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1、第二部分 必修四 Module 1 Life in the Future.单项填空1The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents _.AcommandBconvictionCconsent Dcompromise2The managing director took the _ for the accident, although it was not his fault.Aguilt BchargeCblame Daccusation3Is it true that a

2、 terrible hurricane is on its way?It might be. I dont know it _.Aof sure Bfor sureCof course Dcertainly4With no rain for months and food supplies _ , the situation there was getting from bad to worse.Ato run out Brun outCto be run out Drunning out5Dont worry, theres _ of time.Afew BlittleCloads Dman

3、y6The motorway was closed because of fog; as a result we had to find an _ route.Aimpressive BeffectiveCaggressive Dalternative7London, the city that will host the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, _ an eightminute show featuring football star David Beckham.Arely on Bput onCconcentrate on Dfeed on8Peoples p

4、olitical beliefs are often _ by what they read in newspapers.Aproduced BshapedCmade Dtook9The company always _ great importance to the quality of their products. Thats why there is always steady increase in sales year by year.Aputs BattachesCmakes Dplays10In my opinion, keeping dogs should not be ba

5、nned, but _ to certain areas.Alimited BlimitingCto limit Dto be limited11They _ all their equipment into backpacks and set out for the destination.Aleft BloadedChung Dheld12The football fans often make a _ about which team will win the coming match.Aprofession BpreparationCprediction Dprogress13The

6、chief manager has decided to put _ he thinks is energetic, clever, and has good qualities in the position of the leadership of the company.Awhoever BanyoneCwhomever Dthose who14What I appreciate is her _ view of events.Apessimistic BsillyCordinary Doptimistic15He opened the windows to _ the bad smel

7、l.Aget away Bget offCget over Dget rid of.完形填空In todays fastpaced world, we expect our everyday mechanical appliances to operate precisely, _16_ any error would hamper the flow of the day, and disrupt productivity. Therefore, some Information Technology personnel have become high on demand, and are

8、a necessity for major companies. _17_, major companies have invested in help desk software to assist their employees.Help desk software is _18_ a computer program that enhances the process of identifying PC related issues. A help desk software can resolve electronic _19_ relating to software, hardwa

9、re and all kinds of databases that would encounter either machine or _20_ error. Help desk software _21_ a problem screening process, which helps streamline work station with small problems.One of the most _22_ forms of help desk software is online help desk software. Typically, the _23_ online help

10、 desk software works is that you would fill out an online form, where you would be _24_ to identify yourself, including contact information and description of your processor trouble. The online help desk software will _25_ send an electronic ticket to the IT people, promoting them to put your _26_ o

11、n a queue, and hence _27_ it out in the order it was received.Help desk software Web works in a _28_ manner, but it specifically _29_ website problems. Therefore, _30_ you have an online site that you use for business, and would like to _31_ it from danger, you can purchase a help desk software Web

12、package that would _32_ all your needs._33_ the best help desk software depends on your _34_ needs and uses, but when shopping for help desk software, there are many online resources to research the right one, _35_ price, flexibility and friendliness.16A.becauseBsoCthen Dbut17A.Instead BConsequently

13、CFortunately DBesides18A.probably BpossiblyCnecessarily Dessentially19A.difficulties BtroublesCdangers Ddisadvantages20A.mechanical BtechnicalChuman Delectronic21A.includes BcontainsCsuits Dmeets22A.usual BparticularCcommon Dspecial23A.method BideaCfact Dway24A.required BdemandedCsuggested Dhoped25A.also BthenCagain Dpossibly26A.suggestion BrequestCplan Dorder27A.think BhandCmake Dwork28A.similar BsameCdifferent Dspecial29A.deals BanswersChandles Dasks30A.unless BifCnow that Dalthough31A.save BavoidCescape Dprotect32A.meet BsuitCfit Dcover33A.Having BDe



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