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1、 Module 4Sandstorms in Asia(限时:35分钟)(对应学生用书第327页).阅读理解(2017石家庄质量检测)Among the international students in Canada who are struggling to find a job there after graduation, some eventually make it with relative ease.Theyre the ones whove already built up much internship (实习) experience while still attendi

2、ng university, as their majors offer a cooperative program.Coop programs, a feature (特色) of Canadian university programs, allow academic studies to be combined with work experience.During school years, students get to network with employers, gain internship experience in relevant fields, and earn ac

3、ademic credits that count toward their degree or diploma. Coop programs are available in most comprehensive universities, like the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and York University.These programs are not only open to students majoring in business but also to many science and art

4、 majors.Statistics show that nearly 30 percent of recent foreign applicants have chosen majors that also subscribe to the Coop program.“Its easy to understand,” said a senior education counselor.He noted that working opportunities are provided by employers that build bridges with the university and

5、most of them are wellknown companies or local government organizations.Moreover, the average salary for interns is as high as C$30,000 to C $40,000 a year.Students can choose to work during vacations or termtime freely.The required duration of the internship for undergraduates ranges from eight to t

6、welve months, or four to six months for graduate students.“The programs also benefit those students who want to apply for immigration,” added the counselor.“Thats because the policies of many provinces in Canada require a certain length of work experience of the applicants.”【语篇解读】本文介绍了加拿大的一些大学针对留学生的

7、合作项目。该项目为留学生提供了工作机会。1Whats the main characteristic of Coop programs?AThey offer a variety of jobs in all fields.BThey make academic credits easier to gain.CEmployers work with students on their studies.DStudents get work experience while at university.D考查细节理解。通读全文可知,第二段介绍了该项目的特点;根据第二段的第二句“During sch

8、ool years, students get to network with employers, gain internship experience in relevant fields, and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.”可知,该合作项目的主要特点是学生可以在大学期间就获得工作经验,故D项正确。干扰项分析根据第二段第二句中的“gain internship experience in relevant fields”可知,学生实习时的工作与自己所学的领域有关,而不是各种领域,故A项错

9、误;根据第二段第二句中的“and earn academic credits that count toward their degree or diploma.”可知,学生可以通过参加该合作项目赢得学分,而不是使学分更容易获得,故B项错误;根据第二段第二句中的“students get to network with employers”可知,C项错误。2What does the example of foreign applicants indicate?ACoop programs are becoming more popular.BThe average salary for in

10、terns will increase.CCoop programs are open to all majors.DCompanies welcome foreign students.A考查推理判断。根据第三段的第三句“Statistics show that nearly 30 percent of recent foreign applicants have chosen majors that also subscribe to the Coop program.”可知,数据显示,将近30%的外国留学生选择的专业都支持该合作项目;据此可以判断,文中提及该例旨在说明该项目越来越受到留学

11、生的青睐,故A项正确。3Which section of a website does the text probably come from?ABusiness. BEducation.CLifestyle.DCulture.B考查文章出处。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了加拿大的一些大学针对留学生的一种合作项目。该项目为留学生提供了工作机会。据此可以判断,本文与教育相关,可能来自网站上的教育版块,故B项正确。 【导学号:44040179】.阅读七选五(2017辽宁部分重点高中统考)When apologizing, chances are that youve uttered the phra

12、se, “I never meant to hurt you.” 1 In a talk, Caroline Myss, a spiritual seeker and researcher, took on the topic of forgiveness and healing.She explained why “I never meant to hurt you” is never a sufficient apology, no matter who it comes from.“Picture that person coming up to you and saying, Im s

13、orry I did this. 2 And can we just call it a day?” Caroline says.As tempting as it can be to move on and bury the hatchet (和解), that type of apology wont sit well with the person on the receiving end.“That whole little thingI never meant to hurt you thats the thing you cant forgive,” she says,“It go

14、es right to your soul, that sick feeling.”Instead, Caroline says its important to approach the conversation differently.Ultimately, its about offering more than an apology. 3 “Lets redo the scene,” Caroline says.“The person comes up to you and says, I need to tell you something. 4 It was guilt.I hea

15、rd my conscience tell me not to do this but I didnt listen.And I now know that my actions redirected the course of your life.This is not an apology.I am confessing(忏悔) my soul to you. 5 ” Even saying those words on stages makes Caroline visibly emotional, and she points out that this is how deeply w

16、ithin the soul apologies are supposed to resonate.And thats what heals.AHere is my apology.BBut it doesnt matter to you.CIm asking now for your forgiveness.DI consciously knew what I was doing.EBut you know I never meant to hurt you.FIts about sharing a soultosoul confession.GHowever, its not a suitable way


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