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1、1hi is not your radio, by _. yous brtheryoubothesyo brthesurbroters本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答原则答案:ou rother .Two _hr fivpusmiusmutievid本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答原则答案:pls 3.Th picema ld the boys _ foll in thispark. tplynnotplot oplayto nplay本题分值:4. 顾客未作答 原则答案: ott play 4. Whaa _ watc is! ost beatifulmre beautifule most beau

2、tifulbeauiful本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答原则答案: betfu5._ in thought,he alot rn no the arn fot of im. lsinghng lt losLost本题分值:. 顾客未作答 原则答案:Lot6. There a_ in the meinroom.n antheranyoneth on本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案: none 7 h kind oman wsa awysrey_ people robe. pdhelpngt lphel本题分值:.0顾客未作答 原则答案: tohe.Why oto i _ ? et me gv

3、eyou a helpinghand hs m seond time ecnd tmetw imethesecnd ti本题分值:.0顾客未作答 原则答案: second tm.Bcause othe strike,British il a been fced to _ aains toLndon. cacl bandonpostponercal本题分值:4.顾客未作答 原则答案:cne 0Wen _schoo ti mornin, it_,s used my raicoat left, was riningw levng, sriinhadt,ws angleft, 本题分值:4.0 顾客未

4、作答 原则答案:let,was aining11. H i _than _ usier, ubsier, weore bus,weore u, us本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案:buier, we 12.Plse joi u eca esily ak _ forone re a this table.seatplaceroomsace本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答原则答案:oo 3. _Brw a ve fridy They salyave a pryon _ Sauray eeng. The, /, /h, a/, a本题分值:4.0顾客未作答 原则答案:The, / 14 ny o

5、n Saturdays _play baketbal. he doec hee candoes he本题分值:0 顾客未作答 原则答案: c he 1.o ullnderstandthe rir, mustread o only bewen e le, butsomemes _thlines. withibeyondbesideamong本题分值:4. 顾客未作答 原则答案:yond16.Aibrary wihfive thousan os_ tth nation as a gihas offredre oferdsofrdave fee本题分值:.0 顾客未作答 原则答案:i offere

6、1 T gogos_ one fthrs fridoe f my fahes riendoe ofm her finsfrien of myfather本题分值:0 顾客未作答 原则答案:one f my ftrsfriens 18. He _ frtwo ar. has ieddiedisdehs beendi本题分值:40 顾客未作答原则答案: has eended 1. ck_y oep, evenhughe was uy. mighhve gvenmightgiemayhve gienmy gv本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案:migh ave give 20. Somefil

7、have a mseadng _ on childen. affecefecmpateffets本题分值:40 顾客未作答原则答案: effec2. _ goodheath, oe to fins the ork ths yar. ivenrepresentedto giveto rerse本题分值:4 顾客未作答原则答案:in 2._ the o, I ound te compue _. Enterng,stealingEnterig,toenTo nter, telTo enter, stalig本题分值:.0 顾客未作答 原则答案: Entrig, stln 二 判断题1Fro the

8、assag we cn know ttI differtltures,dieret numbe haedfferet mening. 错对本题分值:4.0顾客未作答 原则答案:对 . Lightad briht oloke popl per but not more acive.错对本题分值:4. 顾客未作答原则答案:错 . Fuzzy lc s ot pffy ecnology that an mae mot any mne wo btte. 错对本题分值:40 顾客未作答 原则答案:错 1 T rtce oftenmitte _ of rviy in thakefr t sae o the

9、 sake oft the sakof本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案: o the a of. Dar u o om alone at nght? _. Yes, I doNo, I ontYes,I are oN, daren本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案: o, I darnt . - Woud yu liet tr _ tie? - Se.toscoatoa cond本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案: send . Te word fuzzy _the fuzzylgc cmputr chip iniheoven.refe tois refering toefred

10、 torefr o本题分值:4. 顾客未作答 原则答案: refes to Hest me n E-ail,_ t get frher infomtin. hopehopingthoppe本题分值:0 顾客未作答 原则答案: hoping6 _dosef the irector came to thpo inponoinfory本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案: in .Y to th meeting hs afernonif yu hae sehngmportanto do.eednt to mednt nee cmedontne omingnedn come本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案:eednt come Tw _ hreei five.plusminusmutipldeide本题分值:.0 顾客未作答 原则答案:plus 9 Alibrry five thousanoks _ o the nation s a gft.has offreare ffeedis feredhavfferd本题分值:4.0 顾客未作答 原则答案:s ofeed 1 herewas _tme _ had g to shoo. a ,



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