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1、Prici ng strategies, market ing mix in a very critical comp onent. Price is usually an importa nt factor affecti ng the success of tran sact ions, while the marketi ng mix is the most difficult to determ ine the factors. Enterprise pricing goal is to boost sales, profits. This requires that enterpri

2、ses should con sider the costs of compe nsati on, but also con sider the prices of con sumer accepta nee, so that pric ing decisi ons with a two-way characteristics of buyers and sellers .In additi on, the price is the most flexible market ing mix eleme nts, it can make a sen sitive reflecti on of t

3、he market.定价策略,市场营销组合中一个十分关键的组成部分。价格通常是影响交易成败的重要因素,同时又是市场营销组合中最难以确定的因素。企业定价的目标是促进销售,获取利润。这要求企业既要考虑成本的补偿,又要考虑消费者对价格的接受能力,从而使定价策略具有买卖双方双向决策的特征。此外,价格还是市场营销组合中最灵活的因素,它可以对市场作出灵敏的反映。First, the factors that affect prici ng一、影响企业定价的因素A: in ternal factors (1) bus in ess market ing goals (2) corporate market

4、ing mix (3) The cost of the product B: exter nal factors (1) market structure (2) the market price elasticity of dema nd (3) competiti on (4) n ati onal policy (5) other exter nal environmen tal factorsA :内部因素(1) 企业的营销目标(2) 企业的营销组合(3) 产品成本B :外部因素(1) 市场结构(2) 市场需求的价格弹性(3) 市场竞争(4) 国家政策(5) 其他外部环境因素Secon

5、d, cost-oriented pricing method 1, the total cost pricing: cost-plus, target profit of 2, the marginal cost pric ing二、成本导向定价法1、总成本定价法:成本加成,目标利润2、边际成本定价法Third, dema nd-orie nted pric ing 1 2 price elasticity of dema nd, supply and dema nd 3, accurately grasp customer psychology三、需求导向定价法1、需求价格弹性2、供求关系

6、3、准确把握顾客心理Fourth, competition-oriented pricing one, follow the market pricing 2 pricing 3 sealed bids, competitive prici ng in itiative四、竞争导向定价法1、随行就市定价法2、密封投标定价法3、主动竞争定价法5, value-orie nted pric ing of products based on customer perceived value to the compa ny set prices.五、价值导向定价法根据客户对公司产品的价值认知确定价格。

7、6, new product prici ng strategies (1) skim ming pric ing strategy for the so-called skim ming prici ng refers to the in itial stages of product life cycle, the product prices very high, in order to maximize profit. Skim ming prici ng con diti ons: (1) market has eno ugh buyers, the dema nd for thei

8、r lack of flexibility, even if the prices are very high, the market dema nd will not sig ni fica ntly reduced. (2) en able high prices reduced dema nd, but will not offset the ben efits of high prices. (3) high prices, still exclusive, no other competitors. Gives rise to the product at high prices i

9、s the impressi on of high-e nd products. (B) pen etrati on prici ng strategy is the so-called pen etrati on prici ng refers to its inno vative products, set at a relatively low price to attract a large nu mber of customers, in crease market share. Pen etrati on prici ng con diti ons: (1) market dema

10、 nd is extremely price sen sitive, low-cost rapid growth will stimulate dema nd. (2) producti on costs and operat ing costs will be with the producti on and man ageme nt experie nee in creases. (3) low price does not rise to actual and pote ntial competiti on. (C) satisfact ion with satisfact ion pr

11、ici ng strategy prici ng strategy is a cross betwee n skim ming pric ing strategy and prici ng policies betwee n pen etrati on prici ng strategy. They set the price lower than the price skimming, but the price is higher than the penetration, is a middle price. This pric ing strategy can make produce

12、rs and customers are as pleased with its n ame. Sometimes it is called ge ntleme ns price or moderate prices.六、新产品定价策略(一) 撇脂定价策略所谓撇脂定价是指在产品生命周期的最初阶段,把产品的价格定得很高,以攫取最大利润。撇脂定价的条件:(1) 市场有足够的购买者,他们的需求缺乏弹性,即使把价格定得很高,市场需求也不会大量减少。(2) 高价使需求减少,但不致抵消高价所带来的利益。(3) 在高价情况下,仍然独家经营,别无竞争者。高价使人们产生这种产品是高档产品的印象。(二) 渗透定价

13、策略所谓渗透定价是指企业把其创新产品的价格定得相对较低,以吸引大量顾客,提高市场占有率。渗透定价的条件:(1) 市场需求对价格极为敏感,低价会刺激市场需求迅速增长。(2) 企业的生产成本和经营费用会随着生产经营经验的增加而下降。(3) 低价不会引起实际和潜在的竞争。(三) 满意定价策略满意定价策略是一种介于撇脂定价策略和渗透定价策略之间的价格策略。其所定的价格比撇脂价格低,而比渗透价格要高,是一种中间价格。这种定价策略由于能使生产者和顾客 都比较满意而得名。有时它又被称为君子价格”或温和价格”。7, product mix prici ng strategies 1 and 2 product

14、 ion prici ng categories, opti onal product pric ing three, must-pric ing 4, 5 additi onal product prici ng, product bun dli ng pric ing七、产品组合定价策略1、生产大类的定价2、可选产品定价3、必选产品定价4、附加产品定价5、产品捆绑定价8, the price adjustme nt strategy1, price disco unts and subsidies2, tiered prici ng3 psychological prici ng4, pr

15、omoti onal prici ng5, regi onal prici ng6, Intern ati onal Pricing八、价格调整策略1、折扣和补贴定价2、分层定价3、心理定价4、促销定价5、地区定价6、国际定价9, irritat ing prici ng strategies 1,2, aucti on prici ng and bulk purchase prici ng 4, 5 rush prici ng, and products lin ked to the con ti nued growth in future profits retur n prici ng 6, member prici ng points九、刺激性定价策略1、拍卖式定价2、团购式定价4、抢购式定价5、与产品未来利润增长挂钩的持续回报式定价6、会员积分式定价



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