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1、初一英语第二学期期末复习资料(7) 综合卷Class _ NO. _ Name _一、 选择填空 ( ) 1. Many students like playing basketball after class. So its very _ in our school.A. boringB. popularC. interesting ( ) 2. Ann does well in gymnastics, but I am _ at it than her. A. goodB. wellC. better ( ) 3. I like running_ cycling but I dont li

2、ke swimming_ skiing.A. and, andB. and, orC. or, or ( ) 4.Tom isnt in, he is leaving _ Japan. A. forB. toC. from ( ) 5. In winter, the weather in Harbin is colder than_ in Shenzhen. A. / B. itC. that ( ) 6. China is a very old country_ a history of 5,000 years. A. inB. hasC. with ( ) 7. I think cycli

3、ng is _than walking. A. dangerousB. more dangerousC. more safe ( )8. Mother asks me to speak English _ . A. loud and clearB. loudly and clearlyC. good and clearly ( )9. - _ the weather_ in Harbin in winter? - Its very cold. A. How, likeB. What, likesC. Whats, like( ) 10. - Do we need_ in the classro

4、om? - Sorry, I dont know. A. stayB. stayingC. to stay( ) 11. He is_ than any other_ in his class. A. older, boysB. old, boysC. older, boy ( ) 12. Which subject do you like _, English or Chinese? A. better B. wellC. good( ) 13. Dalian is _ the north of China. It _ a population of 5.9 million. A. in,

5、hasB. on, isC. in, is ( ) 14. Chang Jiang is _ than the River Thames. A. the widerB. more widerC. much wider ( )15. We are all _ at the_ news. A. exciting, exciting B. exciting, excited C. excited, exciting ( ) 16. I think _ sports makes people relaxed. A. doB. doingC. be doing ( ) 17. Your car is _

6、than mine but it looks nicer. A. cheaper B. expensiver C. cheap ( ) 18. He always does his homework_, so he cant get good marks in his exams. A. carefullyB. carefulC. carelessly( ) 19. _ more difficult_ older people to learn English better. A. It, forB. Thats, ofC. Its, for( ) 20. Be _! The students

7、 are reading books_ in the library. A. quietly, quiet B. quiet, quietlyC. quiet, quiet 二、 完成句子1. 农民们一年到头在田地里干活。Farmers work in the fields _.2. 你是怎样从北京到上海的?How do you _Shanghai?3. 他们经常在周末去乡村观光。They often_in the countryside at the weekends.4. 他们打算环游世界。They are going to _.5. 请把你的相片通过电子邮件发给我。Please _ me

8、 by email.6. 他经常用英语来和外教交谈。He often uses _foreign teachers.7今晚将有大风大雪。 There _and heavy snow tonight.8. 桂林以其美丽的山水而闻名。Guilin _its beautiful mountains and rivers.9. 这个国家的东部海岸有些小村庄。There are some _ of the country.10贝蒂擅长唱歌和跳舞。Betty is_.三、完形填空Sam and Pat are _1_. They are in _2_ class. Sam works harder and

9、 studies better _3_ Pat. One day the teacher asks the students _4_ a composition. The name of the composition is “My mother”. Sam _5_ a composition and is going to hand it in to the teacher. Pat says, “Sam, let me have _6_ .” Pat reads it and copies it.The _7_day, the teacher asks Pat, “_8_ is your

10、composition just as _9_ , Pat?”“Because we have the same _10_.” says Pat.( )1.A.sistersB.friendsC.brothers( )2.A.oneB.the sameC.a different( )3.A.withB.likeC.than( )4.A.to writeB.writeC.writing( )5.A.copiesB.writesC.makes( )6.A.a good timeB.a walkC.a look( )7.A.thatB.nextC.another( )8.A.WhyB.WhatC.Which( )9.A.SamB.SamsC.Sams( )10.A.brotherB.sisterC.mother四、书面表达请根据下表提示以 My hometown 为标题写一篇60词以上的短文,可适当发挥。我的家乡名称佛山位置中国的南部,广州的西部人口大约5790000人气候夏天不是很热,冬天不是很冷特产陶 陶瓷(Ceramics)其他有超过1500年的历史;现在有很多新的建筑物_



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