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1、 沈阳新松机器人自动化股份有限公司大功率横流CO2激光器升级改造项目Power Cross-Flow CO2 Laser Upgrading Projects1 项目概要通过对国内内大功率率横流CCO2激激光器使使用单位位的调查查和技术术分析,结结合我公公司在横横流COO2激光光器方面面的技术术优势,我我公司决决定开展展部分在在线激光光器的升升级改造造项目。希望与各激激光设备备的使用用单位进进行充分分的技术术交流,通通过技术术服务,对对激光设设备的关关键部位位进行技技术改造造。一方方面,可可大幅提提升激光光器的输输出功率率(1.522倍)和和运行稳稳定性,提提高常规规激光淬淬火和激激光熔覆覆加

2、工业业务的生生产效率率;另一一方面,可可提高低低阶模的的输出效效率,充充分发挥挥大功率率横流CCO2激光器器的加工工潜力,帮帮助国内内各激光光加工单单位拓展展激光加加工领域域,如激激光焊接接。1 IntrooducctioonThrouugh thee crrosss-fllow of dommesttic higgh-ppoweer CCO2 lasser uniits usee thhe iinveestiigattionn annd ttechhniccal anaalyssis, thhe ccombbineed ccomppanyy inn thhe ccrosss-ffloww C

3、OO2 llaseerss teechnnicaal ssupeeriooritty, I ddeciidedd too coonduuct somme oon-llinee laaserr uppgraadinng pprojjectts. Witth tthe hoppe tthatt thhe uuse of lasser equuipmmentt unnitss suuffiicieent tecchniicall exxchaangees, tecchniicall seerviicess, tthe keyy paartss off laaserr eqquippmennt ffo

4、r tecchnoologgicaal ttrannsfoormaatioon. On thee onne hhandd, ccan draamatticaallyy ennhannce thee laaserr ouutpuut ppoweer (1.55 too 2 timmes) annd ooperratiing staabillityy, eenhaancee coonveentiionaal llaseer hharddeniing andd laaserr clladddingg prroceessiing bussineess prooducctivvityy onn thhe

5、 ootheer hhandd, ccan inccreaase thee ouutpuut oof llow-effficiienccy aand givve ffulll pllay to Powwer crooss-floow CCO2 lasser proocesssinng ppoteentiial of thee doomessticc heelp exppandd thhe llaseer pproccesssingg unnitss laaserr prroceessiing areeas, suuch as lasser welldinng.2 市场调查分分析目前,通过过对国

6、内内千瓦级级大功率率CO22激光热处处理和激激光熔覆覆设备的的用户进进行调查查,很多多用户反反映设备备性能较较差,大部分分情况为为:设备备稳定性性很差,年年故障次次数5次次以上;激光器器使用一一至两年年后出现现功率输输出变小小、模式式变差,因因此造成成大部分分成套设备备经常处处于低性性能状态态,甚至至停运。主主要问题题集中在在激光器器的关键键技术指指标达不不到标准准。2 Surveey oof tthe marrkettAt prreseent, thhrouugh thee doomessticc kiilowwattt-cllasss hiigh-powwer CO22 laaserr h

7、eeat treeatmmentt eqquippmennt aand lasser claaddiing of thee usser surrveyy, mmanyy usserss reefleect thee pooor perrforrmannce of equuipmmentt, tthe majjoriity of casses aree: sstabbiliity of pooor eequiipmeent, fiive timmes thee nuumbeer oof ffaillurees iin mmoree thhan thee usse oof llaseers One

8、e too twwo yyearrs aafteer tthe powwer outtputt smmalller moddel detteriioraate, reesulltinng iin ccompplette ssetss off eqquippmennt mmostt offtenn inn thhe llow perrforrmannce, orr evven outtagees. Lasser foccus on keyy isssuees iin tthe keyy inndiccatoors-staandaard tecchnoologgy.千瓦级大功功率COO2激光光器存



11、器稳定定性差设备运行过过程中,经常出现光路偏差、电路故障等问题,影响生产进度。经过调查分分析,激激光器的的谐振腔腔稳定性性差,容容易出现现光轴漂漂移,引引起光斑斑能量分分布不均均和激光光束偏离离外光路路中心;电源采采用电路路板控制制,稳定定性差;放电系系统产生生的增益益区小。4工艺装备差差对于复杂的的熔覆工工艺,大大部分激激光设备备客户采采用重力力送粉机机构,进进行铺粉粉或预置置粉末的的办法;无法对对复杂形形状的零零部件进进行三维维送粉和和修复。1kw-cclasss hhighh-poowerr COO2 llaseer aand thee maain proobleems desscrii

12、beddNo.Main isssuessBrieff1Laserr poowerr ggreaatlyy reeducced, tthe imppactt onn prroceessiing effficiienccyLaserrs ccan nott bee raatedd poowerr unnderr thhe sstabble opeerattionn off poowerr onnly in thee hiigheest ratted powwer of runnninng uundeer 660 pperccentt (550000 W crooss-floow CCO2 lass

13、er cann onnly staablee opperaatioon oof ppoweer 330000 W), aalsoo shhowss thhat thee nuumbeer oof hhighh-poowerr phhenoomennon succh aas tthe 50000 WW crrosss-fllow CO22 laaserr poowerr meeterr shhoweed tthatt ouutpuut oof 550000 W, meeasuuredd byy thhe sstanndarrd hhandd-heeld powwer dettecttionn e

14、qquippmennt sshowwed thaat oonlyy 30000 W. Theerefforee, mmanyy hiigh-powwer equuipmmentt inn a loww-poowerr opperaatioon, andd prroceessiing effficiienccy ddropp off abboutt haalf thee sttanddardd.2Poor perrforrmannce of loww-sttatuus, unaablee too caarryy ouut nnew opeerattionns (lasser welldinng,

15、 lasser cutttinng)Accorrdinng tto iinduustrry ttechhniccal staandaard speecifficaatioons, quualiifieed ccrosss-ffloww COO2 llaseer ccan be mullti-modde aand loww-ennd ttwo-modde llaseer bbeamm, llow-powwer staatuss foor tthe mullti-modde 11 / 2. Mosst oof tthe currrennt ddomeestiic CCO2 lasser thrrouggh tthe crooss-floow iincrreasses, ggrattingg aa loow-sstattus, muultii-moode powwer cann onnly be 1 / 3 of arooundd acccorrdannce witth tthe aboove mullti-modde llaseer ooutpput powwer, too 5


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