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1、关于大学英文的自我介绍三篇 大学英文的自我介绍 篇 Hlo eeyone, mnamis e. his is ealy a gretono thae ths oppouni,and I beieve I can make go performac today.o I ilinrouce myslf briefly. am 2 yarsldborninGangdg povince, sth of China, an I am senio student t Guagdong*Uniersiy. My ajris nglis. Ad willeceie yacheor ere afer mygad

2、utio inJune Inthe past four years,I ent ot o my ime n study I assed CT4adCE6 wtha eas and acdaicheoretic and practcal knowledg o Laguge. Bides, Iha atedveralSpech competiion hld n Beiin, hch really showe ou proessioal aantag. Ihae taken a ur to someig factorie and compani, thughwc I t aeep unetandig

3、 ofEglishfor plicatio. mped to developdcounties,ufonately, atoug w have mad xtroinarrogresssice 98, ur packgigindstri sl nerdeeod, msy andunstle, nd the iaionf emloyesn the fied is wkwar But I hful cfdnce in its brightfutu fonly our econmy canbe keptat he grwh ce sti.Iges ou ay be iteested n h ose t

4、his job. Iwollke to tel youthat thisjbison f mylfen goals. If canrk er, wil or ar. Ast m hac, canot dsrb t wl,but I nwI a ptimstc and confident. Somimes I prefer ae,readin an lsteningto the msi, bt I am not lonely, or Ilieto cht wi my clssmat abotmt eveying.y avoite pame i t lay volyall, o playcards

5、 o tosuf onlie m lifeat uvrsit, I larn how o balanstudyd eertaiment By theay, I was actior azing dma cub. have aew goiousmories o stge Tht is my rde 大学英文的自我介绍 篇2 Good mornin/aernon: It eal y ono ohve this opportuni for aintriew. Iope I camae a good eromance tday.Myme ixx. I am 0 years od,or in a lte

6、 vilage n Southrhejia. paret re frmer,a I am te onlychi. hugh not welo-o,thfamily alwys e hpeful.My maor is enineri tchnologyIil graduaten Jl,202. have some hobbies lke listenn omuic,wmming,neca seeig wester move.In the passetw yars,I ve larned om pratialsil nd gained someajor cefcats. I pid more at

7、tention tolearnEgling,nd I ave ass CT4 i y effors I am lookn forard to becom a eme ofyur ompany . nou! 大学英文的自我介绍 篇3 od mrnig, very teaher. Its realy a reaono to hve ti opportuniyfo an itevew.An I hoeI an makea good efmanc today, evenuallyenroll in this retigiousuiversity in eptembr First, lt e intro

8、duce myself biefl My nam is ShiyGuo, hch isGouli in Chse. a 22years old,borni Zichan ou,Shaanxi Proine. I studin a Xian jatng nerity. mao ne-commrce wita or i aw. In ordertoimroemy Enlih nd sterfundaenaknowlegeof computeraplication, I v pass CET,th C+ language xamaininthe Ntna compte anaminion Levl

9、an the database exaiain the Ntinal computer Rank Examiatio Leelwitese. alys beliee thaone ill asl labehnd nless he keep onlearning. Th clarship I havewon durin theseyasculd ctificae ha Ir hrd Im very asy t g onwith, soIaveots offriend. And I am optimiti frtha I believn the ed hng willmen. Sometimes

10、Ipefer ting one, rading, wting mvies, litenng tmuc orsrfige Intern.Afor yIcosetegageinpostgaat stuy, there are evrareso a foow. Firstly, I thnk furher stuyis stlurnt fore to alize elfvalue. It eessyo size y chac for slfdevelopmet,eseially is comptive modern wrd Scondl, fesor LIqi s h to ie-cmeceel.

11、I am looking forw to followinghm t mae a mre foundtio fr fur rofeiater t etudy here. Thidly,nw theemplymen stuaton is eou.aybe thro pogaduae tuy, culd acheve a terpition.I wor,Im eagetoenrl inour hooltproceedfurther. 早上好,每一位老师。很荣幸能有这个机会接受采访。我希望我今天能有一个好的表现,最终在九月进入这所著名的大学。 首先,让我简单介绍一下自己。我的名字是雪莉,这是oxue

12、l中国。我今年2岁,出生在陕西省子长县。我在西安交大学习。我主修电子商务,法律专业。为了提高我的英语水平和掌握计算机应用的基本知识,我已经通过了英语六级,C+语言考试,全国计算机等级考试二级和一个轻松的在全国计算机等级考试三级数据库考试。我一直相信,一个人会很容易落后,除非他继续学习。这些年我获得的奖学金可以证明我努力工作。 我很容易相处,所以我有很多的朋友。我很乐观,我相信最终的事情会好转。有时我更喜欢独处,看书,看电影,听音乐或上网冲浪。 至于为什么我选择从事研究生学习,有以下几个原因。首先,我认为进一步的研究仍然是迫切的,我实现自我价值。有必要抓住任何自我发展的机会,尤其是在这个竞争激烈的.现代世界里。其次,教授理气是电子商务领域的顶部。我期待着跟着他在两年的学习之后,为未来的职业打下更坚实的基础。第三,现在的就业形势严重。也许通过研究生学习,我可以达到一个更好的位置。 一句话,我渴望进入我们的学校继续前进。第 1 页 共 1 页



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