2012 在职联考&GCT 完形填空 课堂讲义 analysis.doc

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1、在职联考 & GCT 完形填空 课堂讲义I 题材GCT2011 食物起源轶闻2010 科学研究2009野火2008购物心理2007爵士乐2006收集亲笔签名2005丁克2004企业人类资源2003泰迪熊的由来在职联考2011 蚂蚁仿生2010 语言与思维2009 亚健康2008 “绿色化学”2007 灰狗长途汽车2006 蜜蜂2005 爱尔兰2004 成人教育2003 对留学生的规定2002 缺水的影响题材同阅读理解,多涉及社会现象,建议考生平日留意生活中的相关内容。II 题型1). 逻辑关系题完形填空题核心考点,考查考生对于英文论说文行为格式、规律和逻辑关系的把握。重点是了解、熟悉、运用英文

2、中常见的5大逻辑关系,并且用此逻辑关系解题。解题思路: 利用英文5大逻辑关系: 转折: but, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, rather than.although, though, whereas, while, despite, in spite of, instead of.因果: because, since, as, in that, now that, since, owing to, due to, because of, therefore, thus, for, so that. so. that.因,so that

3、果果,because 因条件: if, unless, provided, supposed, but that, but for . 并列or递进: and, as well, even, furthermore, moreover, in addition to, as well as, besides.总分: such.as., first, second, third, last., in short, above all._复习方法:熟练掌握逻辑关系词,以及各种从句e.g.: (2008-35) . You | can tell the salesperson that you |

4、want to think about the matter for a few days, _35_or_ that you | want to talk to other people (who S | have purchased the product or service).S V that S V and/or that S Vn./pron (who/that + 残缺的句子)35. A. soB. Now that = sinceC. or D. but that S V = but for n./pron./doing 要不是Tips: you want to . _35_

5、you want to . 文章中出现并列的结构,所以要使用并列的连接词:or,but;再根据句意判断这里是并列的逻辑关系,所以使用连接词or。Key: Ce.g.: (2006-35) Most beginning autograph collectors | do not have the knowledge to determine _35_ an autograph | is genuine (真实的).35. A. what B. howC. whether D. whereTips: determine 为及物动词,后面出现的从句应为宾语从句(属于名词性从句范畴);从句结构为S V

6、 P,结构完整,使用从属连词 that,whether,if。此处选择whether,理解为亲笔签名是否是真的。Keys: C 2). 语义衔接题考查考试对文章内容和逻辑关系的把握,经常搭配逻辑关系题以及语词辨析题考查。e.g.: (2009 32) Fueled by weather, wind, and dry undergrowth, uncontrolled wildfires can burn acres of landand consume everything in their wayin mere minutes. A wildfire moves at speeds of u

7、p to 23 kilometers an hour, consuming everythingtrees, bushes, homes, even humansin its _32_32. A. route B. trackC. trace D. pathTips: 此处考查的是上下文的语义衔接。第一段中出现consume everything in their way,第二段中出现相同结构consuming everythingtrees, bushes, homes, even humansin its _32_。忽略破折号里的内容,结构完全相同。所以32空应该选择way的同义词path

8、Keys: De.g.: (2007-37) The earliest jazz was performed by black Americans who had little or no training in Western music. These musicians drew on a strong musical culture from _37_ life.37. A. white B. blackC. yellow D. redTips: 前文中出现black Americas。所以后文中表明的是黑人的生活。Keys: B(2007-33) Much of the best ja

9、zz is still written and _33_ in the United States.33. A. spoken B. shownC. understoodD. performed3). 语词辨析题考查考生对型相近或意相近的语词进行辨析,要求学生熟练掌握运用有多重含义的词。语词辨析题包括动词辨析、名词辨析、形容词副词辨析、介词辨析等。e.g.: (2008-38) There are, of course, many salespeople who are genuinely interested in assisting you and in _38_ you reasonab

10、le products and prices.38. A. givingB. providingC. offering D. makinge.g.: (2005-33) A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market survey company _33_ that about 3.3 percent of 1,300 surveyed families in Beijing said they have _34_ plans to have children.33. A. directed B. inducedC. indicated D

11、. dictated34. A. no B. notC. hardly D. scarcely4). 固定搭配题考查考生对英文短语的记忆和运用能力,参考词汇部分e.g.: (2004-40) . However, with the Internet there is a risk _40_ receiving unsuitable applications from all over the world.40. A. at B. in C. over D. of5). 语法考查题较少出现,可以与词汇题中的语法题结合起来复习。经常考查的语法点:时态;语态;非谓语动词(不定式、动名词和分词);从句

12、(名词性从句、状语从句、定语从句)、虚拟语气、强调句型、倒装.e.g.: (2004 40) But it is clear that the new tide of ideas has come, which suggests young people _40_ to choose their own way of life. 40. A. wanted B. should wantC. want D. had wantedIII 解题步骤1. 看懂文章首句2. 先做会做的, 无需按顺序解题IV 历年真题2011GCT Para 1Where do our favorite foods |

13、come from? The truth | may 31 you. 31. A. upsetB. surprise C. annoy D. inspire解析: 这个事实可能会_你。Upset“使沮丧“,surprise“使惊讶”,annoy“使烦恼”,inspire“启示”。根据题意,事实会让我们大吃一惊。故选B。Did you know that curry(咖喱)| isnt Indian? Did you know Americans | werent the 32 to eat hamburgers? Or did you know pizza wasnt created in I

14、taly?32. A. onesB. last C. firstD. nation解析:考查语义。本文主旨是“我们最喜欢的食物从哪儿来”,且结果会让我们吃惊,证明本句正确的语义走向为“美国不是第一个吃汉堡的”,因为我们通常认为汉堡发源于西方。故选C。Para 2 S V S V.First, lets . Many people | think the English | found out about curry from people in India in the 1600s. But 33, wealthy English people | were cooking with curry spices hundreds of years 34 British ships | traveled to India. 33. A. in detailB. in shortC. in turnD. in reality = IN FACT 34. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. while解析:考查语义。这里



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