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1、 北师大版小学英语练习题 1.北师大版小学英语练习题 (一)人称代词人称代词的主格在句中做_ , 是动作的_; 人称代词的宾格在句中做_, 是动作的_ .1. _often play games with my friends after school . (我)2. Excuse _ , where is Zhongshan Road ?(我)3 ._(他们) give _(她)many books .4. _(他) helps _(我们)to plant trees .5 ._(我)beat _(他)twice . _(他)beats _(我)twice .(二)汉语意思中有“的”形容词性

2、汉语 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的形容词性物主代词不能_, 后面必需加_ ;1. This is _ book.(我的)2 . That is not _ruler . (她的)3 . These are _ apples . (他的)4 . Those are _pencils . (他们的)5 . Are these _ pens? (你的) 2.北师大版小学英语练习题 一、单项选择1. Glad _ meet you .A.to B.in C.from3. Goodbye! _.A .Im 10.B.Bye.C.My name is Li Ming.3 How a

3、re you? _.A.Hi.B.Im fine, thank you.C.Hello.4 Hello! Im Billy! _A.OK.B .Hello! Im Li Ming.C.Thank you.5 Good morning. .A.Good morning.B.Good night.C .Goodbye.二、情景填空1. 询问别人身体状况时常说:A.Im fine.B.How are you ? C.Fine.2.“Hi!”的另一种表达方式是:A.Bye ! B.Hello ! C.OK !3. 早晨见到你的教师和同学,应说:A.Goodbye! B.OK ! C.Good morn

4、ing !4. 我们一起玩乒乓球吧!A.lets play ping-pang.B.OK.C.Excuse me.5.当你与人分别时,应说:A .Bye.B.Hi.C.Me, too. 3.北师大版小学英语练习题 一、连词成句1.are,you,Bobby,great(,.)2.are,good,a,you,friend (.)3.morning,good,Bobby(,! )4.you,can,I,see( . )二、依据自己的实际状况答复下面的问题。1.What animals do you like?2.What animals does your father like?3.What

5、animals does your mother like?4.What animals does your sister like? 4.北师大版小学英语练习题 一、写出以下字母的邻居。1 _ F_ 2. _m _ 3. _v_4. _ Hh_ 5. _ Ll _ 6. _Rr_二、正确抄写以下的单词和句子。1. English blouse puppet bottle2. I can see some monkeys.3. Lets count the crayons.4. Id like a blouse5. Lets keep the school clean!三、英汉互译。1. 五只

6、猴子_ 2. 一辆吉普车_3.数鸡蛋 _ 4. 数学和音乐 _5. 在沙发上_ 5.北师大版小学英语练习题 Lucy had an accident yesterday.She went to school by bike .She rode behind a bus . She cuoldnt see very well because it was raining .Suddenly ,a dog ran out into the road in front of the bus .The bus stooped .When Lucy saw the bus stopping , she

7、put her brakes on .But the road was wet and slippery .Her bike skidded .She wasnt able to stop in time .S o she crashed into the back of the bus and fell off her bike .Luckily ,she wasnt badly hurt .However ,her bike was broken .She couldnt ride her bike for a few days after that .( )1. Lucy took bus to school yesterday .( )2.Lucy rode her bike behind a bus .( )3.It was raining so Lucy couldnt see very well.( )4.A cat ran out into the road in front of the bus .( )5.Lucy couldnt stop her bike because the road was wet and slippery.



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