is hard, S, it is crutial that we shuld get alng with ur friends. In my pinn ,it is a shame t deceive yur friends . The wrld wuld be mre beautiful if it was full f filled with friendship.演讲稿三:珍惜友谊英语演讲稿Friendship is a kind f human relatins. It is a human instinct t make friends.When

6、 in truble, we need friends t ffer us help, supprt and encuragement. With success achieved, we als need friends t share ur jys.Friendship is als ne f the greatest pleasures that we can enjy. It irdiality, sympathy, affectin,and readiness t help. N man can make the mst f his life withut carefully and

7、 cnscientiusly striving t win the right kind f friends as he ges alng.Knwing hw valuable friendship is, we shuld be very careful in making friends. Real friends are thse wh have gd character, superir ability and kindness f heart. Real friends can share all ur srrws and duble all ur jys.While making

8、friends, we shuld take care t select thse wh have such fine qualities. Then we shuld treat ur friends with curtesy, be careful nt t interfere unreasnably with them,and nt t ridicule their prceedings. We shuld frgive their failures and d ur best t help them. In shrt, when we have established friendship, we ught t cherish and treasure it by means f wrds and deeds. nly thus, can we develp real friendship and keep the sacred lamp f friendship burning all ur life.



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