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1、课题:Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Period 3(Section A 3a-3c)学习目标1.知识目标:1)单词:folk,godness,whoever,steal,lay,dessert,garden,tradition,admire2)词组:in the shape of,traditional folk stories,shoot down,live forever,fly up to. call out, lay out, admire the moon,share.with., as a result2.技能目标:能读

2、懂3a短文,解决课后问题(3b,3c)。学习重点:读懂短文,掌握部分短语的用法。学习难点:如何提高阅读速度。学习过程【自主学习】领悟基础知识我能行 1、单词过关(及拓展应用)民间的,民俗的_ (民间故事_ )女神_ (女服务员_ 女演员_ )偷,窃取_ (过去式_ 过去分词_ )安置,放置_ (摆开_ 下蛋_ )花园,园子_ 甜点_ 欣赏,仰慕_ 2、短语过关的形状_ _寄托人们对的祝福_ 传统的民间故事_ _在中秋之夜_ 最令人感动的_ _ 射下,击落_ _ 长生不老_ _ 飞向月亮_ 大声呼喊的名字_ 的传统_ _和分享_ _ 结果_ _【课堂互动】 掌握基本技能我最捧一、完成3a课文学习

3、并交流1、快速阅读课文,完成3a任务并交流意见2、仔细阅读课文,完成3b任务并核对答案3、默读课文第1段,回答问题:How long have people celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival? Do we celebrate it during the day or at night 4、默读课文第2段,判断正误:( ) There is only one traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival.( ) A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine beforer he shot

4、down the nine suns ( ) Change refused to give the medicine to Hou Yi and drank it all( ) One night, Feng Meng found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.( ) Change quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.5、Mind -map朗读课文,填写课文思维导图Wish 6、朗读课文努力记

5、住课文内容,不看书完成3c任务二、【知识点】 火眼金睛我最行。 1、先自己找出自己认为的重点词、短语和句子 2、小组讨论形成定稿,全班展示。三、【疑难解答】有难必问 小组内解决不会读的单词,看不懂的地方。都不会的问题全班展示。 【达标测评】英汉互译:(1) Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival(2) and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. (2)They carry peoples wishes to the families they love and miss. (3)无论谁喝了这个都能长生不老,后羿打算和嫦娥一起喝 (4)Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. (5)One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. (6)How he wishes that Change could come back! 教学反思:



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