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1、9B 第一轮复习:并列句和复合句并列句:常由and(和,接着), or(否则), but(但是), so(所以)等连接。 E.g. It is March now, and its getting warmer and warmer. Take a map with you, or youll be lost. My daughter Kitty loves to eat, but she hates to be fat. Danny always feels nervous, so he decides to ask his doctor for help.1. 并列句的特征是:并列连词永远

2、只能在所并列的句子之间。2. 注意“祈使句+and+一般将来时”和“带if的条件状语从句复合句”转换。 E.g. Get up earlier, and you will catch the school bus. Youll catch the school bus if you get up earlier.复合句:状语从句:时间(when / while / as / since / until / before / after / as soon as)、 条件(if / unless)、原因(because / now that)、让步(though / although)、 目的(

3、so that)、结果(sothat)、比较(than / asas / not as / soas) 1. as, when, while连词从句动词意义as短暂性动词,一般时强调动作同时进行,“一边一边”when短暂性动词,一般时“当时候”,表示一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行。While延续性动词,多用进行时“正当时”,两个动作同时进行。 E.g. She sang as she danced. When I got home, Mum was cooking in the kitchen. While I was reading, Mum was cooking in the kit

4、chen.2. until / notuntil (当主句是瞬间性动词时,要用否定形式。“直到才” E.g. I will wait until he comes. I wont leave until he comes.3. if (如果) / unless (如果不):它们两者意思正好相反。经常做互换,还与and 或or的并列句换。E.g. I wont go with you unless you help me do the washing. I _ go with you _you help me do the washing. Help me do the washing, _ I

5、 _ go with you. 4. because, since / now that because “因为”,表示直接的原因,语气最强,回答why的问句时,必须 要用because. since / now that “既然”,这两个词意思相同,通常放在句首,表示明显的 原因或众所周知的事实。 E.g. He didnt come yesterday because he was ill. Now that / Since everybody is here, lets begin our class. 5. though / although (通常放在句首),不能和but连用,但可以

6、互换。E.g. Although he ate a lot, he still felt hungry. = He ate a lot, _he still felt hungry.6. so that目的(为了) / so that 结果(如此.以至于) *so that 常和in order to / so as to 互换。 1) Li Pin got up early so that he could catch the early bus. Li Pin got up early _ _ to catch the early bus. 2) We plant trees so as

7、to keep the earth from being blown away. We plant trees so that _ _ keep the earth from being blown away. * sothat 后是肯定句,只能用 “enough to ” 改写。 sothat 后是否定句,既能用“tooto.”, 又能用 “not enough to ” 改写。1) The boy was so short that he couldnt reach the books on the shelf. The boy was _ short _ reach the books

8、on the shelf. The boy was not _ _ to reach the books on the shelf.2) He ran so fast that he got the first prize in the sports meeting. He ran _ _ to get the first prize in the sports meeting.7. not as / soas 和 than 的互换。 E.g. The underground train goes faster than the bus. The bus doesnt go as fast a

9、s the underground train. 宾语从句: 掌握连接词(that / if / whether / when / who / how) 、语序、时态1. 任何一个宾语从句都必须用陈述句语序。(即主语+谓语)2. 任何一个宾语从句都必须有引导词,在及物动词和宾语从句中间。 (只有that引导时,可以省略。)3. 宾语从句的时态通常由主句中的时态决定。(即:主句是现在时,从句可以根据实际需要使用各种时态; 主句是过去时,从句要用过去时范畴的各种时态。) 注意:从句如说明的是客观事实,不管主句什么时态,都用一般现在时。 E.g. John said (that) he was ve

10、ry happy to come to China. (陈述句) He hasnt decided if/ whether hell go on a trip to Wuxi. (一般疑问句) He asked me where I had been during the winter holidays.(特殊疑问句) 定语从句: 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句称为定语从句。只能跟在 被修饰的名词或代词后面。 了解由关系代词who, which, that 引导的定语从句。 E.g. This is the museum. We visited the museum yesterday.

11、 This is the museum that we visited yesterday. Tom is a clever boy. Tom invented a new machine. Tom is a clever boy who invented a new machine.E.g. When spring comes, we can see people flying kites in the countryside. Ill tell him the news as soon as I see him. We must study at school until 16. Afte

12、r he left school, Walt Disney sold newspapers and delivered mail. The old couple have lived in Kunming since they were retired. While the spaceship is travelling, the pilot can fly it just like an ordinary plane. The German had worked here for five years before he went to Beijing. If you clap your h

13、ands three times, the bird on the wall will dance for you. Youll be late for class unless you get up early in the morning. He didnt go to the cinema because he had seen it before. Since (Now that) you know how harmful smoking is, you should try to give it up. Although (Though) we are not rich, we ar

14、e still happy to live together. Speak loudly so that everyone in the class can hear you. The boy is so young that he cant go to school. Books are cheaper than computers. I can play tennis as well as you.Exercises:I. Choose the best answer:( ) 1. Dad didnt notice John come into the room _he looked up.A. afterB. whenC. as soon asD. until( ) 2. The students were talking loudly _the teacher came into the classroom.A. whileB. wh



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