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1、恪守商业道德协议书Agreement of Business Ethics and Principles甲方:Party A: 乙方:Party B:为规范合作双方的商业行为,维护公平竞争,经甲乙双方协商,一致同意签订如下恪守商业道德协议书。For the purpose of regulating business activities and maintaining the fair competition, after kind negotiation, Party A and Party B herein agree to sign this Agreement on Business

2、 Ethics and Principles as follows: 1.双方应严格遵守中华人民共和国有关法律法规以及反对商业贿赂的有关规定。严格履行双方签订的合同或协议,遵守商业道德和市场规则,共同营造公平公正的商务交易环境。1. Party A and Party B shall strictly comply with the relevant laws and regulations of Peoples Republic of China and the rules of anti-commercial bribery. Party A and Party B shall execu

3、te any contracts or agreements signed by and between them strictly, adhere to the commercial morality and market principles, and work together to build a fair and impartial business environment.2.甲方严禁本公司员工有任何违反商业道德的不廉洁行为,禁止本公司员工索要或接受乙方及其相关单位和人员提供给个人的佣金、回扣、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证、贵重物品等;不得参加乙方及其相关单位安排的可能影响公正执行公务

4、的宴请及健身、娱乐、旅游等活动。若乙方发现甲方员工在商务活动中存在以不正当手段试图直接或间接从乙方获取个人利益的行为时,应予拒绝并及时向甲方监察部门或司法机关举报。2. Party A prohibits any behavior by its employees that violate ethical business conduct and, prohibits any of its employees from requesting or accepting commissions, kickbacks, gift money, gift coupons, marketable sec

5、urities, disbursement voucher, costly presents or any other valuable goods and services from Party B or any relevant companies or personnel, and prohibits from attending any banquets, gymnastic activities, entertainment, junketing or any other activities arranged by Party B or relative companies whi

6、ch may affect the fair execution of business between Party A and Party B. If Party B is aware of the fact that the employees of Party A is requesting any improper benefits of personal interests directly or indirectly from Party B through business activities, Party B shall reject those employees and

7、report to Party As supervision department or the national judicial ministry on timely basis.3.乙方应严禁本公司及其代理机构的员工以任何形式、任何理由向甲方员工个人提供佣金、回扣、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证、贵重物品等;不得为甲方员工安排有可能影响公正执行公务的宴请、健身、娱乐、旅游等活动。若甲方发现乙方以不正当竞争手段拉拢、贿赂甲方员工,一经查实,甲方除根据中华人民共和国有关法律法规及合同约定要求乙方赔偿由此造成的损失外,甲方将有权在中国石化和所有中国石化注册供应商范围内对乙方分别给予通报、限制或禁止与

8、其交易的处理。3.Party B shall take all necessary precautions to prevent all its employees and agencies from offering commissions, kickbacks, gift, marketable securities, disbursement voucher and costly presents; and shall not arrange any banquets, gymnastic activities, entertainment and junketing which may

9、 affect the execution of business for Party As employees. If Party B is found bribing the employees of Part A in a unwarrantable way, Party A, after the bribing is verified, is entitled to claim any compensation according to the relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China and the

10、relevant contract clauses, and to give notification to all subsidiary companies and all suppliers of SINOPEC of Party Bs bribing activity, and restrict or forbid them to do business with SINOPEC.4.本协议书经双方签署后生效,有效期至2012年3月31日。原双方签订的廉洁从业责任书自然终止。甲乙双方若通过招投标或其他方式签订交易合同的,本协议书作为双方所有交易合同的附件,与合同具有同等法律效力;双方未签

11、订交易合同的,本协议书独立有效。4. The agreement will come into effect immediately after being signed by Party A and Party B; remain effective till March 31st 2012. The former Business Ethics and Principles will become invalid.If contracts or agreements are signed through bidding process or other approaches, this A

12、greement will serve as the appendix of the major as contracts and/or agreements, and be as legally effective those contracts and/or agreements; If no contracts or agreements have been signed by and between both parties, this agreement shall be valid independently.5.甲乙双方及其人员在经济合同履行完毕后,发生或发现违反本协议书规定的行

13、为,仍按本协议书规定处理。5. Party A, Party B and/or their employees should comply with this Agreement strictly, and should be governed by this Agreement even the contracts and/agreements are fulfilled.6.本协议书一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。6. This Agreement is made in two copies; one for each Party and each copy bears the same validity.甲方单位:中国石化国际事业有限公司 乙方单位:(盖章)Party A: China Petrochemical International Party B: (seal)Company Limited 法定代表人或授权委托人: 法定代表人或授权委托人:(Authorized Signature) (Authorized Signature)1



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