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1、九年级(上)册练习册里的短语、词组Module One1. listen up 注意听2.write down 写下3.write a diary 写日记4.do some reviews 对做评论5.do an interview 做一个访问6.get good grades 取得好成绩7.get out of 从内出来8.on the edge of 在边缘9.at the bottom of 在底部10. look down 向下看11. look across 向对面看12. look to ones left/right 向某人的左右侧看13. the dance club 舞蹈俱乐

2、部14. a school magazine 一份校刊Module Two1. as far as 至于,就2.not any more 不再 3. think about 思考,认为4.sound like 听起来像5. go on 继续6. a bit 一点7. be influenced by 被影响8. be known as 作为而出名9.in fact 事实上10.run away 逃跑11.get lost 迷路12.ones own 某人自己13.be surprised/pleased to 感到吃惊高兴14. be afraid to 害怕15.be punished fo

3、r 因而受到惩罚16. bad behavior 坏行为17. everyday English 日常英语18. in the 19th century 在19世纪19. decide to do sth. 决定做什么20. be thought to be 被认为是 21. make sb./sth.+ adj. 使/导致.怎么样?22. be/have something(nothing)to do with. 和某人/某事有(无)关Module Three1. look tired 看起来很累 2. the School Basketball Competition 校篮球赛3. be

4、/play against 与比赛 4. stand for 代表5. be defeated 被打败6. a tough match 一场艰苦的比赛7. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事8. a sporting hero 一名体育英雄9. a symbol of 一个标志10. well known 闻名11. an overnight success 一夜成功12. set up 成立13. be compared with与相比较14. in the same year在同一年15. the Asian Games 亚运会16. find out 发现,找到17.

5、 first of all 首先18. now that 既然19. encourage sb. To do sth 鼓励某人做某事Module Four1. ask a favour 请求帮助2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事3. on the visit to 到参观4. take some photos 拍些照片5. from now on 从现在开始6. be replaced by 被.替代7. a couple of 几个 8. see to 负责,注意9. turn off 关闭10. on ones way to .在.路上11. the 19th c

6、entury 19世纪12. at a time 一次13. by hand 用手14. as a result 结果15. at the beginning of 在开始16. rather than 胜于17. in a way 从某种程度上讲18. compared with 与相比较19. in the future 在将来20. such as 例如21. so that 以至于Module Five1. above all 首先 2. look forward to 盼望3. go upstairs/downstairs 上、下楼4. pay attention to 注意5. f

7、or example 例如6. comparewith 与相比较7. as well 也8. on ones own 某人自己9. kind of 有点10. the Science Museum 科学博物馆11. talk about 谈论12. try out 尝试13. work out 解决14. learn about 学习15. fillwith用把装16. a kind of 一种17. push a button 按按钮18. drop in 顺便拜访Module Six1. in fact 事实上2. thousands of 成千上万3. throw away 扔掉4. s

8、ave energy 节约能源5. such as 例如,比如6. turn off 关闭7. think about 考虑8. help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事9. care about sth./doing sth.关心10. instead of 代替11. air conditioning 空调12. plastic bags塑料袋13. do harm to 对有害14.make a difference to 对有影响(很重要)15. asas possible 尽可能的16. change into把变成 17. find out 找出,查明18. take par

9、t in 参加19.make from由制造Module Seven1. look for 寻找2. would like to 想要做某事3. write a letter to 给写信4. have a look at 看一看5. in the center of 在中心6. the Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院7. a photo of 一张相片8. Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁9. on ones way back 在某人回来的路上10. take some photos 照相11. at the moment 此时12. be surprised

10、at 对感到吃惊13. at different times of the day 在一天中不同的时间14. be like=look like 像15. in many ways 在许多方面16. be similar to 与相似17. in the south of 在南部18. lots of = a lot of =many/much 许多19.be full of 充满,装满20. such as 例如,比如21. arrive at/in 到达22. have a bad temper 有坏脾气Module Eight.1. the same as 与一样2. by the wa

11、y 顺便问一下3. expect to do sth. 期待做某事4. pick sb. up 撘(载)某人5. try out 试试6. at first 首先,起初7. get great shots of 抓拍8. be pleased with对感到满意9. even though 即使,虽然10. give prize to把奖项给11. find out 找出,查明12. fifteen-year-old 15岁13. be far from远离14. know sth./sb. well 对熟悉15. Tiananmen Square 天安门广场16.manage to 设法17

12、. thanks to 幸亏18. talk about 谈论19. agree to do sth. 同意做某事Module Nine1. lots of 许多2. laughing matter 可笑的事3. have a word with sb. 与某人讲话4. in deep trouble 有大麻烦5. orange and white 橘色和白色相间的6. all over the world 全世界7. cartoon favourites 卡通爱好者8. Monkey King 美猴王9. Havoc in Haven 大闹天空10. a group of 一组11. a r

13、eporter with red hair 有着一头红发的记者12. be translated into 被译成13. more than 超过14. the whole series of 整个系列Module Ten1. train for 备战2. a bit 一点儿3. give up 放弃4. a lot of 大量的5. take exercise 做运6. do weight training 力量训练7. bump into 偶遇8. in the end 最后9. talk about sth. 谈论某事10. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事11.

14、 not any more 不再12. pocket money 零用钱13.stay healthy 保持健康14. be bad for 对有坏处15. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事16. persuade sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事17. ban from禁止18. put on 增重ModuleEleven1. along with连同,与一起2. 20 percent of20%的3. come up 举办4. the others 其他5. the other problems 其他问题6. be worried about 担心7. in th

15、e center of 在中心8. on the edge of 在边缘9. in distance 在远处10. no room for没有空间11. close down 关闭12. add to增加13. protect from保护免受14. thanks to多亏ModuleTwelve1. a bit 一点儿2. the whole class 全班3. at the beginning of 在开始4. as well as也,还5. take part in 参加6. create friendship with 交朋友 7. take place 发生 8. place of interest 风景名胜9. fill in 填表10. pay for 付钱买11. be pleased to do sth. 很高兴做2



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