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1、英汉翻译常用的方法和技巧(一)词义的选择 英汉语言中都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。 一词多类指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有不同的意义。 一词多义就是说同一个词在同一类中,又往往有几个不同的词义。 在英汉翻译过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后要善于选择和确定原句中关键词的词义: 一、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 选择某个词的词义,首先判明这个词在原句中应属于哪一种词类,再确定词义 -Like charges repel; unlike charges attract( 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸 ) adj-He likes mathematics more than physics ( 他

2、喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理学 ) v-In the sunbeam passing through the window ther are fine grains of dust shining like gold. 在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的尘埃象金子一般在闪闪发亮。 (前置词) -Like knows like. 英雄识英雄 (名词) 二、根据上下文练习以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往也有不同含义。 -He is the last man to come 他是 最后 来的 -He is the last man to do it 他 绝不会 干那件

3、事 -He is the last person for such a job. 他 最不配 干这个工作 -He should be the last (man) to blame. 怎么 也不该 怪他 -He is the last man to consult. 根本不宜 找他商量 -This is the last place where i expected to meet you. 我 怎么也没 料到会在这个地方见到你 -To take off her boots or to put them on was an agony to her,but it had been an ago

4、ny for years. 脱鞋或穿鞋对她是一种痛苦,但这已是多年以来的痛苦了。 -He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working, as though about to take off. 她工作的时候,总是坐在椅子边上,好像随时都会跳起身来的样子。 词义的引申 英译汉时,遇到某些词在英语辞典上找不到适当的词义。这是就根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本含义出发,进一步引申,选择比较恰当的汉语词表达。 一、将词义作抽象化的引申 现代英语中,常用一个表示具体形象的词来表示一种属性、事物或概念,这时需要将词义抽象化引申

5、,译文才能流畅自然。 1. 将表示具体形象的词译成该形象所代表的属性的词 -Ther is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists. 帝国主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾 -Every life has its roses and thorns 每个人的生活都有甜有苦 2 将带有特征形象的词译成该形象所代表的概念的词 -In fact, the bavarian enriroment was so charged with Nazi sentiment throughtout the 1920s

6、that Hitlers storm toops goosestepped( 鹅步,正步 ) into power in Furth in 1930.事实上,在整个二十年代,纳粹党在巴伐利亚一带已博得公众好感,以至于在 1930 年,西特勒的冲锋队员就 耀武扬威地夺取了 非尔特镇的权力。 -See-sawing( 跷跷板 )between partly good and faintly ominous(不吉利的; 坏兆头的), the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. 在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,

7、两种情况不断地交替出现 ,一直没有明朗化。 二、将词义作具体化的引申 1 英语中也有用代表抽象概念或属性的词来表示一种具体事物,译成汉语时要具体化引申 -As the Politburo gave the go-ahead to Brezhnev, Nixon and Kissinger were meeting in the Presidents Kremlin apartment, prepared to accept a setback on SALT 在政治局向勃列日列夫开放绿灯时,尼克松和基辛格正在克里姆林宫的总统下榻处开会,准备承受限制战略武器会谈失败的挫折。 2英语中有些词在特定

8、的上下文中,其含义时清楚的,但译成汉语时还必须作具体化的引申,否则就不清楚。 -The car in frong of me stalled and i missed the green. 我牵头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯 词义的褒贬 一、英语中有些词本身就有褒贬意义,汉译时就应相应地表达出来 -The tasks carried out by them are praiseworthy 他们进行地事业时值得赞扬的 -Henry keeps boasting that he has talked to the President 亨利总是吹嘘说他曾同总统谈过话 二、英语中有些词义是中立的,本

9、身不表示褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中有褒贬的意味。 1. 需要用褒义的词来表达 -Once, early in 1974, while driving along the San Diego Freeway from Clementeto Los Angeles, he was asked to reflect on his hopes and ambitions 1974 年初,有人同他一起驱车从克利门蒂沿圣地亚哥公路去洛杉矶,途中请他谈了他的希望和抱负。 2. 需要用贬义的词来表达 -He was a man of integrity, but infortuantely he had

10、a certain reputation. i believe the reputation was not deserved. 他是一个正直诚实的人,但不幸有某种坏名声。我相信他这个坏名声是不该有的 -He had lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds. 他欺骗了我,使我乘了他进行罪恶勾当的工具 -Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙 增词法 一、根据句法上的需要 (一)增补原文回答句中的省略部分 -Is th

11、is your book? yes,it is.(=yes,it is mine)-Rebecca:What! dont you love him (Amelias brother)? Amelia: Yes, of coure, i do(=yes, of course i love him)(二) 增补原文句子中所省略的动词 -Reading makes a full man; conference (.)a ready man; writing (.) an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论 使人 机智,写作 使人 准确 -An Eagle and a Fox had long

12、lived together as good neighbors; the Eagle (.)at the summit of a hig tree, the Fox(.) in a hole at the foot of it.一只鹰和一只狐狸长期友好地住在一起,鹰 住在 一棵高高的树顶上,狐狸 住在 树下一个洞里。 -We dont retreat, we never have (.) and never will (.). 我们不后退,我们从没有 后退过 ,将来也决不 后退 -No! Jesse jumped up. no, i believed that too. but i dont

13、 (.) now. “不!”杰西跳起来。“不,过去我也是相信的。可是现在,我不 相信 了。” -he remembered the incident , as had his wife (.) 他记得这件事,他的妻子早就 记起 了 -everything was on a larger scale for him, the highs were higher, the lows(.) lower. 他总是喜欢夸大事实,高的说得更高,低的 说得 更低 (三)增补原文比较句中的省略部分 -the footmen were as ready to serve her as they were the

14、ir own mistress 仆人们愿意服侍她,就象他们 愿意服侍 他们的女主人一样 -Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own. 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训更好。 -i can say to you, without any flattery, that the Chinese way of co-operations is more inventive and fruitful than others. 我可以对你说我这样说没有任何奉承之意中国的 合作方式 比别国的合作方式更有特色,更有成果 (四)

15、增补原文含蓄条件句中的省略部分 -we didnt admint it (escape) was impossible. to do so would have been to surrender one of our few hopes. 我们认为越狱不是不可能的。 如果 认为不可能,那就等于把我们仅存的一点希望也放弃了。 -At the time of Kennedys assassination, kissinger felt that a second term would have led either to greatness or to disaster. 肯尼迪遇刺时,基辛格认为, 如果肯尼迪 再任一届总统的话,大概不是立大功,就是闯大祸。 -He could understand a passive opposition from Kenndy loyalists, but an open one would have dire consequences他了解到忠于肯尼迪的那些人


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