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1、 Be taken aback 大吃一惊The manager was taken aback at the news that some company had already launched the product into the market. Be above oneself趾 高气扬Sally was quite above when she learned the news that she was the only one on the company that had been promoted. Keep abreast of (with).紧跟,与保持并进As a mu

2、ltinational corporation, we must keep abreast with the latest development of the international market. Gain acceptance with (among).得至U认可; 被接受Some of the American culture has gained wide acceptance with the Japanese, especially among those young people. Have access to.有接近的机会Even today many people in

3、 the remote mountainous areas have no access to free medical treatment. By accident偶 然的She discovered the medicine solely by accident. Gain wide acclaim from.受到的普遍称赞The new policy gained wide acclaim from Chinese farmers all over the country. Accommodate oneself to.使自己适应与He knows how to accommodate

4、himself to situations in which he is involved and how to deal with intricate matters. In accord (with)与保持一致I was glad to learn that their views were in general accord with ours. Of ones own accord自愿地,主动地He contributed such a large sum of money to charity solely of his own accord. Give a bad/poor acc

5、ount of oneself表 现不佳Frank did not want to give a bad account of himself by talking about things that he is not familiar with. Make much little account of.十分重视/不很重视The government makes much account of childrens education and their health. Acquaint oneself with使自己熟悉Since the day when he arrived in the

6、 United States, she had always given much heed to acquainting herself with the local culture and the American way of life. Scrape (up) an acquaintance with.设法接近(结识)Sandra is trendy lady and she knows how to scrape up acquaintance with social notables of Chicago. Put on an act装 腔作势Some professors are

7、 always putting on an act, either speaking like a book or being playful with words. Go into action付诸实施,开始行动The police made a perfect plan of the cracking down on the gang. But it didnt go into action until a week later when they thought the time was ripe for the action. Put. .into action使付诸实施You can

8、t decide whether a plan is good or bad until it is pit into action. Address oneself to.专心从事;对讲话If I had an opportunity to address myself to all company managers in China, I would advise them to address themselves to both their business and upgrading their levels of education. Give ones adhesion to.表

9、示接受,拥护The president of the corporation seemed to have given his adhesion to the requests of counterpart, though he was not so happy about it. Make much ado about nothing无 中生有,无事生非Dont be fooled by his babbling. He was only making much ado about nothing. In advance (of). 在之前In most western countries,

10、 if you cannot, for one reason or another, come to a dinner party as agreed, you will have to phone the host in advance and excuse yourself for not being able to come. Take advantage of.利用Some big powers take advantage of the inferiority of some smaller countries and use their power as a political l

11、everage to interfere in their internal affairs. Act 0n/upon somebodys advice按 照某人的建议去做In the old days, many Chinese children were willingly acting on their parents advice, but things have taken a different look these days. Have an affair with与有暧昧关系The president was forced to resign, for his having a

12、n affair with a film star like a time-bomb that would sooner or later ruin his fame. Be after doing something 刚刚做完某事A: Could we go and have a talk with Jack?B: Im after talking with him. Pile on the agon y小苦大诉,一苦百诉Some divorced men know how to take advantage of womens sympathy: they would pile on th

13、e agony, pretending that they were the most saddened men in the world. Agree to disagree同意保持不同意见Considering that we have been cooperating for many years, I now agree to disagree with the attached conditions. Get ahead (of).超过、领先于In the rat race, there are always guys that get ahead of the game than

14、most others do. Come/go to someones aid赶来/去帮助某人Knowing that the ship was badly leaking, several ships and fishing boats hurriedly came to their aid. Aim high胸怀大志Frank aimed high, but achieved little. Airs and graces装 腔作势When she speaks to social notables, she always talks with them with airs and gra

15、ces. Get the air被解雇,被抛弃Soon after Franks boss gave him the bag, he got the air from his gf. Give air to.倾诉,说出The workers in this factory are encouraged by the boss to give air to their opitions about the factorys management. Put on airs装腔作势,摆架子I get sick of those who are always putting on airs. Tread/walk on air得意洋洋的I dont know why she has been walking on air these days. Roll in the aisles使某人捧腹大笑Joss humorous story rolled all the children in the aisles. Give the alarm敲 警钟This phenomenon in the strange change of weather has given the alarm to man



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