It’s at the station.docx

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《It’s at the station.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《It’s at the station.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Its at the station一、教学目标1.知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读单词:station,train,hill,near,house;(2) 能听懂、会说、会读短语:up the hill,down the hill,near the house,at the station; 句型学习:- Excuse me. Wheres ? - Its .2.能力目标:学会使用介词描述简单的位置关系。二、教学重难点重点:1、会用“Excuse me. Wheres .? ”询问某个物体现在所在的位置。2、能运用“Its up the hill / down the hill / nea

2、r the house / at the station.”回答物体所在的位置。难点:station / train 的正确发音。三、学法指导小组自主讨论,生生交流,探索学习,师生点评四、教学过程(一)基础知识(热身活动)part 11.复习 - Excuse me. Wheres ? - Turn left./ Go straight on./ Turn right.2.师生问答-Wheres ? - Hes .(二)整体感知(检查预习)预习P5内容,完成下面练习。1.station 2.train 3.near 4.房屋 5.在山上 6.在山下 7.在车站 8. 在房屋附近 (三)合作探索

3、(教学新课) part 2学习课文第二部分I. 听part 2完成下面听力题( )1.Where is the ?A.street B.cinema C.train( )2.Its up the . B.hill C.station( )3.It is the B.near C.beside ( )4.It is the station.A.on C.atII.听完后小组打开课本讨论答案正误,同时找出对话中所出现的新单词、词组、句型,并把这些写在白纸上。III.学习对话 1.先听对话,边听边特别注意刚才找出的知识点。 2.小组之间自由解决对话

4、的朗诵以及对话理解,教师巡查点拨。3.师生共同解决小组之间发现的新单词及语法知识点。(四)课堂检测(能力创关)1、找出不同类的单词。( )(1)A.big B.hill )(2)A.nine )(3)A.up B.down C.go( )(4)A.station C.near2、选择填空。( )(1). The train?A.Where B.Wheres C.Wheres( )(2).The train is the hill. A.on C.down ( )(3).Your home is far from the pa

5、rk,but my home is the park.A.far B. near C .up( )(4).The train is not going the hill.But it is down the hill.A.up B.down 3、按要求完成句子。( )(1).The train is at the station. (改为否定句) at the station.A. The train is B.Is the train C.The train is not ( )(2).The train is near the house.(就划线部分提问) ? AWhere

6、 is the train? B. What is the train? C. When is the train?( )(3).Its up the hill . (改为一般疑问句) ?AIt is up the hill B. Its not up the hillC. Is it up the hill( )(4).next ,school ,it, is, to, a, ( .) (连词成句) A. Is it next to a school.B. It is next to a school.C. It is near to a school.(五)学习反馈(小结作业)1.学生总结

7、本节课的知识点以及重要句型。2.师小结。3.作业。(六)教学反思第二课时一、教学目标1.知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读单词:station,train,hill,near,house;straight ,left,right。 (2) 能听懂、会说、会读短语:up the hill,down the hill,near the house,at the station;go straight on,excuse me,turn left,turn right,next to。 句型学习:A.- Excuse me. Wheres ? - Its . B.- Excuse me. Where

8、s ? - Turn left. / Go straight on. / Turn right.2.能力目标:学会使用介词描述简单的位置关系;学会问路、指路。二、教学重难点重点:1、会用“Excuse me. Wheres .? ”询问某个物体现在所在的位置,并能运用“Its up the hill ./ down the hill. / near the house. / at the station.”回答物体所在的位置。2、会用“Excuse me. Wheres .? ”问路,并能运用“Turn left ./Turn right ./Go straight on.”指路。难点:sta

9、tion / train 的正确发音。三、学法指导小组自主讨论,生生交流,探索学习,师生点评四、教学过程(一)基础知识(热身活动)part 1复习 A.- Excuse me. Wheres ? - Its . B.- Excuse me. Wheres ? - Turn left. /Go straight on. / Turn right.(二)整体感知(检查预习)预习P6内容,完成下面练习。1.left 2.right 3.foot 4.整日 5.整夜 6.在山上 7.在车站 8. 在公园附近 (三)合作探索(教学新课) 学习课文第三部分1.学生观察图片,独立完成连线。2小组之间自由解决

10、对话的朗诵以及对话理解,并讨论答案正误。教师巡查点拨。3.小组练习说一说。学习课文第四部分 1.先听录音,注意发音,小组理解内容。教师巡查点拨。2.再听对话,边听边跟着说。 3.小组练习后展示。学习课文第五部分1.听录音,小组自由讨论、理解要求。教师巡查点拨。2.小组练习后展示。学习课文第六部分1.小组自由讨论,理解要求。教师巡查点拨。2.小组进行练习并展示。(四)课堂检测(能力创关)1、选单词或短语填空。(填字母)A.turnrightB.turnleftC.supermarketD.cinemaE.go straight on (1)电影院 (2)直走 (3)超市 (4)向左转 (5)向右

11、转 2、对话连线。( )(1)Where is the train? A. Im going to Beijing.( )(2)Where are you going? B. Yes,it is. ( )(3)Is the bus up the hill? C. Go straight on.( )(4)where is the zoo? D. Its at the station.3、按要求完成句子。( )(1).The bus is up the hill. (改为否定句) up the hill.A. Is the bus B. The bus is C. The bus is not( )(2).The park is next to the zoo.(就划线部分提问) ? AWhen is the park? B. What is the park? C. Where is the park?( )(3).Its up the hill . (改为一般疑问句) ?AIt is up the hill B. Its not up the hillC. Is it up the hill( )(



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