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1、特色材料通河县第四中学英语教师 陈瑞颖Unit 4 Topic 2 Section C阅读课教学设计通河县第四中学英语教师 陈瑞颖 一、教学目标 1. 知识与技能 (1)通过本节课教学,使学生在教师的指导和提示下运用阅读技巧,更好地理解文章大意和细节,通过合作讨论进一步理解并掌握阅读理解题的解题方法。 (2)学习阅读技巧Predicting, Skimming, Scanning, Reading memory等。(3)熟悉中考中的阅读题型。 2. 过程与方法设计本课的预习导纲,以此培养学生预习能力和归纳能力。通过自主性阅读、小组讨论和完成阅读理解题的不同要求,使学生在一定程度上形成自主、探究

2、、合作学习能力以及有效交际、信息处理、英语思维的能力。在课堂教学过程中,要发挥教师的“导”和学生的“学”的作用。通过设计探究过程,引导认知冲突,激活学生思维,在引导学生探究、体验和感知语言的过程中发展学生的思维能力,逐步养成思考探究的习惯。然后,再通过几个任务让学生达到自悟并能应用。 通过过程性评价激发学生学习需要,培养学生自信心,发挥学生的主体作用。通过课堂小组竞赛,培养学生的竞争意识和小组合作意识,同时将学生自我评价和形成性评价有机地融入各项训练中,使教师单项性评价向多维评价转变,使学生在学习过程中不断体验进步和成功。 3、情感态度与价值观(1) 通过阅读文章,养成良好阅读习惯,培养阅读能

3、力。(2)通过阅读文章了解科学为人类造福,教育学生努力学习,热爱科学。( 3 ) 通过合作学习、情感交流,促进互帮互学,培养集体荣誉感,发扬团队精神,共同进步。 二、教学重难点 1. 从知识层面上看,本节课的重点是学习被动语态的基本用法,理解并运用。教学难点是正确运用被动语态以及不同时态。 2. 从能力层面上看,本节课的教学重点在于通过教师有目的的引导,训练学生Predicting, Skimming, Scanning, Reading memory等阅读技能;难点在于如何解答不同的阅读题型,提高答题正确率。 3 从情感态度层面上看,本节课的教学重难点在于阅读文章,使学生养成良好的阅读习惯,

4、培养阅读能力;教育学生努力学习,热爱科学;帮助学生开动脑筋,积极思考,积极参与课堂教学,并引导学生合作学习,积极开展小组竞赛。 三、教学准备 1. 学生应作的准备 (1)复习本话题中的生词和词组。 (2)复习课本中P124的“被动语态”语法知识。 (3)完成Section B (3a, 3b), Section C (1a, 1b, 1c)和Section D (1a, 1b)。 2. 教师应作的准备 (1)教师将教材中的阅读文章(共四篇)根据中考试卷的阅读理解题型重新编写问题,便于课堂进行阅读教学和练习。 (2)准备教案和板书设计。 四、教学过程 Step I Review 1. Revis

5、e the new words and phrases. 2. Revise the usage of the Passive Voice by making more sentences with the pictures and the given words according to the example in 4 (Section B). T: Who was the car invented by? Ss: Karl Benz. T: When was it invented? Ss: In . T: What about the telephone? Ss: It was inv

6、ented by Alexander Graham Bell in . T: What did John Baird invent? Ss: He invented the television. T: When did he invent it? Ss: He invented it in . (用多媒体展示一些图片,要求学生用过去时的被动语态造句,巩固本课的语言点并完成4。) T: Ask and answer in pairs according to the example and then check some pairs. A: Where were laptops invente

7、d? B: They were invented in Japan. A: When were they invented? B: They were invented in 1985. 1. invent / in Japan / in 1985 2. direct by Gore Verbinski / in 2006 3. launch / in China / in 2008 Step II Warming up / Lead in T: Cellphones are widely used all over the world. It is reported that over 93

8、% of families in cities own cellphones, but cellphones could be lost easily. Have you watched the movie “A World without Thieves”? Ss: Yes. T: In the movie, a lot of cellphones were stolen by “Liu De hua”. We all know that a thief would run away very quickly and then hide in a secret place as soon a

9、s he or she steals a cellphone. In the past, he or she could not be found. But nowadays, one of the new technologies can be used to find the lost cellphones easily. Is it amazing? OK, lets read Section D 1c and think about the question: Why the lost cellphones could be found easily now? Ask Ss to re

10、ad and answer the question. A Stupid Thief A thief stole a beautiful cellphone from a young girl. He ran away very quickly and then hid in a secret place. To his surprise, when he was using the cellphone, he was caught by the police. Do you know why? T: Have you finished reading? Do you want to know

11、 the answer? Yes, its because of GPS. Step III While reading T: Look at the screen. Have you ever got lost somewhere? How did you find your direction? Yes, We used compasses, north star / polestar, road signs, maps. Nowadays we all know we can use GPS. Here is a passage. Please read it and answer th

12、e following questions: 1. How did the early explorers know where they were? 2. What is GPS? Is it useful to us? Answers: 1. By using the stars in the sky. 2. GPS is the Global Positioning System. Yes, we can use it at any time, in any place and in any weather to find out our position. It can also be used to study the shape of the earth. Step Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Homework: Write a passage.



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