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1、高中英语阅读七选五专项练习题根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 DearSth,Yureoly the yer ol,nd tis pont in your lfe yo cat read,mu lesundestn at I goingto try te ountiseter. Bte een thinking lot aot te lf ht ou hav aedofyou, aotmylfe s far s I rfet on what Ivelarn, and abut rl as a da tyg o prpareyoufr theti

2、als thatyou wil ace i thcming ear. Asithmy dvice, take it wit grai o alt. Wat woks for m mitnot wrk oryou Btsmdy wen yoreready, I hope yuwi nd ome womnd aleinhat I shrewith ou【小题1】_You re youg, adlf ha eto ae its oll on ou, to thrw dsapointent n hertaches and loneline and tgls and pan in or pat Yuha

3、venot bee worndownyey lngs hours f takle wok, by th singsand arows of vrydy li Fo ths, be hankfulYare at a wonderf stge of i You have many wnderul stages ofi till come evn if ey ae nowitut tios and geat angers.【小题】_There will e peoplein our lie w on b vey nice ecus youre different, orfor no good res

4、n. Theres nt much o can d excet t earn t deal withtem, d earn to hoos frids wh ae kid you, actualy care about yu,an ake youfeel good about yourelf here wl be times whnyo rm with diappontmntaterhan succes. Lie won always tunout wayou wnt tinsted ofetting tes thgetyou don, hon. Lea turn egtis ino posi

5、tie. Youll also fac ertreak nd andonenty those yolv hope you dontave face thi too h, but i hpns. Lethese pin beoe steppigstones o btte hing inlif dlear to us thm t akey stronger.【小题3】_Ye, yoll find ffingi our joureyhrouh life, bu otlt that cose yu to newthigs r wall yourself f. e ope o nwthigs,prien

6、 anpeople. Yo migtetyour htbrokentn timesbfnd the oswonfu won h 11 time You might gt eased nd ut by people you meetIyou coseyslf ff to ne opl, ho ill be ther dring the tghesttims of yourlfe d creaese o te bes tim f ur life You il ailmany imesu i o allo tht to sp ou rom trying, you will i ut on the a

7、mazingfeelin of sucsonc youeach new heihtsit yurccmplshments【小题4】_You wilmetmnyeolewowilltyoouyou n shool,in coleg, at wkTheyll t to hv iceras, iggehouses, ncer clothe,coler gadts ohm, lie s a copeitote have to o beter th hirperstoehayes a eret: ife isnaopttonIs a journey.If yo spen thaturny alwy ry

8、ing t imprss othe, t uto oters, yure wastingt Inead, learn to njy te jouny. Mae itjourn of hpiness,of constantlarning, ocontinualipvemnt, of ve Fyopasio, and puueit doggedl.Lif oo shot to sette fo a ob hat pays he blls【小题】_ thres single ord ou suld livyrlfe b, it houl ehi:Lve t, Iknow, mghtsound orn

9、y,but trust m, thereno et rl n life. Som wld liv by herule f ucess Theiveswill be stsfl, unpy andshalo. er uld live by thl of sfihe They will e lonly and unhappy lies Lve your e by thele f loveLov ur souse, children, prens, iends, with alor heat. Loe no onl ur love os, utyur eighour,coworkers,strang

10、ers, evn yor nm. Aost of al, love youself.Whil thersciicizeou,larn tobs haorsel,thinkthat yore lyor dub or unworthy o love. Instead,earnto lyorselfor whoyou areFnally, kow tat I veyound lyswll. Yo re sarting t on a erd, scary, auntig, but ultimately inediby derful journAd wll bthre foryo whenIcanLov

11、e, YuadA. fe ist a mttion.B. Figt r abetter life with determnatn.CLveshl eyou rul.D.Begrateul andfeel hopefl aout ifeE.ifecanecult timesFBe p lfe anyway.答案: C2Evenif o hik that your parns are meansiried at times, vingyor paens i a normal an fulilling pa oflife You lov hemthefat at tey rtdyou,aid yu,ad are i arta sureof who you are.er arom y to ove your arents._【小题1】_ Agetl “good orning” ad “I love you” wil warm a ldestheart.Remeber that te brouht you into isord. itou your pants,ymight tll r ta unknon corrin an unknown wrld.Rset hemmre and heisthese moment.You c



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