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1、Unit 2 Whats the matter?I Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill Focus 听Listen to people talking about their problems.说Talk about health problems and give advice.读Read about things you should do and shouldnt do.写Write about advice with should and shouldnt.功能句式Talk about healthWhats the matter?I have a .He

2、/ she has a .Im not feeling well.When did it start?About . ago.Thats too bad.I hope you feel better soon.Do you have a .?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Give advice You should/shouldnt .He/she should/shouldnt .LanguageFocus词汇1. 四会词汇have, cold, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose,

3、tooth, fever, rest, should, shouldnt, headache, ago, so, illness, thirsty, early, problem, way, traditional, believe, weak, angry, medicine, western, everybody, get, few, a few, stay, important, moment, late, until, yesterday, hear2. 认读词汇matter, stomachache, sore, stomach, throat, toothache, honey,

4、dentist, advice, stress, crispy, cereal, cookie, balance, yin, yang, Dangshen, Huangqi, herb, tofu, balanced, diet, dear3. 短语have a cold, be stressed out, at the moment, host family语法Modal should/shouldntYou should go to bed.He shouldnt eat anything. She should see a dentist.StrategyFocusUsing what

5、you knowInferring contentII. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Health为话题和核心,设计了一系列的教学活动,帮助学生掌握如何谈论健康问题并就这些问题提出建议。Section A 1a 要求学生看图把身体各部位的名称和相应的字母配对,集中学习关于身体部位的单词,为后面各项活动的进行奠定基础。1b要求学生听录音,对照图片在人名后写上相应的编号。1c是一个结对活动,要求学生根据图片提供的信息仿照例句进行会话活动,谈论健康问题。2a 和2b是两个听力练习,主要就健康问题及建

6、议展开训练,引出本单元的两个重要结构:用have谈论健康问题及用情态动词should和shouldnt提出建议。2c是口头练习,学生结对对2b中的对话进行角色表演,强化口语表达。Grammar Focus呈现了本单元的语法重点。3a要求学生根据所学词汇完成一个对话,帮助学生在运用中巩固所学的关于健康问题和建议的词汇。3b要求学生结对口头练习3a中的对话,并根据图片提示模仿该对话编造新的对话。4是一个小组活动,一个学生用哑剧的形式表演一种疾病,别的学生猜测是什么样的病并就该病提出建议。让学生在轻松的氛围中练习目标语言。Section B 1a是一个配对题,帮助学生掌握几个表示身体状况或感觉的形容


8、寻求建议,谁的建议最好谁将成为Dr Know。该活动将激发学生的热情和积极性,在娱乐中运用并巩固所学知识。Self check 是自我检测练习:1要求学生用单词的适当形式填空并造句,检验学生对几个重点词汇的理解和运用;2要求学生给Sally写封回信,就她在新学校所遇到的问题提供一些建议,是对情态动词should/shouldnt表达建议的用法的检验。2. 教材重组和课型设计Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c)Listening and Speaking Period 2 (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4)Function Perio

9、d 3 (Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c)Vocabulary building Period 4 (Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4)Reading and Writing Period 5 (Self check)Self check III. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 Listening and SpeakingTarget language 目标语言1. Words and phrases生词和短语matter, have, cold, have a cold, stomacha

10、che, sore, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth, throat, toothache, fever, rest, honey, dentist, should, headache, shouldnt 2. Key sentences重点句型Whats the matter?I have a .You should/shouldnt .Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about health problems and

11、 give advice on that with the target language. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to talk about health problems and give advice on that with the target language. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Learn the English names of different parts of human body and talk about vario

12、us health problems.Teaching aids 教具准备Picture of human body, tape recorder, a projector and some slides. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Vocabulary studyPlay a game with students and get them warmed up. T: Lets play a game. Listen to my instructions and do as I tell you to do. Here we go:T

13、ouch your nose! Touch your eye!Touch your mouth!Touch your hair!.Give the instructions in Chinese since students havent learned the English names of different parts of human body. Then help students to learn the names one by one. Other options:A. Draw a human body on the Bb or show a picture of huma

14、n body to students, help them name different body parts.B. Play the “Body song” to students. Why can we see with our eye?Why can we hear with our ears?Why can we speak with our mouth?Why can we smile with our nose?Why can we write with our hands?Why can we walk with our legs?Why why why?Will you tel

15、l me why?Then deal with activity 1a. Let students look at the picture and write the correct letter for each part of the body. Then play the game again. This time, give the instructions in English. In this way, they will learn the new words more easily. Deal with activity 1b. Let students listen and number the names according to the picture. Check the answers. T: Pay attention to the plural forms of the following words.foot feet mouth mouths stomach stomachs tooth



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