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1、编号: 本科毕业论文(设计)题目:威尼斯商人中夏洛克的人物性格分析 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语教育 学 号 201140210909 姓名 李美华 指导教师 高福猛 职称 讲师 完成日期 2015年4月20日 An Analysis of Shylocks Character inThe Merchant of VeniceA Thesis Submittedto School of Foreign Languages of Fuyang Normal University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree

2、of Bachelor of ArtsByLi MeihuaSupervisor:Gao FumengApril 20, 2015诚 信 承 诺我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文中夏洛克的性格分析均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。 承诺人(签名): 年 月 摘 要威尼斯商人中的夏洛克作为一个负面人物,与作品中其他人物形象形成鲜明的对比。他通常被视为一个自私贪婪的商人。但随着时代的发展,人们对夏洛克的看法逐渐产生了分歧。本文试从以下几个部分分析夏洛克的双重人物形象:第一部分主要讲述他性格的两大极端:一方面,他是一个残忍的恶棍,一个贪婪

3、的守财奴,一个令人鄙视的小丑;同时,他又是一个经营有道的商人,尽职尽责的父亲及一位犹太民族正义的代表。第二部分主要从宗教经济和政治三方面分析夏洛克这个可怜人物的双重性格的形成原因。第三部分主要揭露了夏洛克双重性格背后的民族歧视宗教迫害及社会地位的差异等社会现象。本文深刻分析了夏洛克复杂多变的人物性格,有助于人们意识到人人生而平等,每个人都赋予不可剥夺的生存权力,从而为建立和谐社会,和谐世界而努力。关键词:双重性格;原因;犹太民族;正义代表AbstractShylock, a negative character, serves as a contrast to the protagonists

4、 in The Merchant of Venice, who has always been regarded as a vicious, selfish, avaricious merchant. However, with the development of time, people begin to hold different opinions on him. This paper tries to analyze Shylocks dual character from the following parts: The first part discusses the two e

5、xtremes of his character: On the one hand, he is a brutal scoundrel, an avaricious miser and a contemptible clown. On the other hand, he is also a successful merchant, a responsible father and a brave warrior; the second part analyzes the reasons of this poor character, Shylocks dual character from

6、religious, economic, and political perspectives; the third part discloses some social phenomena behind Shylocks dual character, such as racial discrimination, religious persecution, different social status and so on. Through the analysis of Shylocks complex and changeable character, this paper is co

7、nducive to making people realize that all are born equal and everyone has the inalienable right to exist so that we can make every effort to build a harmonious society and world.Key words: dual characters; causes; Jewish race; a righteous representativeTable of Contents诚信承诺书I摘要IIAbstractIIITable of

8、ContentsIVI. Introduction1II. Shylocks Dual Characters32.1 The Vicious Aspects of Shylock42.1.1 Shylock as a Mean, Cruel Moneylender42.1.2 Shylock as a Cruel and Atrocious Avenger52.2. The Good Aspects of Shylock52.2.1 Shylock as an Intelligent and Diligent Merchant52.2.2 Shylock as a Good Father an

9、d Husband62.2.3 Shylock as a Righteous Representative of Jewish Race7III. Causes of His Complex Character83.1 Religious Factors83.2 Economic Factors93.3 Political Factors10IV.Realistic Significance of Shylocks Character104.1 Eliminating National Prejudice104.2 Building a Harmonious Society11V. Concl

10、usion12References13I. IntroductionThe Merchant of Venice, one of the famous comedy of Shakespeare, was written in about 1596-1597 years, when Shakespeare changed his writing style from comedy to tragedy. It is the time that the country was ruled by the queen Elizabeth, especially in 1588, when the B

11、ritish defeated the Spanish, the Britain came into its flourished time when the trade of merchant usurer developed so quickly. Besides, at that time, there were so many social problems, especially the racial discrimination. Jewish race was thought the lowest races in the world. And Jewish people suf

12、fered a lot of insults and lived a very hard life. They did not have official jobs and several of them succeeded in becoming moneylender. Aristocrats had adjusted to living a lavished life, so they became the victims of the moneylenders, just like Antonio. So is the same with the dispute between the

13、 capital class and those Jewish usurers. In this play, we know Shylock is a mean, cruel and inhuman usurers, who puts money in the first place. And the contradiction between Antonio and Shylock is the same with the racial problems. For a long time, people seem to fail to take good aspects of Shylock

14、 into account, and regard him as a vicious villain. So this paper just wants to discuss Shylocks characters in an all-inclusive way.The Merchant of Venice, a masterpiece of William Shakespeare, plays an important role in English literature. And, shylock in this play, a distinctive and controversial

15、character, has been always on the mouth of people. In most peoples eyes,he is always a brutal scoundrel, a greed miser, and acontemptible clown. But with time goes by, some people are beginning to talk about Shylocks character in a more complex perspective. So this paper tries to share the authors opinion with othe



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