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1、 新概念英语第二册词汇随身听第77-78课mummy木乃伊 The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. 死于公元前800年的一位埃及妇女 has just had just had an operation. 的木乃伊刚刚承受了一次手术。 Many mummies have been found in the Silk Road. 在丝绸之路发觉了很多木乃伊。 Scientists believe that mummies can reveal some medical secrets. 科学家们信任木乃伊能提醒一些医学神秘。 Egy

2、ptian 埃乃的 The pyramid reporesents the suprem achievement of the Egyptian archtecture. 金字塔代表着埃及建筑的成就。 Egyptian articles are very popular among the tourists. 埃及的小物品很受游客的喜爱。 temple 庙 The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once singer in the Temple of Thebes. 这是曾在第比斯大林神殿里当过歌手的赛潘姆特的木乃伊。 Temples have an a

3、ir of sanctity. 寺庙有一种神圣的气氛。 He has visited many foreign temples. 他参观过很多外国的寺庙。 mark 斑点 As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates of the mummy, 由于在给这个木乃伊拍摄的X光片上有惊奇的斑点, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. 所以,医生们始终试图搞清这位妇女是否死于一种罕见的疾病。 Her exercise-book is

4、 stained with ink marks. 她的练习本上沾了墨迹。 plate 相片 They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show: 他们还发觉了X光片所没有显示的东西, a small wax figure of the god Duamutef. 一个蜡制的杜瓦木特神小雕像。 The doctor is examining his X-ray plate. 医生正在检查他的X光片。 There is a fracture on the X-ray plate of his foot. 他脚部的X光片上有一个

5、裂缝。 disease 疾病 He got an incurable disease. 他得了不治之症。 Skin diseases are hard to treat. 皮肤病很难治。 last 持续 The operation,which lasted for over four hours, 手术持续了4个多小时, proved to be very difficult because of the hard resin which covered the skin. 特别难做,由于皮肤上掩盖着一层硬硬的树脂。 His speech lasted two hours,and the au

6、dience got bored. 他的讲话持续了两个小时,听众都厌烦透了。 Supplies can only last four days. 供应只能维持4天。 prove 显示出 The plan proves infeasible. 那个打算不行行。 He proved himself a competent manager. 他努力证明自己是个力量强的经理。 resin 树脂 The insect in the resin seems alive. 树脂里的昆虫看起来象活的。 It was difficult for doctors to strip the resin of the

7、 mummy. 医生很难将树脂从木乃伊身上剥下来。 skin 皮肤 She got so sunburnt that her skin peeled. 她晒得太厉害,皮肤都晒得脱皮了。 He got a skin cancer. 他得了皮肤癌。 section 切片 The doctors removed a section of the mummy and sent it to a laboratory. 医生们从木乃伊身上取下一个切片,送去化验。 Doctors found cancer cell in the section. 医生在切片上发觉了癌细胞。 This is the sect

8、ion of the brain stem of Einstein. 这是爱因斯坦脑干的切片。 figure 体形 They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show: 他们还发觉了X光片所没有显示的东西: a small wax figure of the god Duamutef. 一个蜡制的杜瓦木特神小雕像。 A half-length figure stood on the desk. 桌上立着一个半身像。 He saw a dim figure moving towards him. 他模糊观察一个人影响他跟前移

9、动。 normally 通常地 This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside a mummy. 这种牛头人身的神像通常被放在木乃伊体内。 He normally stays up late. 他通常都熬夜。 Normally speaking,this is not accepted in western countries. 一般来说,这在西方国家是不被承受的。 survive 幸免于 The mummy successfully survived the operation. 这具木乃伊胜利地经受了这次手术。

10、 No one survived the plane crash. 飞机失事中没有人幸存下来。 A baby survived the car collision. 两车相撞,一个婴儿活了下来。 Lesson 78 Lesson 78 entitle 以.命名 After reading an article entitled”Cigarette Smoking and Your Health” 读完一篇题为吸烟与安康的文章之后, I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. 我点上支香烟,来镇静一下自己紧急的神经。 The article entitled”Sho

11、uld Smoking be Banned in the Public Places” 这篇题为“是否应在公共场合制止吸烟?” attractedd many people”s attention. 的文章引起了很多人的留意。 The author entitled his new play Watch it Come down. 把他的新剧本命名为守着它下来。 calm 使镇静 The docotor calmed the patient”s anxiety. 医生平静了病人的焦虑心情。 She knows how to calm the children”s fears. 她知道如何平静孩

12、子的恐惊。 nerve 神经 His nerve broke down . 他的神经崩溃了。 He lost the function of his auditory nerve. 他的听觉神经丢失了功能。 concentration 集中 I smoked with concentration and pleasure 我聚精会神又开心地吸着这支香烟, as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. 由于我确信这是我最终一支烟了。 Children usually have a short span of concentration.

13、通常孩子们留意力集中的时间很短。 You need to enhance your concentration. 你要提高留意力。 suffer 受苦 For a whole week I did not smoke at all 整整一个星期我根本没有吸烟。 and during this time,my wife suffered terribly. 在此期间,我妻子吃尽了苦头。 He suffered from a stomachache. 他忍受胃疼的苦痛。 He suffered a lot in the old society. 他在旧社会受了很多苦。 symptom 病症 I h

14、ad all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: 我具备了戒烟者通常表现出来的全部病症: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. 脾气暴燥和食欲旺盛。 His clinical symptoms are quite strange. 他的临床病症很惊奇。 The ptient described his symptoms to the doctor. 病人向医生描述他的病症。 temper 脾气 The boss lost his temper with his emloyees. 老板对他的雇员发脾气。 He is of a short temper. 他脾气急燥。 appetite 胃口 These delicious dishes sharpened my appetite. 这些可口的菜激起了我的食欲。



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