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1、湖北省第二十三届外语翻译大赛非英语专业B组笔译决赛试题 考生姓名: 注册手机号: 客观题答案涂写在答题卡上,主观题答案填写在试卷上I. acho th lling Chinese phases is povid with reeEnglishtanlations, mard, B ndCsearately, ikof he best choi ad fill ithe lanks (1%) 1.中国女排精神 the Vollebal eam Essenceo Chine Womn Bth Sprit Chne omes Volleybal Tea C. h ChnaWomens Sriof V

2、oleyalTam. 英国脱欧 A Brext Gexit C Euexit3.磨山植物园 A. MoshaPant Grde . Moan Boanic Garen C. Mosan Btnc Park4 武汉大学樱花节 . the Chery Flower Fsva a Wha Universi B. theCherry Da aWhn nisity C e Chry Blossm sal at Whan Uiversity5. 汉剧 A. Hala B. Hanopera . Handram6. 公共卫生设施 A.pulichealthdevice. . plic ntry iftrcu

3、reC. pbicealth inratrcure.7. 二十国集团领导人杭州峰会 A. 0 Hagzou To Meti B. G20 Hagzhu ao Conence C. G2 Hangzho Summt8. 奥运会 A. helymc Sports Meting . the lympicSpors Gme C teympic ames9. 移动支付 A. ovinaent mobile payment C. movel payt10. 初次载人航天飞行 A. fismanned spaeshp ly . istmnningsacefightC. fi mane spacefli I.

4、 Eachof t follwng glshphrases isflowe byte Chinse vrsins maked A, B and C spratl, ic off the bes choend fil i the bank.(10)11.Hube FeeTaeZon A.湖北自由经济开发区B. 湖北自贸区C. 湖北免费交易区12.the openg eremoof he R lympics A. 里约奥运揭幕式 B. 里约奥运庆典 C 里约奥运点火典礼13. wo-dimensiona code A.条形码 B. 支付码 C. 二维码14. Ope-iFitnss ancng A

5、 广场舞 B. 健美操 . 交谊舞15 nnovatve rduationphotos . 中规中矩的毕业照 B. 创意毕业照 .具有纪念意义的毕业照 -sports . 数字竞技 B. 电子竞技 C. 网络体育. rvice feocshwithdrawal A. 存款手续费 存取款服务费 C. 提现服务费. efud atickt A. 退票后的退款 B退票 C.购票19. wait-and-se tiude A. 看热闹的态度 B.悲观怠工态度 .观望态度2. l-rethousing A. 廉租房 B. 经济合用房 C.公租房II. ac of tefollowi inse snten

6、ces ifolweythreEnglish veons aked ,B ad seprately, tic ff thbst choice and fill in the blnks. (0%)1 寒假期间,校园网速不久,自习室里也不必紧张找不到空座,洗澡时也不用再排队了。 ADurng winer vacatins, Ican enj the hih capusInteret spee, in udios its neessary rry about idig no pty seats and o quee n line tkin abath.B. Drin wnrvaaion, te c

7、amp Inte peed i high, i elf-studycassoms Im no wrre tofid no empty seats, d dont aveo queuwhl taking bth. Dunintr vacaions,I n enjo hehih pee o the cmpu Iternet, cn lwaysindepty ats in asroo, nd I dont havto wait toue the bathroo.22.网上团购可以获得极低的折扣。 A.Group onlne buyig angan ugdiount B. yg wit online

8、gups anget a vr low scunt. nlie team-buing ofr agediscounts.2. 有些事情自身我们无法控制,只得控制自己。 . There are alwstigsout here that are uto ur conro, o we haeto contrlourselvesins.B. Asorsething, we cant contlthemseles, bt e avto otol s.C. We areimpossble to contol something tselvs,buto cmman ursees.24 中国从美国的进口额,

9、1988年为亿美元,到1992年增长到近30亿美元。 A.Amera mpors om China jumed from $0 millon n 98 to $3 in in 1992. .Chi mport fom Americ rseom$900 mlionin188 o illion n 92. Chaimpors fromAmerica were $0 mlonin 198 and hetrosy $ billnin19925.读书是福气,要爱惜你目前有幸拥有的这些一流的校内设施。 ARadingi uh abessig.Cherihit cas yuar lucky to have

10、sch tpclass falieon cpus.B.Readns uca happnes tht you have th prilege to wthese first-cass shool benes.C.ed is suchaluck.Cherishit beuse you a uckyt ead vi tese tp-clas sool irstruure26 Seblrr thenk o the lete th he ts. A.她的眼泪把信上的墨水弄得模糊不清。.她的泪水落到信笺上,模糊了笔迹。C她的眼泪模糊了墨迹弄脏了信。27. I wa quit fw rbefor he fnallyfinhe his lastovel 她写完最后一部故事后,又过了好近年。B.好近年前,她终于写完了最后一部故事



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