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1、 Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees! Section B(3a-4)课堂实录郑卫清知识目标:1.复习定语从句和被动语态。 2.会表达如何回收再利用废品。能力目标:1.获得在阅读的过程中获得有效信息的能力。 2.学会小组式学习和交往式学习。德育目标:同学们要保护地球,尽自己的力量保护环境。教学过程:T: Lets begin our class. Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms.Zheng .T: Now lets watch an MV Ss watch the MV.T:Wha

2、t do you think of the MV?Ss:It s thrilling and exciting.T:We have only one earth,what can we do to protect our home?Ss: We should save the endangered animals. We should take a short shower to save water. We should walk to school instead of riding a car to save gas. . (这个MV比较令人震撼,学生在观看之后,感受比较深,一方面激发了

3、学生爱护地球保护环境的想法,同时也为导入本课做好了铺垫。)Show some pictures.T: What is it? What is it made from?Help students to make sentences.Ss:Read the sentences together.(这个环节里,教给学生新的句型,并通过反复训练,为课文的学习奠定基础。)Teacher shows another picture of a house made from trash.T: This class we will learn unit 10 The house of trash .Look

4、 at picture,what is the house made from?Ss:It is made from bottles,cans -trash.T: Good . I think we should learn how to recycle the trash.(这个环节里,通过讨论废物建成的房子是什么原料建成的,引出课本主题,并对学生进行德育教育。)T: Read quickly and fill in the chart. Ss read quickly and complete the chart.(这一步的设计遵循了阅读的规律,先泛读感知,理解课文大意,这是为了教会学生阅

5、读,培养他们的阅读能力。)T:Read through carefully, answer the following questions:1. Who is the owner of the house?2. Who built it?3. What award did she win recently?4.What does Amy do in her spare time?5.What do you think of her?Students read the text slowly and find the answers. Get some students to write dow

6、n the answers on the blackboard.(这一步让大家找出中心句来理解课文,是精读课文的环节,考查学生的认真,具体理解能力)T:Then recite the text according to the chart and the questions.Ss work in groups .T: Lets look at the pictures in 3b,present:What can you see in the picture?What are they made from?You can use be made from. Used to. Out of. T

7、o help you.Ss practicing oral composition together first , then write in their books.(这个环节是升华部分,学生通过写作练习,不仅应用了本节课所学的句型,并提高了学生的能力。)T: Now Lets see some pictures.Lets guess what they are made from.Ss watch and guess together.T: Chicken soup:We only have one earth,lets protect the environment.Our home will be more beautiful!(这一步让学生知道关爱地球,保护环境,保护自己的家园。不仅有本节课所学内容,更能通过心灵鸡汤对学生进行的情感教育。)T:Now class is over ,goodbye,boys and girls!Ss:Goodbye ,Miss Zheng!


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