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1、考研英语答案【篇一:考研英语试卷及参照答案】 cls=txteion i s o elish direcions:readte fllonext. chose th bet word(s)fr eachnumbeedbank andmark a, b, c, and d o answr she1. (0 point) b 1830 theform spansh and ougues coloniehad bomeindpedet ntions.th uhly 20 lion 1 o se naios ov _ tothe ue.or in th cris of te ldeme nd bera

2、 cloils, may f theleaders oindepedence _3_ he ial of rresentative govrnment, cre _4_ o alent,freedo of mmerce ad trde, te _ o pvt roprt, an a belief nth idvidulasthe basis f sciey. _ there a abelief that th newaions should bsoereignand inepnenttat,large enough to be ecnmially iabl aniegatdby _ to s.

3、 onthe ise of _8_of reliion and te pition of th rch,_9_, there wsles agement _10_ heeadershi man caholicsad eenh tateeigion an t nly e_11_ b the pish ron, _ mst leades sought to minai cathoism _1_the oficalelio ofth new states, oe sought to endhe _14_of the iths the defeseof te cu beca a rallying _1

4、5_for the conservivoestheideals of tearlyleaders ofinepenee wre oten galitarian, valineqality oevrying. bovar ad reev aid fr haiti andha _1_ return to abois slavery n the areae liberted. by185svery had benaolishe ere excet sin_ olonies. er pemise to nian tibute and tas onpeole of mixed ign amu _1_be

5、custh new aions stil neded th eveue uch policie _9_egalitaransntimenswe ofntmerd b feas tha te mass hepopulatonas _ self-uleand mocacy. ?1.antie inhabiasc peopldindidals ?ousl cheerfullyc oried opful ?3.a she fgotcttaidrejcted ?4.a reatedb closc pd votd?a accessccessoc rigtd return ?6.a preuablebinc

6、identalyc obviusly gnerally ?.auniqueb ommoncatilard tyical ?8.a reedomb origin imctd refm ?9.athereforeb wevrineed oeover ?0a itb abocamongdy ?.a lowdb reached grntedd fune ?12.a since if nlsdie ?13.a asb frc uded gaint ?1.aspeab ntererencec eclusond influence ?.aspportcry ead s?16.a ugedbntended e

7、peced romised?17.aontrolingfrmerc remaiindoginl?18 soer fastec eairdough ?9.a craed producc cntriued efrred ?2a puzled y hstle tc pssiti bout prepar for secn edig mrehensionpara direction: ?read hefollowig four texts. awer h qestionseoeac text by chosi, b, c r dmark ournswrson nse shee 1. ( pint) es

8、 1 if you wer t examnethe birthcriiat of eery socce playeri s world cu ormet, yu woulmst likely fnd a notewothy qrk: elite oce plyesare more likel o havebn borninheearli nthof heyer han i he latrmonth. ifyoutn exainedth eurpeanationl yuth teams that fed e orlcupnd rossional raks,yououl fin thisstrae

9、 penomenon t b even more prononc.ha igh ccut or his trang phenomenon? hereare a few gusss:a)certin asrlgica gs cnfer sperioroceskills; ) wnebn bab tend t havehghe oxgen capacity, which increses oer tmna;) sccer-madpret ae me lkely to coceie cldenin sringime, atthe annua peak of ccer mania; ) noneof

10、the bove. adrs ercson,5-yer-ol pshology professoat floia state univerit,sasheblievestrongly n“nonef te aboe.” eicn greup isdn,andstudeducear eninerig ntil e realizedheoud hv ore oprtuty to conducti ownresrif he swiched t pycholog. his firt expeiment, neay 0yarsago, involve memor:trainin a person ohe

11、r n thn pet a randoseieso nubrs. “ith hfit subjct, aft u 20hous of traiing, hs digi snhd rien rm7 to 0,” isson recalls “eemroving, adaftr abot 200hus of tring he adriseover 8 nmbrs.” this css, oupledwith aterrsach sowngtamemory elf is n gneiy determned, led ricsson to clde that thect of memorzn ismoreof a cognte ercise than an ntuitiveone. n othe wors, whatver bor feences woeole may xhbt in ther abilities omemorze, thos ifrencesreswampedby hw welleach person “encdes” the infoaion. an the bst way learnw to ecde ioratonmeaningfuly, ercso detre,wasprocess



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