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1、 高三经典英语励志语句 高三经典英语励志语句【篇一】 1、辛苦一年,受益一生。 A year”s hard work brings a lifetime of benefits. 2、把简单题作对,难题就会变简单。 If you get the easy questions right, the difficult problems will become easier. 3、我知道我能!乐观的想法是胜利的一半! I know I can! Positive thinking is half the battle! 4、亮出自我,挑战自我,成就自我。 Show yourself, challe

2、nge yourself, and accomplish yourself. 5、学问转变命运,勤奋制造将来。 Knowledge changes fate, and diligence creates the future. 6、战胜自我不服输,高考场上显身手。 Defeat oneself not to admit defeat, the college entrance examination field shows skill. 7、叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是你的幻想。 It”s not the alarm clock that wakes you up, it”s your dream.

3、 8、昨晚多几分钟的预备,今日少几小时的麻烦。 Last night more minutes of preparation, today less hours of trouble. 9、有志者自有千方百计,无志者只感千难万难。 Those who have the will will will do everything they can, while those who have no will will will only feel the difficulties. 10、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 April showers bring May flowers. 11、不经三

4、思不求教,不动笔墨不读书。 Without thinking, without seeking advice, without writing, without reading. 12、百炼成钢向进军;奋斗百日圆人生幻想。 Forge ahead to a famous school; strive for a dream of life of 100 yen. 13、不求难题都做,先求中低档题不错。 Don”t ask for difficult problems, it”s good to ask for middle and low-grade problems first. 14、忍一

5、时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空! If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow! 15、拼搏、拼搏、再拼搏;进取、进取、再进取。 Strive, strive, and strive again; forge ahead, forge ahead, forge ahead again. 16、练习就是高考,高考就是练习! Practice is college entrance examination, college entrance examination is pract

6、ice! 17、苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。 Hard thinking has no hope, hard work has a head. 18、你发觉只要你仔细洗过,那件衣服光亮如新。 You find that as long as you wash it carefully, it”s as shiny as new. 19、扛得住给我扛,扛不住给我死扛。 You can carry it for me, but you can”t carry it for me. 20、调适心态,把握高考,放飞青春幻想! Adjust the mentality, grasp the college

7、entrance examination, let go of the youth dream! 高三经典英语励志语句【篇二】 1、外在压力增加时,就应增加内在的动力。 When the external pressure increases, the internal motivation should be enhanced. 2、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。 It is good training to be diligent and to be able to make up for one”s shortcomings. 3、合理安排时间,就等于节省时间。 Reasonable

8、arrangement of time is equal to saving time. 4、笑到最终的人才是笑的的人。 The one who laughs last is the one who laughs best. 5、拥有学问转变命运,拥有抱负转变态度。 Have knowledge to change fate, have ideal to change attitude. 6、脚踏实地镇静备战,信任自己信任将来。 Be down-to-earth and prepared for war, and believe in the future. 7、调整好兴奋期,学习一浪高一浪。

9、 Adjust the excitement period and learn from each other. 8、有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。 Only when there is a high level of collective can there be a high level of individual. 9、宁可辛苦一阵子,不要苦一辈子。 It”s better to work hard for a while than a lifetime. 10、信念是胜利的一半。 Confidence is half the battle. 11、永久不要以马虎为借口原谅自己! N

10、ever excuse yourself for carelessness! 12、行动是胜利的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder of success. The more actions you take, the higher you climb. 13、再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。 No matter how cold the stone is, it will be warm after sitting for three years. 14、今日拼搏努力,他日谁与争锋。 Work hard today, who will fight with you

11、 in the future. 15、实,这三年的辛勤走过,你获得的太多太多。 In fact, after three years of hard work, you have gained too much. 16、快马加鞭,君为先,自古英雄出少年。 Hurry up, you are the first, since ancient times, heroes come out of youth. 17、没有口水与汗水,就没有胜利的泪水。 Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of success. 18、玉不琢不成器,人不学不

12、知道。 If you don”t learn, you don”t know. 19、花开不是为了花落,而是为了开的更加绚烂。 Flowers do not open to fall, but to open more brilliant. 20、行者常至,为者常成。 He who always comes, he who always does. 高三经典英语励志语句【篇三】 1、每个人都爱漂亮,都想变得更美。 Everyone loves beauty and wants to be more beautiful. 2、不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。 Do not ask for harv

13、est, but ask for cultivation! Heaven rewards diligence. 3、有来路,没退路;留退路,是绝路。 If there is a way, there is no way back; if there is a way back, there is no way. 4、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。 As long as the road is right, we are not afraid to go far. 5、不为失败找理由,要为胜利想方法。 Don”t find a reason for failure, try to find a wa

14、y for success. 6、忘时,忘物,忘我;诚恳,朴实,踏实。 When we forget, we forget things and ourselves. We are honest, simple and practical. 7、信念打算一切,细节打算成败。 Confidence determines everything, details determine success or failure. 8、等到上了考场的那一刻,灯光亮了。 When it came to the examination room, the light came on. 9、人生没有彩排,每一个细节都是现场直播。 There is no rehearsal in life. Every detail is live broadcast.


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