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1、最新英语七年级英语下册选词填空训练经典一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1根据句意,用few,a few,little 或a little填空 (1)Id like to practise my English more but I have_chances. (2)The bus service isnt very good at nightthere are _buses after nine oclock. (3)There was_traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected. (4)I cant decide now.

2、 I need_time to think about it. (5)When did Jenny go out? _minutes ago. (6)There was_food in the fridge. It was nearly empty. 【答案】 (1)few(2)few(3)little(4)a little(5)A few(6)little 【解析】【分析】few几乎没有,极少,修饰可数名词复数,表示否定;a few一点,修饰可数名词复数,表示肯定;little几乎没有,极少,修饰不可数名词,表示否定;a little一点,修饰不可数名词,表示肯定。 (1)句意:我想要更多练

3、习我的英语,但是我几乎没有机会。根据句意可知是几乎没有,表示否定,chances是可数名词复数,所以用few,故填few。 (2)句意:公交车服务在晚上不非常好九点后几乎没有公交车。根据句意可知是几乎没有公交车,buses是可数名词复数,所以用few,故填few。 (3)句意:交通几乎不拥挤,所以我们比我们预期的到底地早。根据句意可知是几乎没有,表示否定,traffic是不可数名词,所以用little,故填little。 (4)句意:我现在不能决定。我想要一点时间考虑它。根据句意可知是需要一点时间思考,time是不可数名词,所以用a little,故填a little。 (5)句意:珍妮什么时

4、候出去的?几分钟前。minutes,可数名词复数,表肯定,用a few修饰,位于句首首字母大写,故填A few。 (6)句意:冰箱里只有少量的食物了。冰箱几乎都空了。根据 nearly empty ,可知前一句是否定意义的,且food 是不可数名词,因此用little修饰,故填little。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在句中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。2选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空next to, feel proud of, on the other side of, at the bottom of, all the way

5、, save ones life(1)The water in the river is so clear that you can see the water plants _ it. (2)Jims home caught fire last week and a fireman _. (3)My home is _ a river, so I always go for a walk by the river after supper. (4)Theres nothing but woods _ the road. (5)Im a big fan of Jay Chou and l wi

6、ll support him _. (6)Jack often gets No. 1 in his class. His parents _ him. 【答案】(1)at the bottom of(2)save his life(3)next to(4)on the other side of(5)all the way(6)feel proud of 【解析】【分析】next to,靠近feel proud of,感到骄傲; on the other side of,在.对面; at the bottom of, 在.底部all the way“(一路上)一直;从头到尾”, save on

7、es life救某人的命(1)句意:河中的水非常清澈,你可以看到水底的水植物。因为水清,才能看到水的底部,应填at the bottom of.(2)句意:吉姆的家上周着火了,一个消防员救了他的命。句中缺少动词,由Jim家着火,消防员,可知应填save his life,根据last week ,caught,动词应该用一般过去时,故填saved his life。(3)句意:我家靠近一条河,所以晚饭后我总是在河边散步。在河边散步,可知家与河较近,故填next to。(4)句意:在路的对面除了树木什么也没有。there be +sth.+地点,句子缺少地点状语。故填at the other s

8、ide of。(5)句意:我是周杰伦的忠实粉丝,我会一直支持他。既然是忠实粉丝,就应该一直支持,故填all the way。(6)句意:杰克经常在班上获得第1名。他的父母感到骄傲。第一名,父母应该感到骄傲,feel proud of。由前句often gets,可知应该用一般现在时,主语parents,故应该用动词原形,故填feel proud of。【点评】考查短语在语境中的运用能力。注意根据词汇在语境中词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。3选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空the top of, place of interest, such as, be far away

9、from, in the centre of, by the sea, be known as, at least(1)I need _ four days to finish this picture. It is very complex(复杂的). (2)There are many _ in Beijing. (3)Last summer holiday, we went to Sanya and played volleyball _. (4)He wants to buy some fruit, _ apples and peaches. (5)He _ home and want

10、s to stay with his wife and children. (6)I got to _ the hill and felt very tired. (7)The library lies _ the city. (8)Langlang _ a world famous pianist. 【答案】(1)at least(2)places of interest(3)by the sea(4)such as(5)is far away from(6)the top of(7)in the centre of(8)is known as 【解析】【分析】the top of,在.顶部

11、; place of interest, 名胜;such as,例如; be far away from,离.遥远; in the centre of,在.中心; by the sea,在海边; be known as,因.而闻名 at least至少。(1)句意:我需要至少四天的时间终于完成这张照片。这是非常复杂的。four days名词,要用形容词短语,根据句意,故填atleast。(2)句意:北京有许多名胜古迹。根据句意,故选空格前many,其后要接可数名词复数,空格前many ,其后要接可数名词复数 ,place可数名词,要用places,故填places of interest。(3

12、)句意:去年暑假,我们去了三亚,在海边玩排球。从结构上看,结构完整,缺少地点状语,结合句意,故填by the sea。(4)句意:他想买一些水果,比如苹果和桃子。从后句可知,是对同类事物的列举,故填such as。(5)句意:他远离家,想和妻子和孩子住在一起。由后句想和妻子和孩子在一起,表明他离家比较远,be far away from,主语是he,be要用is,故填is far away from。(6)句意:我到达山顶,感到非常疲倦。空格后名词hills,根据句意,故填the top of。(7)句意:图书馆位于城市的中心。lie不及物动词,后有名词city,要用介词短语,根据句意,故填i

13、n the centre of(8)句意:郎朗被誉为世界著名钢琴家。由生活常识可知郎朗以弹钢琴而出名,be famous as,主语LangLang,be应该用is,故填is famous as。【点评】考查短语在语境中的运用,注意在语境中根据词性适当变换词形,同时也要熟记固定短语和固定搭配。4根据句意,选词填空,注意有一个是多余的notebooks, surprised, without, articles, owns, Exit(1)Camels can live _ water for a long time. (2)Suzy writes good _. (3)The strange

14、rabbit _ Alice. (4)Get out at _ A. (5)Mr. Li _ a four-bedroom flat. 【答案】 (1)without(2)articles(3)surprised(4)Exit(5)owns 【解析】【分析】notebooks笔记本;surprised惊讶的;without没有;articles文章;owns拥有;Exit出口 (1)句意:骆驼没有水可知生存很长时间。根据常识可知骆驼没有水喝可以生存很久,without water没水,故填without。 (2)句意:Suzy写好的文章。good是形容词,修饰名词,article文章,good前面没有表示单数的a/one,所以用复数articles,故填articles。 (3) 句意:这个奇怪的兔子使Alice感到惊讶。句子缺少谓语,兔子使Alice感到惊讶,故填surprised。 (4)句意:在出口A出来。Exit A,出口A,故填Exit。 (5)句意:李先生拥有一个四间卧室的公寓。时态是一般现在时,主语是单数Mr. Li,所以own用单三式owns,故填owns。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在句中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。5选词填空swim, dance, speak, friend,


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