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1、热门面试英文自我介绍集锦九篇 当到达一个陌生的环境后,我们时常会需要作自我介绍,自我介绍是结识新朋友的重要手段。那么什么样的自我介绍才合适呢?下面是为大家整理的面试英文自我介绍篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 My name isXX,xyea ol his r,graduaefomXX Th PA Iforatin ngieengUnvrsimajorinin compter since and tecnology,coe Jva ha a sld fundtion, oo prormming stye;familirwith web elopment mod of jsp+serlet+jaabe

2、an;fmilirwith srus, ibrae, sringn oth opesource frawoks,tesltin of EJ; failir wi tomca, J serr, familir wit the Lnux ndNXnvironmnt he sotwa dvlopmebsed on; Durng th cho, ter ae been mn cal prcie erieces, nd ve ptiitedin h aalyi of the deand deveopmentofthe vial labortry n t colleg.Durngtenivrsit, I

3、sred as arepresentatie fman coures. uh th ctual xpencei ntenough, b the our aI deelopea full confidence and prfessioalism a slid baic knledge dcplnnstrog prosnal skills,fou yers omlitary ife,I haestric dmandsonhemslves, cnciosly, discipind, unctual.I hones a respnsible, ndepnent d aggresive soalty,d

4、ilient at wrk, godat thin,dp o te ew environet, very stng abiy. Inthe sorst posible timeto comlte tetnsiion fro suets torofessional staff,and doheibet to itgrteio he new wrk lf.lease eamine comnts, than you! 面试英文自我介绍 篇2 Goo mrning, aes andgntlemn! It reall my hoor to havthi oportuit o intere. I hope

5、 I c ma od permceta.Im cfdet tatIan scce.NwI ll introdue myselfriefl. I a6 yeas od, br in handong povic graduaed froingoUniversi. My majoris electnisAnd gt my bachelordeee after m aton i th yerof 202X Ispnt most fm te on stud, an Ive sse ET-6 dring y univsity.nd Ivacqired s knowegeof my major Itismy

6、 lncerishddam tobe enginee adI am eaertgt an opportuniy to uly plymabiit 面试英文自我介绍 篇3 ifluckily gt he chance tolanenvirnn engineringin toni unrity,i willconcntrate o th study and rerch in is field firsti will hdto ear hetheritical kowledge,nctin olids for y futuewo; secd i woul lie to d se ratca wrk

7、ihthepof thesurvisor ag clssat.and thruh ts ,i ca gt soehng hat cnnot b cqie rom th txtook ibelieve afte 2 yearofarnng ,m damwill fially ome true. (二)Sf-induction: Good morning, everyn! I am gdto behre fo thi interview. Firs,let me itrodcmysl oyou y name i QinJyin. Iwsbornon Aprl 23, 1981. I a a cal

8、 pern.I agraduaing rom Jiln orma niverithis June mjrin hese leatue I hpe oudge teopportuty to finsh y otgducoue nJiln Univerity whchI have desired fora lgtime. I have t cofiden because Ihae suh aiity! I girw i fervet, ouging and craiv.Atte mtime, tinI am quic in ind ancarefulin rythi.I oing forwad t

9、o m posgrduat studi and. wl so poethat yurdecision ohoosgme is theisest Thnk you orgivingme suc valuable opportunit! easonfor aingpostgadu exams: Firt ofal,Iove my majo Chnes lterareis the sybol of the stat of Chse lrary moerizain.Iplayan iortant prt in modenizationof uriizns tut. Whatmre, mdern ter

10、tre is er clos tur diy ie an tcandeeply relectthestyl and fauresof ur soiety. I am ascnad by te great maters efreshior wa o profou styles as well Bu m not asiy stisied with suh supericl knolede. hope I cldve abeteuderstanding in odnliteraure bystudying frterThis is a vry iportant esofo m ttke the po

11、straduatees Next, I lovethefeeling the univesity. I s fll ofyoutul sprit. Ad m deey atce by the shoarlytmsphe And te mstiortant, tsmy greatoor oope my atoyor techi.Finally, Iwant talkabouver racticaoblem.hatis ream beoming a eacher in the nivriyI wat to ealze my deam andmake myself to be a el-qualif

12、idpeso. I hin the postraduat stuies an ich my knoledg ad mkem ompetntin my fuurj.hsmy simp a clar reasos hy too hpostaduaexams.My uivesity: Im grauatin fm Jili Nrmal Univeity ths June whih as hsty of 0 yearIt shaesmany same chaceristis ith Jilin Unveri.Both fthem hav arefreshig a sory atmophere. Fur earssudyig theredeme a idendent,otiicand stict grl.I apreciate theeucatio my universitygave me. hank you fo



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