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1、高一英语(下)期末复习M3U3重点词组句子重点短语1.夺取,接管take over2.拿走;夺取,剥夺take away3. 吸收;理解;欺骗;领会;接纳take in4.承担;呈现;雇佣take on5.(飞机)起飞;(事业)腾飞;脱下take off6.占据(时间、空间);开始从事或喜欢;拿起take up7.纪念in memory of8.为了纪念;为了庆祝;为向表达敬意in honour of9.无疑,确实no doubt10.起义,反抗rise up against11.阻碍(某人)stand in ones path12.患病come down with13.当谈到When it

2、comes to14.偶遇;被理解,被传达come across15.提出,想出come up with16.某事有待于完成sth. remains to be done17.尚未见分晓It remains to be seen+从句18.砍伐,砍倒;减少,削减cut down19.听讲座attend a lecture20.安排某人做某事arrange for sb. to do sth.21.被活埋be buried alive22.使处于政府的保护之下put sth. under government protection23.对造成破坏cause/do damage to24.结果是,

3、证明是(sth./sb.) turn out (to be)/ It turns out that=As it turns out, 25.(机器)出故障;(车)抛锚;(身体)垮掉;(精神)崩溃;使分解;失败break down26.关系破裂、分手;解散;使破碎break up27.(战争、疾病、争吵等)爆发break out28.发现楼房的遗迹被埋在沙子下面find the remains of buildings buried beneath the sand29.连同,与一起together with30.导致做某事result in/lead to (sb./ones) doing/b

4、eing done cause sb. to do/to be done31.导致城市被沙子掩埋result in the city being buried by sand32俗话说A saying goes that/As the saying goes,33.未能、没能做成某事fail to do34.扑灭;出版,发行;生产put out35.被用来做某事be used to do过去常常做某事used to do 习惯于做某事be used to doing36.认为是,把看做consider/regard/view/treat/see aslook on/think ofas37.考

5、虑做某事consider doing sth.38.发生take place39.阻止某人做某事prevent/stop/keep sb. from doing sth.40.控制整个世界take control of the entire world41.对厌恶、厌烦grow/be tired of42.拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.43.由于、因为as a result of / because of / due to /owing to / thanks to44.免费free of charge/for free/for nothing45.除了aside from/ a

6、part from46.对有深深的影响have a deep influence/effect on47.向某人发出挑战做某事challenge sb. to do sth.48.在很多情况下in many cases49.以为基础,基于be on the basis of=be based on50.使某人明白make sb. aware of sth./make sb. aware that51.受够了,对感到厌烦have enough of52.因某人做了某事而将其告上法庭take sb. to court for doing sth.53.通过做来自我辩护defend sb. by d

7、oing sth.54.保护不受的伤害;防御defend/protect against/from55.处死某人put sb. to death56.被迫做某事be forced to do sth.57.集中注意力于focus on/concentrate on/fix ones attention on58.某人准备好做某事sb. be prepared to do /prepare oneself to do59.情况良好(be) in good condition60.也如此So + be动词/助动词/情态动词+另一主语也不Neither/Nor + be动词/助动词/情态动词+另一主

8、语So it is with+另一主语/It is the same with+另一主语重点句子:1. 很多人被活埋了,整个城市也被活埋。Many people were buried alive, and so was the city.2. 当我在城中漫步时, 我看到保持原样的街道,沿路都有垫脚石,这样下雨天你就不用在泥泞中行走了!When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been, with stepping stones along the road so you did not have to step

9、 in the mud on rainy days!3. 原来, 火山灰覆盖了没能逃离城市的人,他们的身体几乎全部烧化消失了,只留下火山灰里的人形空当。It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, their bodies nearly completely broke down and disappeared, leaving empty spaces in the ash.4. 人们认为这里是被公元200至400年间的沙暴逐渐覆盖的。It(Loulan) is believed

10、 to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.5. 这片沙漠曾经是一片绿地,林木葱葱, 但树木被砍伐并导致这座城市被沙子掩埋。The desert was once a green land with huge trees, but they were cut down and that resulted in the city being buried by sand.6. 当被问及来自遥远希腊的塑像怎么会出现在中国时,研究人员解释说,这无疑是亚历山大大帝的影响所致。When asked ho

11、w a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result if Alexander the Greats influence.7. 然后,他又将目光转向东方,长驱直入印度,所到之处,攻无不克,战无不胜。Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went.8. 到三十岁时,他已经占领了比

12、以前任何人都多的土地,看来等待他的是无尽的荣耀。By the age of thirty, he had already occupied more land than anyone before, and it seemed that more glory was waiting ahead of him.9. 哲学可被认为是观察我们周围世界的一种方式,或是解答人生重大问题的一种方式。Philosophy can be thought of as a way of looking at the world around us, or of answering the great questi

13、ons of life.10. 最后,一些人对他忍无可忍,于是便把他送上了法庭,罪名是质疑希腊众神的存在和腐蚀雅典的年轻人。Finally, some people had had enough of him, so they took him to court for questioning the existence of the Greek gods and for corrupting the young people of Athens.11. 他相当乐观,坚持要实施这项计划,你最好别阻拦他。He is quite optimistic and insists on carrying out the plan, so youd better not stand in his path.



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