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1、第四册第一模块The future continuous 将来进行时课题:Grammar 课型:New 编写序号:14学习目标:通过本模块的学习,掌握新的语法项目:将来进行时,并熟练运用一般将来时与将来进行时谈论未来生活。学习重难点:将来进行时的定义、特点及其与现在进行时的区别。学习过程:课前预习案Look at these sentences from the interview and tick the true statements.A Where will we be living in twenty years time?B We wont be living underground

2、 or in space.C We will be living in houses and flats just as we do today.1. The future continuous is formed with will be and the ing form of the verb.( )2. The negative form is wont be and the ing form of the verb. ( )3. The future continuous describes a situation which will be in progress at a give

3、n moment in the future. ( )4. The future continuous is used to refer to arrangements for the near future. ( )5. The future continuous is used to make prediction. ( )课堂探究案Step 1. Explanation.Definition: 将来进行时表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作或某段时间持续的动作。它主要表示按计划、安排将来某时将要进行或发生的动作。Whatwillyou be doing at eight oclock this

4、 evening? 今天晚上8点你干什么?This time tomorrow Ishallbe flying to London . 明天这个时候我将在飞往伦敦的途中。2、构成肯定式: I/We will/shall be walking.He/She/It/You/They will/shall be walking.否定式:I/We will/shall not be walking.He/She/It/You/They will not be walking. 疑问式: Shall/Will I/we be walking.Will he/she/it/you/they be walk

5、ing.3、将来进行时的用法(1)表示将来某一时刻或某段时间正在发生的动作,常与this time tomorrow, at 4 oclock tomorrow afternoon等时间状语连用。At this time tomorrow well be flying over the Atlantic. 明天此时我们正在飞越大西洋的上空。This time next week we shall be working in that factory.下星期这个时候,我们将在那个工厂劳动。(2)代替一般将来时表示一种已经决定或肯定的动作或情况,或表示某动作将在按计划发生而未完成。We shall

6、 be having a meeting in a minute.我们一会儿就要开会。Will you be seeing Mr. Wang this evening? 今晚你会见王先生吗?(3)用将来进行时来询问别人的计划、打算,比用一般将来时更礼貌,也可以表示较缓和的命令或碰巧发生的事。Will you be having supper with us this evening? 你今天晚上能和我们一起吃晚饭好吗?You will be coming at six oclock this evening.你晚上六点来。Will you be coming to the dancing pa

7、rty? 你能来参加舞会吗?(是否碰巧也能来参加)Will you come to the dancing party? 你来参加舞会好吗?(邀请)(4)用于表示将来的动作迟于所安排的另一次动作He is going to take a stroll in the park and then he will be watering the flowers.他打算到公园去散步,然后浇花。This term will end in July and I will be going back home in the country.本学期起月份结束,之后我就要回到乡下的家里去。(5)将来进行时与现在

8、进行时的几点区别现在进行时表示一种经过考虑的,将来要进行的动作,而将来进行时通常表示正常过程中会发生的动作,因此将来进行时不如现在进行时那样肯定,比后者偶然性要大一些:I am seeing Tom tomorrow.明天我要和汤姆见面.Ill be seeing Tom tomorrow.明天我会见到汤姆.第一句意指汤姆或说话人已经特意安排了这次会面,而第二句则意指汤姆和说话人将在通常进程中见面(也许他们在一起工作).不过这种差别并不是在任何情况下都很重要,而且常常两者都可以使用.He will be taking his exam next week.也可以说:He is taking h

9、is exam next week.现在进行时用于表示最近将来的动作时,必须有确定的时间,而将来进行时可以和确定的时间状语连用,也可以不连用.它既可以表示最近将来的动作,也可以表示较远将来的动作.可以说:We are meeting him tomorrow.我们明天和他会面.但不说:We are meeting him tomorrow/next year/some time/.我们明天/明年/某时将与他会面.若使用将来进行时,我们可以说:We will be meeting him tomorrow/next year.例:This time tomorrow you _ there do

10、ing some more exercises.A) will sit B) will be sitting C) sit D) shall sit(6)与一般将来时态的区别:将来进行时通常表示的是对将来事实的简单陈述.而will+V. (一般将来时)除表示时间概念外,还带有感情色彩.例: 汤姆明天将正在割草. Tom will be cutting grass tomorrow.汤姆明天愿意割草. Tom will cut the grass tomorrow.Step 2. 随堂演练用括号内所给词汇的正确形式完成下列句子。1. Tomorrow afternoon were going t

11、o play tennis. So at 3:00 pm tomorrow, we _ (play) tennis.2. Please dont call me between 8:00 and 10:00 tomorrow. I _ (have) my classes then.3. If you need to contact me, I _ (stay) at the hotel until Friday.4. I think that she _ (work) on this experiment until next morning.5. -Will you be free at 11:30?-Sorry. I_ (have) a meeting then.6. Shall we meet tomorrow afternoon?-Not before 3clock. I_ (work) in the office then.课后记1 will be playing 2 will be having 3 will be staying 4 will be working 5 will be having 6 will be working学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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