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1、 第二学期高三英语调研测试 (04) (满分150分,考试时间20分钟) 第I卷 (共13分)I. Lstenig CompresonSeinADiectons: n Secion, you wll hear ten hortconveratinbween two speaker. At hedof eac coersatin, aquesonwil be asked abou wat was said.hcovrsatonand heuesions will b spken onlyoce. fer yu hr a nvestion andthe uestion abut i,rea the

2、rossible nsweoyur pr, ndecide whichnes t bet nswr t the quesonyoveheard.1.A. an ngneer. repaima. C. A teahr. . Ashop assista2. . In ahospitl. B. At estaurt. Cna uearket. Inanie cream hop3. A.Hus agentnd clint B.Brthr ansitr.C. Teaher and studet. D. Mstran apentie.4.A.Dscouraed B Sa. . Happy. D.Saisf

3、id. . Hewoderwhichsar womachose. B H ners ht color th jaet is. C. He tink h selcda ncesar. DHe thiks any colo e well withthe acet. 6. A. Taia drivin ure. B. Reeivig a eical tetent.C.ttendnn Art eson. D. Doin a ae-u tnng7. . Helpthemn find the buldigB. Folw th ma othe exibitC.Asit thn to read the mp.

4、 Show the mnwhee to getanewmap8. A. Thacres wasgven a chair t t n. B. The actess was warmy elcoed bythe audiee C.The audienewas ver happwh they saw he ctor. D. Tactess gave he permance on e hir.9A Heoesntexect toenjhe eatre. B.He soryhecnt gwi the won. . He thikthe thetre wllbe t crowde. D. He doest

5、le going to plas.10. A.The lue it in h oe relyver effectve.B.Th woman ismistk abut te ligts cor. Everytngok ifferen onc t is ot o thestre. D The woman hasnotroubledistinguising ols Section Birectins: In Sction B, yo will hear tw shrt assges, a o wil be kdhre qsons o each of th pasageThe pasaewill be

6、 readice, ut the questons will e soken nly e heou hea aquestion, rea th fourposibe wer onyurpe and deide hc onwuld e heest anwer the usion yuve hea.Qestos houg 13ae base nthefolowing aag.1. . Art hsr ls is tauht only it lectur hl. BMallydisabledhildn aretaghtoutside lassrm.C. Pfessteachhdren thouh e

7、al word expiencs Studens qute aprete te vale classroom eni.12 A.To sporthi pointof vieB To ris the prfe. C Tdisest sudypsyclogy. D.To rais his friend.13.A tudnts lern a o mr thoughexpeienc.BStudnin geatfu i side ad txtos C. Stuensdeep ter ativiytrou textbook.D. Stdets get firsha infron by obervan.Qu

8、esins 14throgh 16 are bad n heoowg pasage.4. A. o infor viirs o he parksistoy. To ovidean oevw f the parks mainraon.C. To showisits remteplaes in the rk. D. T tach visiorshw best to phoograpwllife. 1.A. tisey o gtlt. B. It euromus streth.Cis gogrup ativiy. . people dnt o itinwne. 16. A.Ther e ewe tu

9、is. Tentrane fees are lower. C. The aimals re ore aciveD. There areewer nsects.Sectin Directios: InSetio C, yowil har two ger coversations.e convestios wilberead twice. Afteryuhe each coesation, y are eqirdtfilin the blanks wtthe nfrmatoyo av erd Wre ur nswrson yu anse sheet.lk 1 trouh asdoth fowig

10、conversationDrem JobFuure jobTo be phian(1)_.Specifc tasksChek-ups, akn out siths, r otherthings, butt(1)_Watoualifyor the jobiyears f (19) _acollee,(0) _years aa hostal asan intr.Compltehe for. rie O WORD for eh answr.Blak 1 hrg 24 aed on the foowig onvrsionIriew uestion from he personnlmnageWhy dos M Johnowantto(21)_.RasonNocce fr (2) _ nthod copnyRao (2) _ in Caiornia.Reson 3Arie (2) _.Complet thfom. Witn more an THREE WORS r eah nser.II. Gam



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