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1、一、句子的用途分类英语句子按其用途可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句四种。一、 陈述句用于陈述事实或观点的句子叫做陈述句。分为肯定句和否定句两种。1、肯定句I enjoy playing computer games. play the drumsShe listens to English every morning.2、否定句I dont enjoy playing computer games.She doesnt listen to English every morning.二、 疑问句用于提问的句子叫做疑问句。分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句四种。1、 一般疑问

2、句Does she listen to English every morning?2、 特殊疑问句What does she listen to every morning? who/whomShe loves Rain.Who loves Rain?Whom/Who does she love?3、 选择疑问句Does she listen to English or music every morning?I like dogs and cats.-Do you like dogs or cats?Have we got any beer and wine? =Do we have an

3、y beer and wine?4、 反意疑问句She listens to English every morning,doesnt she?三、 祈使句用于表示请求、命令、劝告、建议等的句子叫做祈使句。祈使句的主语一般省略,但其隐含主语通常为you。祈使句否定结构是在句首加dont。Look out/be careful/watch out! theres a car coming.Dont open the door.四、 感叹句用于表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子叫做感叹句。1、 what引导的感叹句What a beautiful watch!2、 how引导的感叹句How beauti

4、ful the watch is!二、句子的结构分类英语句子按其结构可分为简单句、并列句、复合句三种。五、 简单句只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语动词(或并列谓语动词)的句子成为简单句。He enjoys listening to music.My father and my uncle always chat with each other in English.He stopped the car and waited for Sally. 六、 并列句两个或两个以上的简单句用等立连词(或用“;”、冒号“:”、逗号“,”等)连在一起构成的句子叫并列句。常用的等立连词有and(和)、so

5、(因此,所以)、but(但是)、however(然而)、then(然后)、or(或者,否则)、otherwise(否则)、not onlybut also(不仅而且)、neithernor(既不也不)、eitheror(要么要么;不是就是)、while(而)、for(因为)等。The light was red,so I had to stop my car.He is over/more than sixty,but he does not look old at all.I had a drink,then I went home.Either we go now or we remain

6、/stay here forever.Neither I would go there nor he comes here.七、 复合句有一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫复合句,也叫主从复合句。从句根据复合句中的作用分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句、同位语从句。That he had made a mistake is strange. =It is strange that he had made a mistake.(主语从句)I believe (that) I can learn English well.(宾语从句)The problem is w

7、hether/if they will be able to help us.(表语从句)Most adults(=Most of the adults) who are learning a foreign language would disagree with this suggestion.(定语从句)If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.(状语从句)They were worried about the fact that you were sick.(同位语从句)四、英语五大基本句型一、主谓 1. Day broke.2. The ca

8、r stopped.3.The kite rises in the sky.4. The books sold out in a week.5.Someone is knocking.6.The boy is jumping with joy.7.He died the day before yesterday.die v.dead adj.death n.8.The ambulance is arriving.9.The sun is rising/setting. (rise vi.set vi.)10.He is groaning.11.He works hard every day.e

9、veryday adj.每天的=daily(修饰名词)every day adv.每天地(修饰动词)12.The plane took off/landed five seconds ago.13.She woke up a few minutes ago.14.Things changed.15.The kettle is boiling. teapot16.What happened yesterday?二、主谓宾 1.Do you know these people(them)?(名词或代词做宾语)2.I cant express myself in English.(反身代词做宾语)

10、3.He smiled a strange smile.(同源宾语)4.We cant afford to pay such a price.(不定式做宾语)5.Would you mind waiting a few minutes?(动名词做宾语)Would you mind opening the door?Would you mind my opening the door?6.I hope that I have said nothing to pain you.(从句做宾语,即:宾语从句) no pains, no gains.注意:并不是所有的及物动词都可以接上述各种情况做宾语,

11、不同的动词有不同的用法,所以,在学习动词时,一定要掌握其用法。三、主系表常用的系动词有:(一)、表示特征和存在状态的:be, feel, seem, appear, look, smell, taste, sound;(二)、表示状态延续的:remain, stay, keep, continue, stand;(三)、表示状态变化的:become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow;1.Mr.Brown is an engineer.(名词做表语)2.Gradually he became silent.(形容词做表语)The cake tastes

12、delicious/yummy/tasty. (形容词做表语)The potatoes went bad in the fields. (形容词做表语)Deep water stays still.(形容词做表语)I feel unhappy. (形容词做表语)3.She remained standing for an hour.(现在分词做表语)4.The question remained unsolved.(过去分词做表语)5.The machine is out of order/in order.(介词短语做表语) in 6.The television was on.(副词做表语

13、)7.His plan is to keep the affair secret.(动词不定式做表语) He seems to be a good teacher. (动词不定式做表语)8.My job is repairing cars/to repair cars.(动名词/不定式做表语)I love learning English.I love to learn English.9.The question is what you want to do.(从句做表语,即:表语从句)注意:在下面的句子中,形容词做表语,在表语的后面常常接不定式结构。I am happy to meet y

14、ou.They are willing to help.We are determined to follow his example.四、主谓间宾直宾 动词可以称作双宾语动词,在英语中,这样的动词并不多,在学习时,要牢记。后面的宾语为间接宾语和直接宾语,其中间接宾语在前,一般表人,直接宾语在后,一般表物。1. She ordered herself a new dress. (名词作直接宾语)2. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. (名词作直接宾语)cook v.做饭 n.厨师 cooker n.厨具3. He brought you a di

15、ctionary. (名词作直接宾语)4. He denies her nothing. (代词作直接宾语)5. I showed him my pictures. (名词作直接宾语)6. I gave methree. (代词作直接宾语)7. I told him that the bus was late. (从句做直接宾语)8. He showed me how to run the machine.(动词不定时做直接宾语)注意:但若要先说出直接宾语(事物),后说间接宾语(人),则要借助于介词to或for。如:He brings cookies/biscuits to me every day. 再如:She made a beautiful dress for me.用to侧重指动作的方向,表示朝着,向着,对着某人。常借助to跟双宾语的动词有bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise, return, send, show,


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