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1、宁夏回族自治区2015年英语中考试题一、听图画力I.听对话选出正确II.听句子选择恰当答语6. A.Onceaday.B.Fortwodays.C.Aweekago.7.A.Oh,no!B.Thanks!C.Isittrue?8.A.ItsMonday.B.Its7:30.C.ItsJune30th.9.A.Yourewelcome.B.Seeyou.C.Nicetomeetyou,too.10.A.Helpyourself B.Goodidea.C.Me,too.III. 听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案 11. A. At 8:45. B. At 9:13. C. At 9:30.

2、12. A. Go to work. B. Stay at home. C. Go to school. 13. A. The mans. B. The womans C. Jims 14. A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A driver 15. A. A song B. A conversation C. A report IV. 听对话选择正确答案 听下面一段对话,回答16,17两个小题 16. Whose on the left? A. the boys motherB. the boys brother. C. the boys sister 17. W

3、here is the boys mother? A. on the left of her sister. B. Between his brothers. C. Behind his brothers. 听下面一段对话,回答18至20三个小题 18. How many stops does the woman walk to catch the bus? A. One B. Two C.Three 19. How does the man go to school on Saturday? A. By bus B. By bike C. On foot20. What sports foe

4、s the woman do? A. She play tennis B. She walks to school C. She swims 二、单项选择 21. -What happened? -I fell down and hurt _ A. my B. mine C. I D. myself 22. - who is older, you or your friend? - Of course, my friend. He is _ older than me. A. very B. much C. too D. quiet 23. When the girl heard the wo

5、rds, her face _ red. A. got B. changed C. turned D. grew 24. -Whose T-shirt is this? -It _ be Tonys. I am not sure A. may B. must C. will D. can 25. Do you think _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon? A. is there B. there is C. there was D. there is going to be 26. -Your name again? I _ catch it. -Henry sm

6、ith A. dont B. didnt C. wouldnt D. wont27._excitingnewsitis!A.WhatB.WhatanC.HowD.Howan28.-Whenwillhecome?-When_,IllletyouknowA. doeshecomeB.hecomsC.willhecomeD.hewillcome29. Phoneme_yougettoWuzhongA.sinceB.sothatC.assoonasD.while30.Suddenlythehousebegintoshake.Hestopped_musicandrushedoutA.Tolistento


8、tA.inB.byC.onD.at34.Thepoorgirl_bytheunfriendlyboyswhenshetoldherstory.A.laughedatB.waslaughedatC.laughsatD.islaughed35.-Listen!Whoissinging?-ItsBetty.Shehasasweet_A.soundB.voiceC.noiseD.speech三、 完形填空 One day a young painter went by a garden. He was attracted by the beauty of the garden. He imagined

9、 how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 36._. Supervised, the painter asked that old man, “Why are you looking after these flowers when you cant see them?” The gardener answered, “I can tell you 37._ reason. First, I was a gardener w

10、hen I was young, and I really like this job. second,38._ I cant see the flower, I can touch them . Third, I can 39._ the sweetness of them. As for the last one, thats 40._.” “Me? But you dont know me” said the painter. “Yeah, its 41._ that I dont know you. But I know flowers are beautiful angles. Ma

11、ny people will look at my garden and the beauty will make them feel 42._. It also give me a chance to speak to you now. As the same time, we enjoy the happiness these flowers have 43._ us” the old mans words supervised the painter and give him much pleasure. The man grows flowers in order that every

12、body can 44._ their beauty. The gardener in the garden is alone but not lonely. all passers-by(路人) are his friends; all flowers are his neighbors. I believe every flower has eyes. they can see the 45._ of the old mans heart and the sweetness of his soul(灵魂) 36. A. lazy B. stupid C. deaf D. Blind 37. A. two B. three C. four D. Five 38. A. however B. although C. unless D. Until 39. A. smoke B. hear C. look D. Smell40. A.youB.meC.himD.her41. A.easyB.sureC.trueD.honest42. A.unfairB.goodC.badD.Strange43.A.broughtB.fetchedC.takenD.Carried44.A.buyB.borrowC.enjoy



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