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1、1 我们班级正计划为来自英国的交换生举办欢迎晚会;晚会将在本周五举行;我希望会有很多学生来参加晚会;我们正在为晚会准备食物和饮料;我们将听音乐;也可以和他们用英语交谈;我希望我们都能玩得开心。 Our class is planning to have a welcome party for the exchange students from Britain. The party is on Friday. I hope many students can come to the party. We are now preparing food and drink for the party

2、. We will listen to music. We can talk to the exchange students in English. I hope we can have a good time.2 我在暑假里和我的父母去了海南旅行;那里的天气阳光明媚;我们在海边游泳;我们拍了很多照片;那里的食品非常好吃;我们什么也没有买。海南很有趣,我们在那儿玩得很愉快。 Last summer vacation, I went to Hainan with my parents. It was sunny. We went to the beach and swam in the sea

3、. We took lots of photos. The food there was very delicious. We bought nothing. Its very interesting there and we had a good time.3 长大了你想干什么?我梦想的职业是做一名英语教师。怎么才能成为一名教师呢?我认为我现在必须好好学习,坚持每天说英语,然后我将上一所大学。在我看来,做一名英语教师是很有趣的,我可以帮助很多学生。 What do you want to be when you grow up? My dream job is to be an Englis

4、h teacher. How am I going to do that? I think I must study hard now. Im going to speak English every day. Then Ill go to college. In my opinion, its interesting to be an English teacher. I can help lots of students.4 你了解感恩节吗?感恩节是美国的一个特别的节日。日期为每年十一月的第四个星期四。在这个节日里,人们总是感恩生活、感恩食品、感恩他人。假期的时间为两天,人们通常在家里和家

5、人一起举行聚会。主要的食品就是火鸡。 Do you know anything about Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a special day in the United States. Its always on the fourth Thursday in November. On that day, people always give thanks for life, food and other people. Thanksgiving lasts for two days. These days, most Americans still cel

6、ebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey.5 一天的变化多大呀;今天,我和爸爸决定去槟城山;我们想步行到山顶,但后来天开始下起小雨,所以我们决定乘火车去;由于人太多,我们等了一个多小时的火车;我们到达山顶时,大雨如注;我们没带伞,所以身上又湿又冷;真糟糕;由于天气不好,我们看不见下面任何东西。 What a difference a day makes! My father

7、 and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didnt have an umbrella so

8、we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.6 有些朋友持有截然不同的观点和兴趣爱好,有些朋友则喜欢相同的事物;我认为,朋友没有必要完全一样;我喜欢结交跟我不同的朋友;我最好的朋友拉里比我高,比我外向;我们都喜欢体育运动,但拉里比我更健壮;打网球时总是赢我;而且,我比他要安静。Some friends have opposite views and interests, and some like the same things. In

9、my opinion, its not necessary for friends to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Larry is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Larry is more athletic than me. He always beats me in tennis. Also, Im quieter than he is.7 木兰是一部激动人心的动作片;源自中

10、国的一个古老故事;电影是关于乡村女孩木兰的;她女扮男装,代父从军;我认为女演员演木兰这个角色演得很好;其他演员也都很出色,在这部电影中也演得很好;我非常喜欢木兰;这部电影表现了她对家人、朋友、国家的爱。 Mulan is an exciting action movie. It comes from an old Chinese story. The movie is about a village girl, Mulan. She dresses up like a boy and takes her fathers place to fight in the army. I think t

11、he actress played Mulans role well. The other actors are also fantastic and they did a good job in the movie. I like Mulan very much. The movie shows her love for her family, friends and country.8 今天是星期五,11月26日;杨老师正在告诉学生们下个月的计划;他们将到武汉做一次学习旅行;在武汉,学生们不单单待在学校,他们还会去参观一些有趣的地方;听到这个好消息,大家都很兴奋;他们将于12月15日出发;

12、他们确信将在武汉度过一段美好的时光。 Today is Friday, November 26. Mr Yang is telling his students about the plan for the coming month. They are going to take a study trip to Wuhan. In Wuhan, students are not only going to stay in school, but they are going to see some interesting places as well. Everyone is excited

13、at this happy news. They are going to leave on December 15. They are sure they will have a wonderful time in Wuhan.9 一些机器人十分像真人;它们能像人一样走路、跳舞;一些科学家认为未来他们能让机器人更像人类;这可能在近期不会发生,但是在将来的某个时间,机器人甚至能像人那样说话;然而,一些科学家不以为然;詹姆斯怀特认为机器人不能和我们做同样的事情;例如,他认为机器人绝不会醒来并知道它们身在何处;你赞同哪方的观点? Some robots are very human-like. T

14、hey can walk and dance like people. Some scientists think that in the future they will make robots more like humans. This may not happen in the near future, but at some point, robots will even be able to talk like people. However, some scientists disagree. James White believes that robots will not b

15、e able to do the same things as we can. For example, he thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are. Which side do you agree with?good, no loosening. 6.5.2 DCS side wiring to complete the enclosure and the other side after the wiring is completed, DCS within the enclosure when the power module should be loosened or the power goes out. 6.6 low voltage cable terminal making 6.6.1 first



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