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1、【湘少版】五年级下册英语Unit7 单元测试卷第一部分 听力一、Listen and number.(听录音,排序) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )二、Listen and write.(听录音,选择正确的单词或词组填空)street shopping centre hotel bank post office1. Is there a park near your school? No, there isnt. But theres a _.2. Is there a cinema around here? Yes, there is. There is a cinema at the

2、 end of the _.3. I am hungry. Theres a _ over there. Lets buy something to eat.4. Now, I want to have a good sleep in the _. OK. Good night.5. This is my school. It is near a _.三、Listen and tick.(听录音,在相应的方框内打“”)Where do you live?I live in .shopbankcinemapost officeJohnLucy第二部分 笔试一、Copy.(抄写练习)post of

3、fice cinema hotel street_Theres a post office near my school._二、Read and write.(选择正确的单词或词组填空)over there near around cinema shopping centre(1) Is there a park _ your school? Yes, there is.(2) Where is the post office? It is _.(3) I want to see a film. OK. Lets go to the _.(4) She is going to buy some

4、thing in the _ at weekend. Really? I want to go with her.(5) There is a bank _ my home. I think it is very convenient (方便的) for you.三、Look and match.(看图,将单词或词组与图片连线)(1) street A. (2) shopping centre B. (3) hotel C. (4) cinema D. (5) hometown E. 四、Read and choose.(单项选择)( ) 1. There is a bird _ the tr

5、ee. A. up B. at C. in( ) 2. There _ a post office near my school. A. are B. am C. is( ) 3. There is a clothes shop over _. A. here B. there C. that( ) 4. Is there a bank around here? I want to take money (取钱). No, there isnt. But there is a _. You can take small change (换零钱). A. cinema B. shop C. ho

6、tel( ) 5. My home isnt _ the school. A. near B. there C. here( ) 6. We often take a walk _ dinner. Its good for us. A. in B. after C. before五、Read and translate.(根据提示,翻译下列句子)1. 有个小女孩在邮局的附近。There is a little girl _ the post office.2. 马路上有很多小车吗?Are there many cars _ the road?3. 桌子上有很多书吗?Are there many

7、 books _ the desk?4. 烟囱上有只鸟。There is a bird _ the chimney.5. 这个咖啡馆在购物中心的后面。The cafe is _ the shopping centre.6. 在这条街的尽头有一家电影院。There is a cinema at the _ of the street.六、Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”)I live in Beijing. My home is near a shopping centre. I often go shopping with my family. The

8、re is a cinema around my home. I like inviting (邀请) my friends to see films at weekends. On the right of the cinema, there is a bank. Its very convenient (方便的) for me to take money.( ) (1) I live in New York.( ) (2) There is a park near my home.( ) (3) I often go shopping in the shopping centre.( )

9、(4) I love watching movies with my friends.( ) (5) A bank is on the right of the cinema.( ) (6) Its not convenient for me.参考答案听力部分听力材料:一、1. Can you buy some bread for your mother? Yes, I can. I am going to the shop.2. Do you want to watch the movie with me? Yes, I do. Lets go to the cinema now.3. My

10、 house is near a bank.4. I like going for a walk in the park.5. I often go to the post office to send my letter.二、1. Is there a park near your school? No, there isnt. But theres a post office.2. Is there a cinema around here? Yes, there is. There is a cinema at the end of the street.3. I am hungry.

11、Theres a shopping centre over there. Lets buy something to eat.4. Now, I want to have a good sleep in the hotel. OK. Good night.5. This is my school. Its near a bank.三、Lucy: John, where do you live?John: There is a small cinema near my home. I often go to see the movie with my family. And on the lef

12、t side of my house there is a post office.Lucy: Oh! You are so lucky! My house is at the end of the street. Theres a bank behind my home. On the right of the bank, there is a shop.听力答案:一、2 5 1 3 4二、1. post office 2. street 3. shopping centre 4. hotel 5. bank三、略笔试部分一、略二、(1) around (2) over there (3) cinema (4) shopping centre (5) near三、(1)-(5) CEADB四、1-6 CCBBAB五、1. near 2. on 3. on 4. above 5. behind 6. end 六、(1)-(6)



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